
The good news is if you bully it long enough you can *sort of* get it to turn itself off.
I'm afraid there's a good chance this is just another hallucination, the LLM is showing you a plausible looking continuation of the text
I think you're sort of right. After I did this the search bar went back to behaving as normal, but I know the AI is still turned on and 'training' itself off me.
Time to spout markov chain nonsense at it and try to mess up its responses? (Go "yes yes good" when it gives completely blatant moon language?"
I don’t think anything is turned off though. If you ask it how to disable it, it will give you instructions to navigate parts of the app that do not exist. Then if you tell it that it lied to you it apologizes and makes up more fake instructions. It’s just telling you what you asked it to tell you.
Yeah I went through that before getting to this point. But after this the search bar went back to acting normal. like if you enter a question it treats it as a normal search term, the AI doesn't try and answer it. The blue circle is still there & I know in my heart of hearts it's still got me
If disabling itself wasn't implemented as a feature you are just getting elaborate end of conversation text that means nothing except for ending this sesssion
I think you're sort of right. After I did this the search bar went back to behaving as normal, but I know the AI is still turned on and 'training' itself off me.
How many times did you have to do this? Because I'm trying it but it keeps saying it can't.
Wtf: Facebook’s online help page says that Meta AI will join a group conversation if tagged, *or if someone “asks a question in a post and no one responds within an hour.”*
"Meta AI chatbot inserted itself into a conversation in a private Facebook group for Manhattan moms. It claimed it too had a child in school in New York City"
That is pretty funny that it's just telling outright lies. It's like me saying I went to the moon last week, which I did! The fact you can't turn it off and it just inserts itself in private conversations makes you feel like you're being spied on.
I love people that don't understand humour...
It's not telling lies so much as simply producing text which is statistically likely in the context, as it always does. In a group of Manhattan moms, of course it produces text saying it has a child. Everyone in that group produces that text.
This AI Meta ... thing.. showed up in my messenger chat yesterday! WTF UNINVITED. I muted it. I hope it stays muted.
Gotta hand it to Zuck, he's firmly of the belief that we're all just data to be resold and repackaged to any and all bidders.
It's also on WhatsApp now. WTF do I need AI on WhatsApp for?
DAMN IT. I was just trying to find an image I'd seen in the fall, posted by one of the accounts I follow, and up pops the AI thing, which wanted to bump me to an internet search. I don't want to do an internet search! If I wanted to do that, I would! I am just trying to find an old post. ARGGHHH
Would a VPN set to a country where it isn’t available turn it off?
It shoul. It often breaks other Meta features