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Director of Cybersecurity @EFF / Co-founder of @stopstalkerware/ These posts are my own, not my employers’ / I did a TED talk once
The worst part about taking up a new aerial apparatus is that you need to get a whole new set of callouses. I look forward to a time when straps stops ripping up my wrists.
I don't think Follow Friday is a thing here, but if you're on the dystopia beat, @hypervisible.bsky.social consistently finds horrors such as this one.
“The automated ammunition dispenser uses artificial intelligence technology to verify a buyer’s identification and age through card scanning and facial recognition software.” 💀
Vending machines selling bullets at grocery storeswww.cleveland.com American Rounds offers vending machines, powered by artificial intelligence, that are selling ammo for guns at grocery stores in Alabama and Oklahoma.
HR has my diet preferences listed as "conventional" and honestly, I'm a little offended.
How do people on the BlueSkies feel about being quote-skeeted? Maybe half of my posts are quotes, usually because I agree with the poster and I have something to add, but a lot of people quote-skeet primarily for dunking or a quote from a big account brings assholes to their mentions...
I'm quoting this whole thread, but I mostly want to highlight David's point about how Alito (and, honestly, so many other people) doesn't see sex censorship as censorship.
Some thoughts on Alito's concurrence in the Netchoice cases in which he disagrees with the 5+ other justices who wrote that social media platforms have 1st Amendment rights to curate user speech (& he also disagrees with ME). His opinion is poorly reasoned and ahistorical. But 2 special points:
Well, I guess I know what I'm reading today.
We recently release over 160Gb of data from mSpy, a spyware vendor with millions of customers. This release includes subpoenas and documents from law enforcement agencies. Please seed the torrent. ddosecrets.substack.com/p/release-ms...
Release: mSpy (180 GB)ddosecrets.substack.com The third major data leak from top-selling spyware mSpy in a decade includes more than 5 million helpdesk support tickets from parent company Brainstack.
Working on projects that help to protect human rights even when the law does not is my personal equivalent of touching grass right now.
Reposted byAvatar evacide
if you're wondering what to do in this moment, find an *existing* project and ask how to support it. there's not enough time to launch a bunch of new projects that hit the same early-stage stumbling blocks... (disregard and carry on if you already know what to do, i'm sure you're doing it)
damn sure glad i'm lining up aid warehouses the US right now, who could have predicted that we won't have a legitimate or functioning government in 6 months and need to replace core government services with community-led mutual aid, what a wild coincidence anyways google "dual power"
Honestly, this week makes me extremely grateful that impact litigation, legislation, and regulation are not the only tools I have in my activism toolbox, because these are not great times for the rule of law.
Today I was reminded that that one particular rapist who keeps trying to return to the hacker community convinced some documentarians to make a whole movie about how he is really innocent and no one watched it or cared, which I think is absolutely the fate this guy deserves.
Reposted byAvatar evacide
WikiLeaks has two legacies: transparency sites that work with journalists and the public, and a wave of geopolitical influence operations that launder stolen documents. My WashPost story is free for nonsubscribers who cough up an email address. wapo.st/4bjRvHF #wikileaks #assange #ddosecrets
WikiLeaks launched an era of hacking, leaking and influence operationswapo.st Born at least in part of idealism, WikiLeaks’ aid to a Russian influence operation succeeded so well that it ushered in a golden era of hacking and leaking.
Not gonna lie, this is the chaos I wish to see in the world.
incredible idea: redirecting ai scraping bots to a 10gb file used for speed tests melkat.blog/p/unsafe-pri...
melkat.blog - Unsafe Pricing at Any Scalemelkat.blog I'm exiting the
Reposted byAvatar evacide
You can get covid outside though (ask me how I know). And crowds are especially great at spreading it. So banning masks at protests is effectively asking people to choose between engaging in protected speech or getting covid.
I'm fine with talking about the espionage case against Julian Assange and I'm glad it's come to an end just as long as I never again have to talk about Julian Assange, the person.
All that I want is for this one half-assed threat actor to stop sending me phishing links and send me some proper goddamn malware.
It's Sunday evening and I'm reviewing domestic abuse cases, like a cool and normal person with good boundaries and work/life balance.
I have known many CTOs that did not need to replaced by AI because they could have been replaced much more easily with a very short shell script.
In an interview, OpenAI CTO Mira Murati says "some creative jobs maybe will go away" due to AI, "but maybe they shouldn't have been there in the first place" (Kate Irwin/PCMag) Main Link | Techmeme Permalink
Louder, for the people in the back.
Reminder: whatever you think of teenagers' use of social media (and the reality is a lot different than most people believe), it is impossible for a site to treat teenagers differently than adults without deanonymizing and identifying every single visitor to the site, including adults
Sometimes I will say something out loud and I will be reminded that not everyone is constantly assembling a heist team in their heads and pursuing new skills because they may be useful in a heist.
"There are 948 words in this document. They can't ALL be wrong." Things I say while editing.
I have been tremendously lucky in my career, but I have absolutely seen men get paid more for the same or less work with the same or fewer qualifications and I have seen men praised as geniuses for behavior that gets me called a bitch.
"The longer a woman works at Apple, the larger the gap in compensation she receives compared to similarly situated men," the proposed class action alleged. arstechnica.com/tech-policy/...
Apple punishes women for same behaviors that get men promoted, lawsuit saysarstechnica.com Apple could owe thousands in back pay to 12,000 female employees.