
I know I’ve lost at least one follower recently because of politics but at least two because I insulted the stupid hitchhiking robot who everybody hates. And you know what? Fuck this robot.
I think the last good tech story was the people of Philadelphia murdering Hitchbot and leaving his body as a warning for other robots
you are out here in the salt mines of social media posting your ass off every day and people have the absolute unmitigated nerve to call you a fumb duck for your takes smh
I make content and they just act like that’s nothing, like it’s just meaningless drivel. It’s offensive is what it is!
they will be sorry one day when all the content posters get replaced with these robots they are so clearly in love with
why would you wear rainboots when it's not even raining? dumb robot had it coming
More like Bitchbot. It got what it deserved.
I honestly feel mixed about it. On the one hand it was supposed to be a test of human kindness and in this cruel world we live seeing a complete failure of that sucks because it is so expected especially because there was no good reason to smash it On the other hand fuck that robot
when this story broke i felt bad for the robot. since then the people of philly have proven powerful and prescient seers and also they should dig this robot up and kill it again.
Philly should invade Silicon Valley
As children, Hollywood promised us a future in which the common man could come together to kick the living shit out of ill-conceived robots, and Philly taught us that the future is NOW.
Its creator is just putting real human hitchhikers out of work
I mean I sort of get why people might have been bothered about at the time, but seeing where AI is heading tells me that just as in 2020 the great people of Philly saw the threat and did what any good patriots would do: knocked it the fuck out.
Let the Eagle Soar - John Thank you, JA for your stirring lyrics of freedom and liberty
Honestly, after seeing what the masses in Philly did to the Spotted Lanternfly, Hitchbot going there was more like automated seppuku than anything else.
I'd never heard of this robot before today, and now I have heard of it, and I do hate it and am glad it died, and I thank you for giving me this experience. KEEP FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT!!
nobody told the robot he could enter the United States
Why are you so angry at this robot? It’s not stealing jobs from people or being used as a tool of oppression.
You’ve also gained at least one because of the stupid hitchhiking robot. Fuck that pile of garbage.
FUCK THIS ROBOT get this bucket of bolts out of my goddamn city looking for a fucking free ride? that I might give to a human??? tell Satan I'll be there soon.
I remember that the Pope came to Philly shortly after this and to make sure Philly was ready the local radio station made "Pope Bot." Pope Bot, of course, survived because Philly is cool.