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35yo, They/Them, Pagan, Anti-Fascist, LGBTQIA+, Black Lives Matter, Trans Rights Are Human Rights.

We all go a little mad sometimes.

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don’t ever call the cops for a wellness check for me. you might get me, my dad, or my brother killed. if you’re worried about someone not answering you and they are BIPOC, order pizza to be delivered to their house and let them drivers know it’s for a wellness check. cops = death understand?
the fact that this reminded me of a very similar case where a 65 year old man was killed but I can’t find that exact article because there are too many stories where people called for help or for a wellness check and the person in need ended up being murdered by the cops is…just ..😞
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i was woken up one morning in the very very red town i grew up in by 2 cops at my door for a wellness check. -i was home alone -they had to call dispatch to get the name of the person they were checking on -my drs office called them in because I didn’t answer my phone to reschedule an apt.!!!!!!!
don’t ever call the cops for a wellness check for me. you might get me, my dad, or my brother killed. if you’re worried about someone not answering you and they are BIPOC, order pizza to be delivered to their house and let them drivers know it’s for a wellness check. cops = death understand?
Reposted byAvatar Wil
Fascists are planning to ignore election results, dismantle democracy and stage a coup. WaPo:
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Every single Friday since Jan 2023, I’ve published a roundup of news stories for Black Americans. I created it in response to the misinformation that disproportionately targets our community. But the best part is that it’s free! Here’s the latest edition:
More Project 2025, RIP Joe Bryant, YSL judge removedwww.whatimreading.net Friday, July 19, 2024.
The HMD Skyline looks like it could be a pretty good phone. Especially the cameras and how reparable it's supposed to be. I also quite like the pink option. Just wish it wasn't running android...
Y'all, I think I found the hotel from The Shining in my Minecraft world, lol...
Reposted byAvatar Wil
This is such an important ally message: it’s less important what a bigot says about you, a cis, gender conforming person, than what they say AND do to an exposed trans person. Bless this wording 💕
chiitan has taken up arms in the pursuit of trans rights
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the very simple key to happiness is to just let people be wrong on the internet
Reposted byAvatar Wil
Do you have any ressources to learn how to draw comics ? Mostly about how to organize panels and such
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I’m getting closer to being able to rent a fully accessible hotel room for the month until I can speak to a social worker and get my name on the list for housing. Currently @ 500/1500 🤍 this is really really urgent
I’m so scared. I haven’t ate or slept in 2 days. I’m wandering the streets and I’m sitting in urine and fecal matter because I have nowhere safe for my personal support worker. I need to eat and a motel to sleep. I need at least $100. PayPal.me/sahrasali
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Completely unsurprised that the OP blocked me. Making fun of men for getting emotional over characters they've loved their entire lives will only cause men to go back to hiding their emotions entirely.
Yeah, don't care who blocks me for this, but I think it's beautiful to see men getting emotional over a character finally wearing a comic book accurate costume after all these years.
Yeah, don't care who blocks me for this, but I think it's beautiful to see men getting emotional over a character finally wearing a comic book accurate costume after all these years.
Reposted byAvatar Wil
if it's okay to people to cry at a concert because of strongly identifying with pop breakup music, it's absolutely fucking fine for nerds to be moved by superhero fashion, regardless of the genders of the fans.
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it's bananas that this is Jackman's 10th time playing Wolverine in a movie but only the 1st time he's been dressed to look like the imperfect superhero everyone grew up with. AAND making fun of guys having feelings besides anger is the same toxic bullshit they already got their whole lives.
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I don't cry at superhero costumes, but I do cry at any scene of a superhero putting themselves between danger and someone who can't protect themselves from that danger, esp. kids. I'm a super easy mark. But when thr MCU decided not to run from color and tight outfits, it absolutely resonated w/ me.
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So when adaptations run from those instant identifiers that read to folks who grew up with superhero stories as one of the few folks who won't let you down, believes in your value and abilities, and sets an example of breaking free of societal norms, that shit can hit different for nerds like me.
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The costumes of superheroes have had almost a century of cultural influence, such that primary-colored tights, big iconic emblems, masks, and capes all signify to the audience: This person doesn't care about that bullshit. Their gonna keep us safe for no reward or ulterior motive. Def imaginary.
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I know *everything* isn't about gender cages, but when I was growing up in the 80s & 90s, boys w/ longer hair, piercings, or bright clothes were regularly ridiculed & assaulted. 1989 had Batman ditched his tights for black rubber armor. The X-Men movie even mocked Logan's comics uniform.
nerd culture was a terrible mistake 📽️
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btw, shirts & stickers in my Etsy & eBay shops are high quality 3rd-party print-on-demand (& I've been super happy w/ them), but the art prints are all printed by me in house & are of EXTREMELY high quality. I include bonus stickers w/ each order. supertreellc.etsy.com www.ebay.com/usr/maydaysi...
Reposted byAvatar Wil
I’m so scared. I haven’t ate or slept in 2 days. I’m wandering the streets and I’m sitting in urine and fecal matter because I have nowhere safe for my personal support worker. I need to eat and a motel to sleep. I need at least $100. PayPal.me/sahrasali
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"If you don't vote for Biden it'll be your fault if Trump wins." Aside from that being total bullshit and Biden being a genocidal freak. Biden could win the popular vote and Trump could still be elected if the Electorial College vote favors Trump so lmao once again, stupid ass argument.
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He said "I sits" before I could add the pin to my keffiyeh. It means he supports a Free Palestine.
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the whole idea of "sex ≠ gender" set us back by decades because cis people can just pretend the transsexual experience is playing dress up and roleplaying as the opposite gender instead of the very real, tangible experience of literally changing the sex that was assigned to us by accident of birth
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I want my great grandchildren to have the chance to have Palestinian friends. How is this controversial?
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i know it can feel like there’s not a lot to be hopeful about right now, BUT the coinciding conditions of: - raccoons learning to break into cybertrucks and - police departments trying to switch to cybertrucks introduces the possibility of a future of dearrests performed by actual raccoons