
Spoke to a friend who worked on a recent Nicolas Cage movie in a senior capacity and was very very happy to discover that he’s a consummate pro who works harder than anyone else, all the time, and is lovely to the crew. I needed that.
I saw him interviewed recently where he said he may not have always made great movies but he never phone it in and a truer statement has never been made
Holy fuck I need to watch that!
I am watching it now and it is so good!
I went on a binge of his B-movie actioners a year or two ago, and even when the material didn't deserve it, he came out swinging for the fences. Earned every paycheck. No shame in his game.
He was stripped of almost all his assets by a combination of really wild spending habits (which I sort of envy) and negligent financial management and spent years digging himself out. He still came to whatever job he had to take ready to play.
"oops accidentally bought a snake and an island >____> better increase my output and act my ass off for every second of it" and we all won
He was on, I think, Colbert and I thought I could just listen to him talking about movies every evening His love of movies and the movie making process was enchanting
On one of those youtube interviews he said all of his movies are his children and tbh I respect the shit out of that
I have had a warm fuzzy feeling about him ever since he volunteered to turn on the Christmas lights in Bath a few years back and looked like he was having just the best time doing it.
I was living in Bath at the time and it was even charming how this came about. Local old dearie thought to ask him, so posted a letter through the mail slot of the house he owned there not knowing if it would ever reach him. Surprised everyone by actually responding and doing it.
That's a wonderful story and should basically be one of those quaint British movies starring Helen Mirren and Jim Broadbent.
I would watch the hell out of this every Christmas
And you know Cage wolf love to play himself in a Christmas movie. It actually could be great if it played on the gripes from those movies but still managed to keep some heart. Damn, now I really want this movie.
How did tropes become gripes, autocorrect? How??
Kinda why people kept working with Keanu back when everyone was shaking their head and wondering why a guy with so little range kept getting work. Always showed up on time, was never drunk, knew everyone's lines, worked harder than anyone else, and forgave people when they fucked up.
Also famously kind to everyone on the set, especially the overworked production assistants.
One wild-eyed Hollywood actor at a time
Absolutely delighted to hear it. It's funny how people are so wedded to the "he's billions in debt and has to make every film or go to jail" thing when every interview he talks about how he's a working actor, how he wants to do work (as well as loving the job).
I've always thought he should do a film with Chris Nolan, given that both of them are heavily influenced by silent cinema.
I'd love to see him in a Nolan film. He did make the decision himself to go fully mute in Willy's Wonderland actually, a film that probably would have been better if everyone else did too.
If you folks are interested in silent-movie influences, please check out Guy Madden films, holy cats (if you haven't already).
Eric Roberts is maybe similar. Dude wants nothing more than to be acting.
Michael Caine was once asked in an interview about his choices in appearing in films of... lesser quality. He said words to the effect of, "I'm an actor. It's my job to act."
I’ve never seen Jaws 3 but I hear it’s terrible, but I’ve seen the house it bought and it’s lovely. Or words to that effect
He was interviewed on Fresh Air a few months ago. He doesn't take himself too seriously but he takes his craft very seriously.
I recently saw most of SNAKE EYES again recently and thought, “is this the hardest-working man in showbiz?” He just brings it!
He’s such a Movie Star. His continued presence is reason for celebration.
Nic Cage has his faults, but honestly most of them are just about being irresponsible with his money. He shows up to play every time the cameras start rolling and he has a sense of humor about his persona. Based.
Cage always struck me as someone who really wanted to be an actor and not necessarily a star.
I can’t imagine anyone, who doesn’t have a huge ego, really enjoys the fame / being a public person part. I worked for a very well known public figure and have no idea how he managed. People just assume they have a legitimate claim on your time and literally make up stuff for the media.
I get the impression that my friend, Lori, is still kinda friendly with him. He got her (now ex) husband to shift his focus to acting instead of all music, and he ultimately went A-list. I’ve only heard of Nic being a decent guy, but haven’t met him.
Nic's a top pro. Big budgie or shoestring show he comes correct
Apparently the worst he's ever done is be bad with money. My pearls.
That's certainly not a glass house from which I should be throwing any stones.
While he definitely has a history of some odd purchases, the biggest hit he took was simply because of his concentration in real estate, which collapsed in 2009.
I knew the guy was a mensch when he turned down LOTR and the matrix (both would have been lengthy gigs abroad) because he preferred to be with his son.
Isn't he basically Hollywood Royalty who steadfastly refuses to trade in his family name, preferring to let his work to speak for him?
Jup, he only once took a role offered by Coppola. Could have milked the name but didn’t.
Ooh, now's a good time to (re)watch Moonstruck