Andy Robertson

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Andy Robertson

Documentary Filmmaker
Watched Brats on Hulu yesterday. Great for my 80’s nostalgia but an hour in I would have preferred a movie about bbqued German sausages.
So. Hulu sent out a press release today saying they now have, in honor of the BRATS documentary, “all nine Brat Pack films.” I would like to tell you what films are on this list. The first is ST. ELMO’S FIRE, which I am happy to say counts. But then: buckle up, buttercup.
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I am against capital punishment but I think they should publicly execute exactly one phone scammer just to see how I feel about it then
I built some decks recently. Posting some pix to see if there is a #woodworking community on bsky.
Reposted byAvatar Andy Robertson
My friend made a #documentary that feels specifically tailored for crotchety old Gen Xers like me who struggle with relevancy while seeking the perfect art / commerce balance to survive in the world without selling out. #Flipside is currently in theaters in LA & NY
Flipside - Official Trailer - Oscilloscope Laboratories Learn more about Flipside - https://flipside.oscilloscope.netWhen filmmaker Chris Wilcha revisits the record store he worked at as a teenager in New Jersey, ...
Reposted byAvatar Andy Robertson
You know what’s really ironic is that RFK Jr should have started taking ivermectin much earlier in life
Reposted byAvatar Andy Robertson
Apropos of nothing in particular, let me get up on my soapbox for a moment and remind all you creative folks that the best time to have done estate planning was any time before today, and the second best time is now. It is actually super important.
In Which I Harangue Creative Types to Update Their Wills and Today my wife and I went into our lawyer’s office and updated our everything, including wills, living wills, donor registries and so on. Why did we do this? Because at this point in our life …
Years ago, my best friend made a “splendor dial” to keep annoying producers occupied in my editing room. He could’ve made 10 more splendid, but instead it goes to 11. Today he’s having the “Mother Of All Surgeries” for his cancer, so I’ll crank it up if y’all keep him in your thoughts.
Reposted byAvatar Andy Robertson
The King of England lies dying and one of his sons has been exiled. A princess has vanished. Plague stalks the land and the Treasury has been plundered. NOW is the time for strange women lying in ponds to distribute swords to form the basis of government.
I got a carton of double-yolked eggs.
Show me a game that came out when you were 12.
Show me a game that came out when you were 12
Everyone who’s seen Veep has a specific imagined version of Kamala’s inner monologue.
Reposted byAvatar Andy Robertson
The official account of the state of Israel stealing a picture of a refugee camp in Moldova from 2022 to show they are doing humanitarian relief.
Reposted byAvatar Andy Robertson
Fuck the police.
The NYPD has clarified that the victim is not a migrant. And in true NYPD fashion, they have given HIM a summons for disorderly conduct while not taking any apparent action against Sliwa’s gang.
🎵If you don’t got Mojo Nixon then your store could use some fixin’ 🎶
Reposted byAvatar Andy Robertson
Hello newskies! (And oldskies too) Bluesky doesn’t have just one algorithm, it has many, and you can pick what you like (or write your own). Here’s a few I made and a few i like: Quiet Posters, posts from people you follow who don’t post that often whose posts you might normally miss
Wife and I both reporting that we both had dreams of many cakes last night. Have not eaten awake cakes for months.
I hear a LOT of explosions coming from Dodger Stadium right now. WTF?!?!
Reposted byAvatar Andy Robertson
I know that a generation growing up with high lead exposure and traumatized WWII vet dads lead to the massive uptick in serial killers in the 70s but I think one of the reasons these killers seem to have disappeared is that the next wave of them just became cops
A Los Angeles county sheriff’s deputy shot and killed a 27-year-old woman who had called 911 to report that she was under attack by a former boyfriend, officials said. Records show the deputy had killed another person in similar circumstances 3 years ago
Police fatally shoot Black woman who called 911 for domestic Los Angeles sheriff’s deputy who killed Niani Finlayson, 27, previously had killed another civilian under similar circumstances
Reposted byAvatar Andy Robertson
Without much paying work for unscripted filmmakers this year, I instead developed my own doc series, shot a sizzle and pitched it to a dozen networks + streamers during the most difficult time in the history of nonfiction TV. 5 of them are actively considering, so here's to things pickup in 2024!
I used to like it when people did year end roundups of their work on Twitter. I’d love it if we could do it here, even if the dorks who run this place don’t know how to thread tweets
Random worldwide restaurant bot picks one 3 miles from my house.
Langer's Delicatessen-Restaurant; 704 S Alvarado St, Los Angeles, CA 90057, USA
It’s so depressing that musk is going crazy in such an unoriginal way when the Howard Hughes model is available to him.
welp now that Elon is posting pizzagate/Qanon on main I guess it’s maybe be worth reminding folks that QAnon is fundamentally an antisemitic conspiracy theory that remixes the blood libel with the protocols and a 21st century cast of main characters
MAGA men not only indulge misogyny, but also paranoia. My dad’s Trumpy and married a conservative lady, his 3rd wife. He developed conspiracy theories about her (brought on by decades of fox viewing + minor mental illness + age) and torpedoed the relationship.
“Men who love Donald Trump struggle on the dating market. This is neither surprising nor regrettable. Supporting Trump is much like refusing to bathe, blowing your nose in your hands or farting loudly on purpose. It makes you repulsive to normal people.”
Hey media, stop bullying women who refuse to marry Now the Washington Post has joined a campaign to shame women for having the bare minimum "no Trump voters" standard
I always play Tom Waits' "Christmas Card From A Hooker In Minneapolis" every holiday season, even though the lyrics are more of a Valentines song.
Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen is such a weird pick for a Christmas song. Especially when you start examining the lyrics.
What a career! Pilots are tough to crack, and Robert Butler’s done so many
I somehow had never put it together that Robert Butler directed the pilots for Hill Street Blues, Batman '66, Star Trek, and Moonlighting, among many others. That is one hell of a a legacy. RIP.
Robert Butler, Director on Pilots for ‘Batman,’ ‘Star Trek’ and ‘Hill Street Blues,’ The three-time Emmy winner also did the first episodes of 'Hogan's Heroes,' 'Moonlighting' and 'Remington Steele,' which he co-created.