
now that's interesting
CNN's new poll: Trump leads Biden 49/43. Trump leads Harris 47/45. Some differences: —Independents: Biden -10%. Harris +3%. —People of color: Biden +21. Harris +29. The side-by-side:
I’ve been strongly on team “Harris is the only plausible replacement from a practical standpoint” but I am slowly coming around to the idea that she might legit have a better shot will see what other polling comes out in the next week
even if her only actual advantage is it get the mother fucking New York Times to stop running BIDEN OLD SENILE NEAR DEATH CORPSE MAN stories 5000 times a day, that might be enough
yeah that’s a big part of it! I don’t think he can outrun the age thing because the media will not let go resetting away from that may just be necessary
My biggest qualm about it at this point is the way Marshall lays it out here - that it’s jumping into a hole of unknown depth, and validating a central Trump campaign claim: but may be a smaller risk than status quo
More Thoughts on the Debate and Its As with my last post, a few thoughts not organized into a...
The problem is that there is no strong option available, only varying degrees of weakness. That's a product of 50 years of desperately seeking bipartisanship while the right won commissions, legislatures & courts at every level. It's clear which is actually an effective strategy for wielding power.
what, if we reset the right wing will run out of attack vectors? what makes you feel the attacks on the next candidate will be less successful now that we've established they don't need to be remotely true? At least Biden's numbers are where they are AFTER the shit storms.
The current attacks are fatal. The next ones probably will be as well, but at least there’s a chance. If your plane is crashing do you want the pilot to try to pull up even if it probably won’t work, or do you want the pilot to hit the accelerator into the side of a mountain?
It’s a 10% drop in that poll lol
Well you should sit someplace dry
I don't normally do nihilism, but the NYT is quite capable of restarting the misogynistic bullshit train in a heartbeat if the nominee changes. I'd rather we all talked to our non-political co-workers and acquaintances than worry about what bad faith actors will do next.
I get the concern that the NYT will just stay the course on Harris, but she would have a chance to drown them in content to change the narrative. Biden has been reacting to the news cycle, instead of shaping it, for the past year. The void gives the NYT, et al. more space for their grudge content.
He can perform better in public, but he doesn’t seem capable of raising hell on the campaign trail, day after day, in a way that would predominate the unfair coverage.
NYTIMES railing against Harris in 3, 2, 1 after she is the candidate. Count on it.
You mean switch from using age to using experience and other methods of hiding misogyny.
Yeah, I don’t think the NYT will let up on Harris either. That’s the issue. You get extra chaos and you don’t stop the NYT from putting their thumbs on the scale.
Well she’s more qualified/experienced than any non Biden Dem having held local office, state office, been a Senator and a VP. So they will need to find something else.
She’s a good speaker actually. Women would rally to her. But the right wing would fight to keep her off ballots. No one has given a convincing scenario where that doesn’t matter.
If she's the nominee of the convention before deadline, the ballot access is fine.
she also is capable of taking questions in front of a camera, which, you know, seems like it might be useful in teh next few months
I hate to treat the media like a toddler, but I don't think rewarding them for their coverage by handing them Biden's head is the way you get them to stop. All you'll get is "WARNING SIGNS IGNORED," and "WHITE HOUSE COVERUP" from now until November.
Four months isn’t even enough time for the media to decide on something to make into her “weakness” and drive it into the ground. The election would be purely look at this basically normal person vs. this criminal freakshow
yeah and i hate to give the nyt any leverage here but like at some point just shaking loose of that fuckin narrative would be real good!
This latest CNN poll has her +3 with independents vs Trump. In comparison, Trump leads Biden by 10.
They will go after Harris for something else. But it's notable that her polling is as good or, here, better. The swap is plausible. If we're gonna crosstab dive, the biggest difference is with women. Crosstabs are unreliable lately tho
If this happened you know the article next to the headline would be some pisspants “dems make precarious choice”
eh, that's just moving to the next story though
can't wait for Biden's Age discourse to be swapped out for Harris's Voice discourse
Where's the KHive when you need them
I honestly think she'd also get that "new President bump," which every non-Trump President going back decades has got. She'd be running for reelection in the honeymoon period