Josh D. Stranding πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ

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Josh D. Stranding πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ

Systems Administrator

The Will of D

Translator's Note: D means Praxis

Based on the works of Eiichiro Oda

Minors DNI πŸ”ž
To recap: the couch is fake, the dolphin is real, the tentacle porn is Kurt Eichenwald.
Trump: "Kamala was a bum three weeks ago. She was a bum." He then said: "We're gonna talk about a beautiful thing tonight. RELIGION." Got a huge pop. I guess he's the religion candidate.
Watching Deadpool and Wolverine with my brother tomorrow. Hopefully I can avoid spoilers until then
Fox & Friends (Series, 1998 - )
it's so sad that luigi died of ligma
I don't think a serious labeler should be done as a solo operation. There's going to be bias. I only expect a solo run labeler to be fun and goofy
People Magazine is single handedly destroying the right wing's hold on mainstream media lol
Thiel: Hey JD I know a thing or two about being a pariah solely on your sexual orientation. After all, I am a homosexual. Vance: People are not ready for the first furnituresexual in the White House. At least they're cool with gays now. *Thiel smacks Vance* Thiel: THEY HATE ME BECAUSE IM GAY
Trump got played like a fiddle lol.
Trump says he won't debate Kamala Harris because Obama hasn't endorsed her. There is a lot going on in this word collection.
Hide your recliners, hide your loveseats, hide your ottomans too, cuz he's fucking all the furniture out there
Remember, everyone: we're not locked in here with JD Vance, he's locked in here with us
The Appalachian community wants nothing to do with a couch fucker
β€œlove makes a family” to my queer heart: yes! absolutely! we choose our people, we’re so lucky to find them throughout our lives!! β€œlove makes a family” to my adoptee heart: fuck you, my family is my family, the people who adopted me are the people who adopted me
Hide your recliners, hide your loveseats, hide your ottomans too, cuz he's fucking all the furniture out there
Remember, everyone: we're not locked in here with JD Vance, he's locked in here with us
This is the future that Republicans are terrified of.
LOS ANGELES (AP) β€” Video game actors vote to strike over artificial intelligence concerns in latest entertainment industry work stoppage.
No, JD Vance Did Not Get Stopped at Airport Security with a Backpack Filled with Headless Nude Barbie Dolls
[meanwhile] L Ron Hubbard: step right up, step right up, get yourself some of honest ron's famous big gamete spaghetti Poe: Poe: i don't even want to know what this grift is supposed to be
[mysterious circle of robed figures] JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: what newssss? Rowling: allisssson how goess the lawsssuit againssst ssstonewall? Allison Bailey: GREAT NEWS! Bailey: if losing were winning, then we just totally won! Rowling:
"I definitely did not fuck Couch-chan" -JD Vance "I definitely did not fuck Table-kun" - Nina Einstein
i'm so fucking hard right now it's like i'm not on HRT
🌚 What the heck is "#DarkOxygen" everyone keeps talking about? In the total darkness of the depths of the Pacific Ocean, scientists have discovered oxygen being produced not by living organisms but by strange potato-shaped metallic lumps that give off almost as much electricity as AA batteries.
Scientists may have discovered 'dark oxygen' being created without It has long been understood that photosynthesis creates oxygen, but researchers believe they've found oxygen being created in parts of the ocean with no light.
Thiel: Hey JD I know a thing or two about being a pariah solely on your sexual orientation. After all, I am a homosexual. Vance: People are not ready for the first furnituresexual in the White House. At least they're cool with gays now. *Thiel smacks Vance* Thiel: THEY HATE ME BECAUSE IM GAY