SK MetaBoxx

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SK MetaBoxx

He/Him, Synthesist at MirrorBoxx, Marxist & organizer at DSA North TX, Owner of dogs, Lover of rap, country, heavy metal, and funk
Reposted byAvatar SK MetaBoxx
Absolutely STRAINING to find something problematic about making fun of JD Vance because it’s all I know
How did I not know that HTRK had 6 albums? I've always listened to Psychic 9-5 Club. Total jammer. I remember the last album that came out that was mostly mellow guitar music. Debut album Mary Me Tonight produced by Rowland S Howard currently blowing me away.
Had not listened to Moor Mother's Analog Fluids of Sonic Holes in a while. That was the one that introduced me to her music. It's really quite a beast of an album.
Reposted byAvatar SK MetaBoxx
“Netanyahu is a war criminal committing genocide against the Palestinian people. It is utterly disgraceful that leaders from both parties have invited him to address Congress. He should be arrested and sent to the International Criminal Court." Rashida Tlaib's statement.
Tlaib Statement on War Criminal Netanyahu’s Address to Congress - Rashida WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (MI-12) released the following statement on Netanyahu’s joint address to Congress: “Netanyahu is a war criminal committing genocide against the Pa...
Spouse: So Russell Brand is trending... Me: Oh because of the Bitcoin fest? Spouse: No, because of this insane Kamala tweet, but I guess I need to look up this Bitcoin fest... My work is done here
Jeremy Scahill continuing to do excellent work at his new blog. Here is a very fair and detailed accounting of Harris' record on Israel, where there are areas to be hopeful, and ways in which we will be unlikely to see a change in foreign policy.
Can Kamala Harris Wipe the Blood Off Her Hands? While the likely Democratic nominee does not have Joe Biden’s 50-year history of support for Israeli militarism, her record indicates she would maintain a staunch pro-Israel policy.
You can only consider Israel a "democracy" if you do not see residents of Gaza and the West Bank as people.
"I reject both. I support a secular, multi-ethnic democracy with political rights for all." Ironically that describes Israel, THE secular democracy in the GME. The reality is that all citizens of Israel have equal rights and protections, regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, or religion.
And this guy claims to be an anarchist lolol
Israelis are defending themselves. Isreal is no more a violent state than the best states are. Why do you support the Palestinian ethnostate's existence but oppose Isreal's? Either you accept both or reject both.
This guy's on a real one lol
Get a job. Effective antifascists have a resume.
Man, the hardcore liberal Zionists are getting very aggressive on this website.
Thing I just said out loud: "This apple tastes like apple juice."
Reposted byAvatar SK MetaBoxx
Just a little boast (by association): My colleague, comrade, and sister sounded the alarm about Curtis Yarvin and Peter Thiel in her work Neoreaction a Basilisk more than seven years before they got their little mini-me J.D. Vance onto Trump's ticket.
Reposted byAvatar SK MetaBoxx
"I'd wanted to warn people that extremists are not monsters, they're regular people who think and do monstrous things. … And I had not understood initially how much the "leaders" didn't really understand or control their own movement…"
'They Want To Be A Part of History': Elle Reeve on the Extremely-Online Fascist As we brace for the fallout of the attempted Trump assassination, the journalist and 'Black Pill' author talks to FOREVER WARS
Zionism was a project by European Jews for European Jews. It offered no appeal to Arab Jews, yet they found themselves implicated in the Nakba, which they had nothing to do with.
It only takes 10 seconds for Joe Biden to say, "Without the state of Israel, no Jew in the world is safe." It takes an hour to watch this interview with Avi Shlaim which explains why this is a Zionist lie and that the existence of Israel perpetuates antisemitism
Arab Jews: The Hidden History | Ash Sarkar meets Avi A foundational principle of the state of Israel is that it keeps Jews safe. This principle has been profoundly challenged in the last nine or so months. But ...
To be entered in the pantheon of great lyrics: El-P from "Tasmanian Pain Coaster" (2007) "The whole design got my mind cryin''
Discussion question: In what ways is being "coconut-pilled" similar or different from being a student of historical materialism?
Reposted byAvatar SK MetaBoxx
Love to see 3 Republicans get together to have a civil conversation
This was a great read. I can imagine what band Jane's Addiction might have become had Niccoli not been involved, and it would have been anything that would have stood out among all the hard rock bands in LA at the time.
Casey Niccoli on her time involved with — and erasure from the story of — Jane’s Addiction. (Being in LA 88-92 meant I was very lightly ‘there, man.’ And I appreciate this greatly.)
I Was A Creative Force Behind One Of The Biggest Rock Bands Of The '90s. Then I Watched Them Erase Me From Their "At that time, the band had broken up, and I was told they would never reunite. But that’s not what happened."
I can't adequately express my excitement that Horrendous came to Dallas and that I get to see them play tonight. #heavymetalsummer
I heard someone say that you can watch the decline of Instagram with the quality of sponsored ads. I keep getting a video ad that is somebody's room where they have vacuum-packed and stacked huge bags of weed. There's no info given other than a button to click. Seems sketchy.
The celebration of Heavy Metal Summer in Dallas continues tomorrow with Horrendous and Tomb Mold (along with Dallas death metal old schoolers, Cleric) tear it up at Club Dada tomorrow.
Mizmor was so great last time. Coasting on vibes of black metal enjoyed in the backyard of a bar on a Sunday night today.
I mean, I feel bad a decent chunk of time. But I also do a lot of work so as not to to feel awful all the time. Like I seek professional care and implement daily practices such as meditation and CBT, etc. You don't need to amplify every darkest thought, my friends.
I think enough time has passed that a general identity of this website has emerged as the dominant posting tone and it is the voice of the people who feel bad all the time.