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Get ready for more folks from twitter again. They just made it so you can't chain tweets without paying and now are removing well...everything else. Likes, retweets, You will only see view counts. Probably because he got tired of being ratioed.
Coming redesign of Elon Musk's X will get rid of... a Musk wants users to swipe left or right instead.
Every time.
"How well can you conjure an apple?"
I can’t search Instagram for posts about my book anymore because it’s stupid AI thinks I’m asking how it’s doing personally.
I thought it would be sensible to sort out a wishlist of old minis I need/want to get my Lamenters vaguely finished. So if you have any of these specific models and are looking to offload them for a sensible price, hit me up sometime :)
what AI replicating human creativity looks like
Finished with my relic Kratos for my Celestial Lions. A proxy for a Repulsor Executioner #nerdlings #warhammer40k #spacemarines
Well, I just learned that Charles Manson's music is on Spotify.
Figured I would post one of my favorite models that I have painted. A troll hag inspired by the work of Brian Froud. #nerdlings
Every article about Red Lobster filing for bankruptcy is "ha ha endless shrimp, what did they think would happen" and then buried ten paragraphs down is the usual:
Almost finished with my Celestial Lions Apothecary #nerdlings
(gently hands u a silly little guy) the tall grass is perilous. take this
Did the new #Fallout show really have to choose the vault that was populated entirely by Hapsburgs?
Damn this is beautiful
After seven years my gen 1 epic Pokemon cross stitch is finished. This is my masterpiece
We should name schools and libraries after her.
Have you ever seen a woman look more pleased with herself? She released many hives worth of bees onto deputies trying to serve an eviction notice.
Grimaldus Conversion for my Celestial Lions has finally been built. #warhammer40k
Finally got some pics of my Celestial Lions #warhammer40k
the future is expensive and boring
Also from the article: Subject to the terms of this Agreement, You hereby grant to HP a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free right to use, copy, store, transmit, modify, create derivative works of and display Your non-personal data for its business purposes. The what now!?
HP wants you to pay up to $36/month to rent a printer that it "Never own a printer again."
There's probably some Furry types around here who'd think this is the best dog pic ever, and who am I to keep it from them?
AI bullshit has caused me to start questioning every image that comes up on Google image search because a good amount of them seem to be #AI generated stock images. This really sucks for searching for reference pictures since I'm not sure if the pic is wrong or not.
Edward Gorey illustrations for 'The War of the Worlds' (1960)
You loved #DeathStranding 's Norman Reedus and the Funky Fetus, but now BB has grown into a rebellious teen. Join Norman as he tries to juggle supply deliveries and the parental student carpool in Norman Reedus and the Punky Meat Bus.
Just woke up from a dream about a popular #illumination studios movie series called "Surfing Bird." It was on its 6th movie and I sadly can't remember it's secondary title, but it was a pretty clever pun. I'm surprised this movie series hasn't been squeezed out yet.
Between the ADHD med shortage and Grandfather Nugle blessing me with his "love" constantly this winter I am an absolute mess. And now I sound like a fucking Muppet thanks to losing my voice.
#adhd shortage update. Still no word on when my meds will come in. No pharmacy in the area has any in stock(my doctor was kind enough to have her staff check for me) I have decided to try nicotine patches and they work. But man the high from them is harsh. But, at least I'm functional now.
I have been without my #adhd medication for two weeks now. I called CVS again to see if they have gotten my prescription in and they told me they havent been able to get any in about a month and their list of people waiting for it is eight pages long. Every day is turning into an increasing struggle
The hell of living with ADHD is that it isn't regarded as a legitimate issue by most people so there seems to be no urgency to fill my script when the local CVS is out of stock each month. And because it is a controlled substance, I can't just go to a different CVS that has it. #adhd