
you don’t get a politician who will face facts even if it means serious political risk every day. he’d deserve support even if he weren’t running against a thinly disguised Theodore Bilbo
I fear the message that will come from a Bowman primary loss and I hope desperately that we avoid it and he is rewarded for doing the right thing
I’ve been meaning to post about this for a while so I guess I’ll do it right before bed - I actually watch broadcast TV in the tristate and what’s fascinating to me is the attack ads on Bowman aren’t about Israel, they’re about how he doesn’t stand with Biden enough on other stuff
Taking a stand while also being a team player is something that AOC does really well, and I think if Bowman loses that’s the actual takeaway. After all, the voters in a Democratic Primary are Democrats
Really good observation. I have the sneaking suspicion she learned that early from the Speaker Emerita. Within a couple months of swearing in, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez had gotten the message. She's very sharp, serious, she works hard, and for all her ability to fire her shots, she knows how to listen.
Yeah, I think an underrated element of Pelosi is when she came into the House, she was on the far left of the D caucus, given she represented SF when it was going through the AIDS crisis — it was a major part of her 1st term platform. AOC & Pelosi I think were able to bond over that in private.
Uhh this is way too optimistic lol. The takeaway from Dem politicos will most likely be that AIPAC will spend obscene amounts of money in attack ads with seemingly no response to bolster you. Bowman has been a reliable vote for Biden’s agenda the problem is AIPAC money spreads misleading narratives
but ofc Latimer will be a far less reliable vote for Biden's agenda, and AIPAC likes it that way--they've intervened for centrists in primaries when the other candidate wasn't even particularly critical of Israel
Democrats are reliably the same racist middle class rubes as the GOP in fact
In this case it's especially funny because Latimer opposes Biden's tax proposals and wants to slash climate spending.
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I mean, this is what I want in a representative. Someone willing to learn a different perspective instead of digging their heels in. You're supposed to lead. That's how you lead.
Mate you have to let that go lol.
lol no some of us have ethics.
not really. he’s a chickenshit middling lying legislator. he chose to cave against dsa member’s platform and wishes. you have little self-respect if you trust someone like that.
He’s one of the best reps on Palestine and if he loses will be replaced by a Ritchie Torres clone. I don’t care about Iron Dome funding and thought it was dumb for DSA to go nuclear on him at the time.
Those tears make excellent lube, but then you already know that
Like your scalp let your hair go?
Real clear Bowman needs to be put in and Hakeem Jeffries needs to be pushed out
The possibility of a two-state solution ended when Trump moved our embassy to Jerusalem. If he had won in 2020, Bibi would have pulled the trigger on Gaza then, & Jared would building beachfront property with Saudi money by now.
Latimer is absolutely abhorrent.. it's gonna be really telling how much money buys votes.
Yeah, I like him a lot and those views basically mirror a lot of my own. I hope he's still my representative in 2025(as a progressive Jewish person in his district)
Not for nothing I also spent a few weeks in Israel and it also fundamentally altered my worldview. So did the convos with conscripts and shopkeepers and falafel vendors. Also the riot police. On horses. That was an image
Wait he actually looks like this? I swear I thought the Majority Report was fucking with their thumbnails!
Anyone pulling fire alarms to try to monkeywrench more conservative Congressional malfeasance is ok in my book.
NY Dems gonna do the right thing of course.
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