
Here's my summary of the current Ai bubble from next week's newsletter
"OK, it's kind of shit now, but the thing I have in this mystery box will change your life forever" - ancient AI shill proverb.
Sure you've already read this but depressing how much of "AI safety" appears to just be prompt hacking by the makers of the systems, who also don't really understand how to make them do what they're supposed to.
ChatGPT spills its You can get ChatGPT to spill the initial prompt it’s initialized with before it talks to you. What spectacular feat of hacking could crack this one? In the latest example, Reddit user F0XMaster jus…
Really leaning into the Rube aspect of my Rube Goldberg Device
I really appreciate you taking definitive stances. So many people, even anti gen AI art people, make these mealy mouth comments that hedge their bets that they might be wrong about this tech. And heres Ed just saying fuck you prove its good!
You'd think 3D television, VR, Crypto/NFTs, and the metaverse in particular, would have left more people more skeptical about tech claims.
Also who fucking cares if your wrong? I hated digital art and photoshop back in the day. Then I got on board and loved it, have used photoshop for 20 years now. And I wasnt arrested for being wrong. It literally doesnt matter. Also Adobe sucks now so maybe I was right the first time.
A movie I watched recently - Hundreds of Beavers - was done up in Adobe After Effects. For a $150k film, it looks incredible. GIMP and Blender are are handy, too
Oh yeah Beavers is on my list! Heard nothing but good things
You're correct that just because someone is wrong about one thing, doesn't mean they should be arrested. That certainly is a point that can be made. I was discussing skepticism, not calling on anyone to be jailed.
Oh I know and agree I was just being facetious about it
This new snake oil is unlike the garbage snake oil that previous salesman was making crazy claims about. This one IS magic! /s
There was more real tech in 3D / VR TV. Like, there's a miniaturization problem and a lack of functional OS. But you can at least talk about how this could be useful once a clever enough team worked on the project. But Crypto was *always* a scam. And AI is increasingly fully automatic piracy.
lmao i actually completely forgot about the 3d tv fad, thank you
The Segway but it destroys the environment faster
Lol I just pictured a Segway that rolls coal.
Midjourney et al could do fun fever-dream things with that prompt
Just joking about destroying the environment is enough for me.
Ah, yes, the industry where every two weeks one Altman type will say it will enslave humanity and destroy the universe because that's how powerful it is has some top secret stuff that is really good and useful, unlike the bullshit machine and the tits with legs and a head image generator.
AI kind of gave the game away when the board fired Altman for lying about the capabilities of his project, and then he was brought back because his real skill is convincing tech executives that his chatbot is Roko’s Basilisk.
That was a fun, brief news roller coaster. Funny how the cult immediately lined up behind the leader, knowing full well that the gravy train was going to come to an abrupt stop without him.
How much money did they dump into Decentraland? I haven't checked recently, but I assume it's still up, and no one is using it.
Oh yes, that's actually what I was referring to. Dan is amazing.
Any VC funded company is likely to scream and yell about every facet of their 'business' as the whole point of it existing is to get more funding. There is no incentive to keep things back
You mean the messianic insistence that AI is critical to humanity's survival based on little more than thoroughly unsubstantiated claims from startups running on fumes in desperate need of more VC money is less than solid? Color me astounded.
Generative AI companies argue that scraping from the internet is okay because their AI learns from it, doesn't copy. And the evidence we have for that is... that they said so