
Do you favor the execution of people who disagree?
Did I say anything remotely similar?
You entered the discussion on the side of a guy who thinks that
I didn't support his ridiculous stuff about treason, but to the part about noncitizens voting 🤷
How many noncitizens voted in the last presidential election?
Any time someone comes to you with a legislative solution to a problem that doesn’t exist, you should doubt their motives. (Once upon a time, this was considered a conservative principle.)
It’s weird that Minnesota has (a) the most liberal voter registration laws in the country, where you can simply VOUCH for someone (up to eight people, in fact!), (b) the highest voter participation, and (c) no voter fraud.
Seriously. Out of nearly 2.5 million votes cast, the Heritage Foundation, who is ABSOLUTELY incentivized to list every instance of fraud they can find, list a total of SIX convictions for some type of voter fraud, half of which were misuse of an absentee ballot.
I love rigging Georgia for Biden but letting the senate races that determine whether he’ll be able to pass any legislation go to a runoff for some reason
Hey, man. Votes are expensive and we were on a budget.
Can't wait to see the answer to that... if it ever arrives; and the data supporting it.
We need to pass a law about aliens voting or one of these days Victor Wembanyama will be eligible to vote
According to the Republicans, 45 million.
A few Republicans from The Villages (Florida) were arrested for voter fraud but it was only like 5 or <
And they were citizens; their fraud consisted of multiple votes for Trump.
Noncitizens aren’t voting, this man is a drug addict who cooked his brain going on the computer too much
It’s exciting to be angry about a thing that isn’t happening!
How many noncitizens verifiably vote in elections? How many people are charged with, and convicted of, voting illegally every year? Do you know the answer? (Rough numbers are fine, is it 'thousands', 'tens of thousands', etc.) If you don't, how can you possibly have formed an opinion?
Spoiler: Between 2016 and 2020, 306 people were convicted of voter fraud. 306 out of tens of millions of votes cast. Did you know this? If you did, and you still believe it's a problem mandating new legislation, you're an idiot. If you didn't, what did you ASSUME the number was? Did you check?
Voter Fraud Convictions in the 2016-2020 Elections - Last updated June 11, 2024 Quick Facts: Since 2012, Donald Trump and many other Republicans have claimed there was substantial voter fraud in US elections and that, if not for that fraud, Trump would ...
And if you think that’s still too many, buddy, wait til you hear about gunshot deaths
Guns, shmuns. About 400 children drown annually in swimming pools, or, over 4 times as many people as vote fraudulently each year, and orders of magnitude higher if you look at total pools vs. total voters. Yes, Congress is not frantically banning swimming pools. Why?
Nearly 400 children die yearly from drowning in pools and spas, report finds. Here's how to keep your kids A warning for parents as we approach summer: A new report finds hundreds of children die each year from drowning. Here's how to keep them safe.
It's not about reality (obviously); it's about control over others and having an excuse to indulge their bigotry.
And an argument the right makes, with a straight face no less, is that such cases are very hard to prove therefore there MUST be more of them that we don't know about and therefore we need to pass this voter restriction law....
This is always the final refuge of the scoundrel: The lack of proof is proof of the cover-up!
And of those, precisely zero were non-citizens attempting to vote.
We need to make laws to prevent cats from voting because I am very smart
Isn't it funny how if you actually look into the real cases of voter fraud that have actually happened, it's usually a rich republican voting in multiple states or stuff like that.
One must be registered in order to cast a ballot and have it counted. How can a noncitizen go about registering to vote without documentation? Please explain to me how this is happening?
The "ridiculous stuff about treason" is the whole post. Also, there is no evidence of noncitizens voting in any appreciable numbers. There have been multiple studies.
I’m trying to imagine the thought process of someone risking prison and/or deportation to cast a single vote. Not saying it’s NEVER happened but goddam find that dude and interview him
Non citizens can't register to vote, and there are almost no examples of no. Citizens even trying. There are copious examples of wealthy white voters fraud, usually with dead spouses or parents in hospice etc