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just another jaded twitter user

Reposted byAvatar violue
The cops are defunding us.
i think it should be a bigger story that NYC’s public libraries are now being forced to close on Sundays due to budget cuts while the NYPD spends 95% of the Library system’s total budget to get new encrypted radios that prevent people from knowing when the cops kill people
The NYPD is spending $390 million on a new, encrypted radio The public and news reporters will no longer be able to listen in.
Reposted byAvatar violue
Happy Circulatory System Wandering Through the Kitchen Day to all who celebrate!
i like when there are numbers on the screen and they do a thing
i sometimes wonder if i would be happier if i had money and then i remember last year i had thousands of dollars in dead dead cash and i was still unhappy lol
Reposted byAvatar violue
Watching people on tv talk about how losing a girlfriend and losing a job are stressors that can play a part in motivating a mass shooter and nobody’s talking about the fact that women lose jobs and relationships too and it literally almost never ends in mass murder.
Matthew Perry has died. 54 years. Young. It's YOUNG.
Avatar skreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
“i know your wife was cut in half in a freak fly fishing accident but i think this gif of a sad looking frog is going to help” <— all us internet people
this is what its like consoling your internet friends
Reposted byAvatar violue
this is what its like consoling your internet friends
Reposted byAvatar violue
Ohio folks, early voting is in full swing. Make sure to vote Yes on both Issue 1 (making abortion a constitutional right) and Issue 2 (legalizing cannabis). We have the majority on these issues, we just have to get out and show it.
i feel mildly disgusted every time i open the blue sky app and see that generic af sky photo
Reposted byAvatar violue
Seeing an animal walking out of the forest on its hind legs: in England: "Good heavens, it seems that Mister Badger is having a stroll. Shall we invite him in for tea?" in America: "Close the window. Draw the shades. When it calls your name, DO NOT listen. It isn't her. She's gone. It isn't her."
Reposted byAvatar violue
Black Holes vs Regular Holes
Reposted byAvatar violue
We are the sons of the monsters you couldn’t mash
Reposted byAvatar violue
"Let me into your financial information, just a little bit, come on, it'll be fine" Spoiler: It will not be fine
"X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, will reportedly begin charging new users $1 a year to access key features including the ability to tweet, reply, quote, repost, like, bookmark, and create lists"
X will begin charging new users $1 a X owner Elon Musk has long floated the idea of charging users $1 for the platform. Now, the team is moving the idea into production.
Reposted byAvatar violue
If you give Elon musk your credit card information in October 2023 it should ding your credit score
viz media is still here????
Viz Media is hiring an Editor. Full time, hybrid in San Francisco, $70k-75k, Japanese a plus. 2 positions available! #comicjobs #comicsjobs
VIZ | The world’s most popular anime, manga and more!
Reposted byAvatar violue
do we think Sasquatch's hog is hairy all the way to the tip or more like a human one?
Reposted byAvatar violue
sometimes i delete a post because i've grown as a person in those 45 seconds
Reposted byAvatar violue
he could force me to respect him by actually doing good and useful things for humanity but alas
one thing elon musk and his ilk will always attempt and never understand is that you can’t force someone to respect and like you. they’ll burn the world trying, but will continue to fail.
belabored sigh as i remember i have to floss my teeth before i go to sleep
i got threads to keep in touch with one specific friend that has shown no interest in maintaining a friendship over the last few years. this must be what it’s like to be friends with me.
Reposted byAvatar violue
The EU has just sent formal letter to Elon Musk over "indications" that Twitter/X is “being used to disseminate illegal content and disinformation in the EU" in the wake of Hamas’ attacks on Israel. #EUsky
Reposted byAvatar violue
I *love* that it’s one meme at a time on this site. It reminds me of 2007 when you could enjoy How is Babby Formed for six months before someone invented the next thing, a picture of a cat with words on it
Whenever I log into this site, I just see the same picture of that basketball hoop in a pumpkin patch, and, honestly, that's a great concept for a social media site. Just a quiet, reliable place to see that picture of a basketball hoop in a pumpkin patch.
just typed "yous" instead of use :[
it's been a few months but i'm going to try bacopa again, see if there's any result
i don’t have a person anymore a non mom person i used to