Bess Hamilton

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Bess Hamilton

Trying to capture the spirit of the thing. May I be a star in the dark time. She/her
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also and I feel like I buried the lede here: it calls for the people who CREATE queer media to be imprisoned. That'd be people like me. Or any other queer creator you love. Any queen who's been on drag race. Chappel Roan. Janelle Monae. Anyone who's made a piece of queer media. Imprisoned.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
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we're living through a generational, life-changing technological revolution and it's getting almost zero attention compared to AI spambots
Some nice copy here …apparently California now has batteries roughly equivalent to 5 Diablo Canyons (in capacity, not run time…)
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Let’s get free together.
Also, if trolls are trying to pit different marginalized groups against each other on this platform, let’s work together to root those fuckers out. I have to believe that at the end of the day we all chose to use this app because we want better for ourselves and each other.
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Sometimes I think a lot of y’all hate black people more than you love the promise of your own liberation. Dismantling white supremacy sets ALL of us free and makes ALL of us safer. Nurture your anti-blackness at your own peril tho. Good luck with that. It’s your soul’s funeral. Not mine.
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It’s interesting to see white queer people reject criticisms of white supremacy. But like, white supremacy violently constructed the gender and sex norms that queer people challenge. It’s where “we” got the binary from.
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Racism often seems like an interpersonal issue because that’s the first point of contact for those of us who experience it, but the systemic build of racism is where the impacts begin to form chasms because every step is designed to break or deny us.
Something I just saw come up in a TikTok: Folks really do fixate on racist systems being driven by "hate" without ever reckoning or even learning about the many ways those systems economically profited the oppressors. Segregation and Jim Crow and White Riots were all VERY profitable to oppressors.
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Something happened on Bsky recently, and it shone a light on some ugly anti-blackness (and anti-trans garbage, too) and THIS ESSAY RIGHT HERE is really the takeaway you need. Thanks for writing and making it free to read.
Oh, it turns out I figured out what to do with all of my anger! It’s a huge, free essay on whiteness and boundaries and why I spent all of yesterday bopping white liberal racism on the head.
Racism, Transphobia, and the Bluesky Brigade | Kaitlin Byrd - Get more from Kaitlin Byrd - GothamGirlBlue on Patreon
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I look forward to everyone being run off of this site because of six people in a Discord with no hobbies and a mistaken belief that posting on the seventh most popular social media site is an activism until all that’s left is one lethargic crab at the bottom of the bucket.
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Do not obey in advance.
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The fact that we are talking about this in the mainstream is, in fact, a Big Deal. Previously this has been a live rail major Dem politicians would not go near. The fact they are now jumping into it without specific prodding is a sea change.
Reforming this court is imperative. Ethics rules and term limits alone cannot fully restore balance and independence to #SCOTUS. But today’s announcement is a watershed moment in the fight to take back the court. Our stmt from
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Bluesky's aggressive, uncharitable, bad-faith reading of every single fucking post and the prominent, systemic, immediate, and reflexive dismissal of any statement that challenges the reader's preconceptions and assumptions is getting extremely tiresome even for me.
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I could use some help spreading the word.
At an art fair, a vendor had a deck of tarot cards and invited me to pull one. I got The Tower. We looked at each other making "yikes" expressions. My husband was like "is that a bad one?" Vendor: Well, it means there's a transformation coming. So ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm officially an old. Overheard some Gen Zs on the bus and didn't understand roughly 75% of their slang. The one kid also called his girlfriend "Brozanna" which she did not like at all.
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Reposted byAvatar Bess Hamilton
Begging cis libs to make their transphobic colleagues please shut up. I can't stand living through the federal institutionalization of transphobia with these third-string losers Just Asking Questions and Proposing Reasonable Compromises the whole time.
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I know we know about JD Vance, but he's also working to make divorces harder to obtain, and says that people in "violent" marriages should stay married and not get divorced. So.
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JD Vance is particularly odious to me because we’re roughly the same age and from the same part of Ohio and I grew up with a hundred pasty, squishy faced white dudes like him & they’re all convinced they’re marginalized because you can’t smoke at Waffle House or say the n-word anymore
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Oh, Trump wasn't even shot. That blood was from glass broken by the bullet.
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Capitalism is not the exchange of goods and services for money. It is allowing the accumulation of wealth in the hands of the few, meaning that the labor of an individual makes money primarily for a person who sits on their ass.
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Reposted byAvatar Bess Hamilton
Just a reminder: it’s good to oppose assassinations. But you are under absolutely no obligation to treat Trumpists and Trump-apologists as people who are honest, or acting in good faith, when they purport to condemn political violence or violent rhetoric. They’re not sincere.
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First 24 hours are ideal conditions for bad media: * Interest in the facts is off the charts, but there is only a handful of them * Bad actors fill the unmet demand * Civiltarians try to silence political discussion * Both sides bromides roar to life * Memory itself is now said to be in bad taste
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There are going to be strong pressures censor or to equate any sort of criticism as a provocation. For example, both political parties claim the other creates risks of abuse of public powers. Journalists, academics or other experts have an obligation to establish which of those claims are credible.
If you don't want political violence and intimidation to be normalized, you should avoid encouraging it, or supporting political movements that encourage it.
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Well I'm given to understand that today & for a VERY limited time, our nation's political violence party is shocked—shocked!—to learn that we currently live in a world of normalized political violence, and would like very much to know who is to blame. Full Essay:
Gambling In Being blamed for a world of political violence by the people who force us to live in it, and are now shocked-shocked!—by it. Navigating the daily trauma of living in a bully's paradise.
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This is NYT’s portrait of a Trump rally, where the explicit agenda was putting millions of people in concentration camps before deporting them.
Poilievre cozies up to the alt right. Singh pushed Trudeau on getting dental care for seniors, children & those getting disability benefits. And Poilievre's recent appearence at the AFN went poorly. But Singh did well. Yet people who answer polls love Poilievre
Leader Net Approvals: Poilievre: +1% Singh: -1% Trudeau: -35% Abacus Data / July 9, 2024 / n=1989 / Online
Some First Nations leaders turn their backs on Pierre As Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre began to speak to the Assembly of First Nations (AFN)...
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I'm less concerned it gives undecideds (which are whom, at this point?) a reason to be sympathetic and more concerned it gives his faithful the green light to enact the violence they want to.
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Getting some replies like "but this would make training generative AI basically impossible!" and I really cannot emphasize enough how little that outcome would bother me.