Brian Curtin

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Brian Curtin

ex-baby, principal software engineer, mountain runner
curtinbrian on Instagram
Denver, CO
Waiter: How’s everything tasting? Me: [giving a thumbs up because I just took the biggest bite of my life] #birds
Reposted byAvatar Brian Curtin
i refuse to call ED drugs, men on muscle building supplements, and men who Do Stuff To Not Bald anything but gender affirming care lately love to piss off a Macho Man
Reposted byAvatar Brian Curtin
“Al-yew-minium” are you fucking dumb
Brian Curtins (Brians Curtin?) love to give out my email. Finally one CC’ed me on a work email thread. If anyone needs a guy at NATIONAL BEEF, I got one.
Reposted byAvatar Brian Curtin
Motherfucker called McDonalds a “business where people eat inside” like he forgot the word for restaurant. Which is “restaurant.”
Reposted byAvatar Brian Curtin
I want one thing from my search engine experience—a dozen extremely different and obviously wrong answers, hallucinated via a technology designed to generate them, to every single question I ask. Doesn't seem like too much to ask!
Reposted byAvatar Brian Curtin
Upgrading my highly public and widely used product, a cornerstone of my billion-dollar business, such that it now insists that Ron Dayne was President of the United States between the years of 1957 and 1971.
thank you google ai, very cool
Reposted byAvatar Brian Curtin
The cool thing about A.I. is that it doesn't work but it does eat up enormous resources in order to not work.
Looks like the neighborhood Great Horned Owl nest is in a better spot. The last fledglings around here were supposedly lost to an Osprey battle.
Love to read the docs while driving
WTF Are you supposed to read this wall of text while driving?
Reposted byAvatar Brian Curtin
Only reason you’d still be a cop in 2024 is because you’re too violent and stupid to do anything else.
Reposted byAvatar Brian Curtin
Men will try to reinvent industrial processes that have been refined over a century of brutally intense competitive pressure instead of going to therapy.
Reposted byAvatar Brian Curtin
Pro and college sports embracing the gambling industry is even more amazing than people helping measles and syphilis make a comeback, everyone figured out why not to do this more than 100 years ago and it wasn't a particularly tricky question
Given the NFL's problematic links to the online gambling industry, there is something oddly appropriate about a Jacksonville Jaguars employee with access to the company accounts managing to lose $20 MILLION on FanDuel and another million on DraftKings.
Jaguars asked FanDuel to return stolen $20M, source says - The Jaguars have asked FanDuel to reimburse them for some or all of the approximately $20 million in stolen proceeds a former employee lost on the site, but the company is unwilling to pay, a source f...
Clark the Cub and Ronnie Woo Woo are at my cousin’s wedding
My ENT suggested I use the saline mix packets that come with the sinus rinse bottle instead of cocaine. Might have been an insurance thing.
oh no he’s onto my favorite thing to do with cocaine
Reposted byAvatar Brian Curtin
I feel like removing yourself so far from productive labor that you're selling jpegs might trigger some long-dormant gene that essentially the body tries to recycle itself into compost and nutrients in order to be less of a burden on the tribe.
The vocal callouts on “The Bell” track of Mike Oldfield’s “Tubular Bells II”
without saying die hard, fav alan rickman film?
I took a shot of whiskey (?) on the Madison Ave bridge at about mile 21 of the NYC Marathon. I can’t explain why this was offered or why I took it.
Strychnine and raw eggs just makes sense, but why brandy?
Reposted byAvatar Brian Curtin
"You've heard of Elf on the Shelf"—actually, no, I never 'heard' of it at all, it's just some marketing trash that suddenly appeared everywhere in 2005 pretending to be a tradition. I hate it and everything like it. Shove the Elf up your ass. Fuck you.
Reposted byAvatar Brian Curtin
Something for the most strenuously avoided person in every workplace, classroom, and social event in the United States.
Grim shit.
The first year I ran publicity for PyCon (2011) there was one woman on the schedule out of 95 talks. It took a few years to bump that up but it steadily rose to like 30 before someone else took over in 2016. It was a lot of effort, and extremely rewarding and undeniably worthwhile. This sucks.
Can’t believe they let John Hinkley Jr get this license plate
Reposted byAvatar Brian Curtin
They've revolutionised data. It's even more now.
Reposted byAvatar Brian Curtin
Just got a Launchpad update about an OpenStack SDK ticket I created probably 8 years ago when I was the tech lead. Didn't know Launchpad or OpenStack even still existed.
Used to have a 2x2 square which isn’t on here, and then went to neutral evil but with 3 monitors which also isn’t on there. Currently a single monitor via laptop in “clamshell mode”. All around psycho.
Reposted byAvatar Brian Curtin
we don’t talk enough about how smart Trump’s brother was to drink himself to death by 1981
Tangerine Dream begins playing in the distance
Michael Mann Weather.
ID and MT can probably check off soon. MN seems pretty cool. Always wanted to get the Northeast states when I lived in Brooklyn but never got around to it; probably a hard sell to get up there now.
I think there there are some minor inaccuracies here, but you get the broad strokes