
Cynicism is a popular form of complacency.
I don't get it when people point out that Project 2025 is "nothing new." Yes, obviously, right-wingers have been fanatics for decades. They were blowing up abortion clinics and shooting doctors when I was a kid. But, as you may have noticed, their political vision has kind of been coming together.
in this case it's also wrong. P2025 might be directionally similar to stuff in the past, but a lot of it is genuinely unprecedented in modern US history
that's part of what is so fucking frustrating about all of this what is being proposed is an extremely dramatic change in the way most people have ever experienced this country in their lives that seems important!
Project 2025 is nothing less than an attempt by reactionary fascists to rewind and erase all the social progress of the last two centuries.
Didn’t one of them literally say they wanted to rewind the 20th century or something close to that? I mean how can any sane person hear that and be like “meh can’t be bothered to care”
several have said they want to "undo the new deal" which is sort of along the same lines. I think folks underestimate the ambition of P2025 or how severely or rapidly it intends to change (in very, very negative ways), the relationship between US citizens and the government
essentially it moves the federal government from a mostly neutral hands-off coordinating actor between the states into being an authoritarian ideologue imposing its view domestically, and crushing dissent. Which is just to say, it intends to impose its fascism by force across the several states.
For a week that's been very negative (real or imagined) for Democrats, it's at least a LITTLE heartening to watch the GOP try to distance themselves from P2025 the second it got attention in the national media.
important to understand that's only to avoid people looking at it or pushing back on it tho, not that they are rejecting what it is
It's not really any different than when Trump said that women who have abortions should face criminal penalties back in 2016. The GOP candidates all distanced themselves then, but probably all would be openly fine with it now
Trump Backtracks On Comments About Abortion And 'Punishment' For In an interview set to air on MSNBC Wednesday night, Donald Trump upset both abortion rights advocates and opponents and drew criticism from the rest of the presidential field.
Right. Important to mentally distinguish "they are distancing themselves from X because they think X is wrong" and "they are distancing themselves from X because they realize X is unpopular, and don't want the electoral hit of having to discuss X now, but will enthusiastically do X once elected"
Yep. Just buying time. The credulousness of any journalist, 'pundit', or even regular citizen at this point is no longer believable. Maybe in 2015 (not really but still). Definitely not today.
Funny thing is, in this case, 'X' could stand for or the social media platform now calling itself X
It *is* different though in that there is much more infrastructure now to force this across the board not just in aligned states but even in unaligned ones…
Oh yes. P2025 is far more dangerous and sweeping. I was only talking about the GOP pols' attempts to distance themselves. A distance that will instantly collapse if they win.
Just means they're proving they know how bad it really is/looks. No sympathy if they attempt to claim ignorance later.
Is there any other way to impose fascism than by force?
the important distinction is that they won't merely hold objectionable views and keep those views to themselves, or just take actions within the ordinary perimeter of constitutional governance that supports it. It's not a plan for rightwing government. It's a plan for police-state fascist control.
they have no intention of letting blue states, or blue parts of red states, govern themselves you will do what they want and prosecute the people they want or you will be removed from power and quite possibly prosecuted yourself
This already happens in Texas. When one of the blue cities or counties passes a law the GOP hates, the state leg will hold an emergency session and pass a law over ruling it. Things the GOP hates: Sick Pay Access to voting sites Water breaks
They already show that just by looking at how they treat Austin in texas
I try to remind people that this is already happening in Texas. Just in Harris County alone there has been an attempted takeover of elections. And an attempt to take over the public school system there & convert it to a voucher program that allows religious schools and homeschooling is succeeding.
Homeschooling is a much better option than gov school.
Oh I’m under no illusions that their view or “states rights” means “states rights” and not “Right State”
Already working hard at exactly that in the red states! Reporters who want to do their real jobs...take a UNIFIED look at TX, LA!, FL, NC, TN and more to see it in action...then amplify to feds w SCOTUS, CiC, DOJ, Homeland, all levers shoved past breaking point by racist theocrats and billionaires.
I had an interaction here with an Arab American who was sure he was safe from Trump's depredation because he lived in California. Sigh.
That actually works if you identify as Persian and are vaguely related to the shah.
I really believe that if the GOP comes in, posse comitatus is defenestrated.
I remember an Arab American who who thinks he's going to be safe because he's living in California.
Even for people who don't know the details of the New Deal or know what kind of progress specifically was made in the 20thC, it still SOUNDS scary. It belongs in an attack ad. "The Republican Party wants to take us back to the 19th Century." *show the tweet*
So many old white MAGA papaws and mamaws who are down with 'undo the new deal' are gonna be unhappy when they learn where Social Security came from.
Yeah, I remember a sibling telling me that FDR betrayed our country with the New Deal. I told that sibling they should be on their knees thanking God every day for FDR, because there could have been a nasty revolution otherwise. Probably why they don't talk to me anymore.
The end goal, I suspect, is to undo the Reconstruction amendments but they don’t think they can do it in one fell swoop. This is just a (can’t exactly call it modest) first step.