
This is a marvelously succinct articulation of the stakes of the 2024 election. It's by and it was how he summed up the implications of the most recent SCOTUS decisions. The theater criticism about which candidate performed better on Thursday obscures these massive stakes.
Here's a link to the full conversation. It's depressing as hell, but still very much worth your time. What the right wing SCOTUS has been up to over the past few years is the latest iteration of a very long, anti-New-Deal-State project that's been at work since the 1930s.
The Supreme Court Just Released A Revolutionary Opinion. Will Anybody Notice? The Supreme Court is here to remind you that elections matter.
The biggest obstacle that stands in the way of this project to dismantle the administrative state is that when you actually ask citizens what they think about individual features of it, they usually like them and think they makes sense. Hence the need for so much blanket, anti-gov't propaganda.
If anyone thinks SCOTUS will save us from the ramifications of Project 2025 (if any Republican is in the WH), they are sadly mistaken! Not this group of egotistical, self serving, hypocrites!
Nothing scares me more right now than the current Supreme Court. We need to expand the court. As radical as that seems, it is nowhere near as radical as what the conservatives on the court are doing.
Wonder if we’ll see some business backlash against this, actually. The uncertainty #SCOTUS unleashing will hurt investment, courts will not be able to handle the questions thrown at the them, both for lack of expertise and the sheer volume of cases…
Good point. I've been wondering about that too. A lack of clarity around what the rules are or how they might change makes it hard on the businesses being regulated. That said, if the entire regulatory system just gets blown up or sabotaged, then...
I think business leaders realize there's every prospect of destroying any remainder of democracy and thus any potential to regulate their activities, and what they care most about is pillaging and looting over the very short term. To the extent there is a future, it's on its own.
I think that many local large corporations behave in a way that shows they know this is destabilizing and would be bad for the economy and them. But they also tend to support more narrowly focused individual deregulations. But the enthusiastic support comes from fantastically wealthy individuals
Who are severely overconfident in their own abilities and think they will be unscathed even as the entire apparatus is torn away. This last group is the loud or quit mega-donor types. But this is just sort of the impression I get without real data
#SCOTUS are like dog that caught the car on reproductive rights, voters have rejected Dobbs every state ballot since. They and Koch Bros. may also have overplayed their hand undoing Chevron too. (They are forgetting lesson of Marx’s “18th Brumaire”)
Respectfully, I don't think anything obscures ROE. Women don't talk; they do.
It’s not so much a fear of whether Biden can serve as president so much as can he be an effective candidate against Trump. Then again, the punditocracy freakout is probably exactly what’s outlined there, because they’re not sending us their best.
The stakes are high, which means the only thing that matters is to select the candidate with the best chance of beating Trump. That requires Biden to step aside now, and not attempt to determine his replacement. Either Harris or Whitmer has some chance, Biden near-zero,
I agree with your first sentence. I genuinely do not know what to think about the rest of it, and I'm not sure anyone has enough information or foresight to know what the best course of action is. Either way it's a gamble, but I don't think Biden's chances are zero.