
from the ex-bird but I’m sorry this is simply not true. These people disdained the IRA, and before Gaza it was student loans or the railroad strike or “letting” Roe fall or not threatening Manchin or East Palestine or etc etc
Even if Gaza represents a genuinely impassable moral threshold, it’s wildly revisionist to pretend the self-ID left gave Biden the benefit of the doubt before 2024. I’m not even saying they should have, it just drives me crazy how endemic lying is within the cohort i used to consider myself part of
I am mad as hell about how Biden is handling Gaza, but Republicans are OPENLY advocating for nuking Gaza, so yeah, there is still a vast difference between Biden and Trump. It boggles my mind that ppl refuse to acknowledge this.
The only way it makes sense is if someone cares more about punishing Biden and/or the libs more than they care about the Republicans taking the White House back.
And apparently, they do. The rest of us can get fucked in their revenge fantasy.
Don’t know who was giving that “standard left take,” but Jacobin didn’t give Biden nine months in office before pillorying him.
what's extra funny about this is that he clearly lied to the billionaires he said that to.
That quote has been stripped of all context and was entirely about the need for a wealth tax to fund social programs.
Also it’s worth once again pointing out that the “nothing will fundamentally change” line was said to a roomful of rich people about how their lives wouldn’t be changed by paying higher taxes. And Jacobin’s writers know this but misrepresent it anyway.
“The Left” wants Trump to win just like they did in 2016.
It’s the mendacity that always gets me. Just be straight with everyone and say you dont like Biden and never liked Biden. I’d respect that far more than the constant goal posting shifting designed to cynically pretend like there was ever a space of alignment that could have been reached.
At this point I suspect it isn’t so much Biden they hate but liberals and moderates and to them Biden is the avatar of ‘those people’. Negative factionship gone out of control.
Someone else said it first and better but: The major divide on the left these days is between those who believe the fascists must be opposed and the moderates can be won over and those who believe the opposite.
"his Vietnam in Gaza" A goose in an M1 helmet lifts its head. Fortunate Son starts to play. "How many Americans have died in Gaza, David?"
At least one, to fair. But it's nothing remotely comparable to Vietnam.
Tankies, campists, people who think there's some principle requiring third parties: always opposed Biden Center-left people like Sanders and AOC: now less enthusiastic about Biden
I didn’t screenshot it but down thread he explicitly says he’s referring to the “Genocide Joe” crowd
One can find Will Stancil arguing endlessly that Biden is not, actually to the right of Reagan well before 10/7.
Bald-faced lies. They dragged Biden every chance they got
Yep. Even BEFORE the 2020 election.
Was he even in office before tankies who couldn’t understand that $1400 + $600 = $2000 turned on him? I forget the exact timeline but it was EARLY.
tbh i do get a kick out of the guys still complaining that Biden owes them $600 bucks like a bad roommate
Even before the election they were pushing the claim that he had dementia and that he had raped Tara Reade.
It really kicked into gear with Afghanistan.
I kinda get what he's saying, even if it's not wholly accurate. People in the servers I'm on weren't pro-Biden, but they did soften slightly on him due to the union stance. They liked him more 2023 than 2020. The potential resurgence of unions was a big deal to them. Gaza destroyed that good will.
There was a "cool Joe" moment roundabout 2012 when he publicly endorsed gay marriage...but a) I don't think that was really mostly the online leftist crowd and b) him being popular as VP, a role with almost no actual executive power, kind of proves the point.