
This isn't true on its own terms -- Biden has held multiple campaign events and attacked Trump -- but it's also a slight of hand where Biden trying to steer questions towards policy is evidence he wants to avoid the age question and addressing them is just more evidence that it's a concern.
Biden appears to have mostly given up on campaigning against Trump, and his campaign is focused mostly around denying the obvious about his age. That only is more evidence he's not up to what he needs to do.
Hilarious that she accuses people of "gaslighting" for arguing back against her just two posts below that one.
Further evidence she's not just wrecking is posting an article attacking Biden from July 2. Anything else happen in the last week?
If she feels so strongly about this why not put it in a formal article? Then it would have gone thru an editorial review which in theory would have caught errors and evened out the tone. Maybe she pitched it to them and they said no.
One of the striking things about the Stephanopoulos interview is he wanted Biden do commentary on various newspaper articles about him, and Biden seemed unable to contain his contempt that they weren't talking about his, you know, important job
Yeah, they've really set up a heads I win, tails you lose dynamic.
I took some time coming around to a strong opinion on this but it became really clear after the Friday interview that this is not a "concern" that can be disproven.
Yeah, the whole thing has been a become a huge bad faith motte and baily where we skip from "We have concerns about his mental acuity" to "Well his mental acuity is fine, but how can he come back from the media firestorm" and then back to "The firestorm is itself proof of his decline."
Right, and if you scratch at "he's old" you very quickly get to "he's losing" and, like, neither one of those things is really in evidence, people are just asserting them in a circular panic as if they explain each other. 2016 trauma strikes again!
To the extent it's an *electoral* argument ("he's losing"), that in and of itself isn't sufficient justification to overturn an election against the wishes of the winner. If he's going to be removed, it would need to be something that would justify his removal from the positon via the 25th amd.
I also find myself coming up short on charity because we did the "Biden has dementia and the DNC has him hidden in his basement to keep that from you" news cycle four years ago. Bad stroke of luck he's contracted it again at the exactly the same point in the election cycle, but he'll be cured by Nov
This is amazingly bad even from Amanda. If I made a living being a politics knower I would be so embarrassed to have posted something so ignorant and wrong.
It's the claim that people pushing back are "gaslighting" while she makes an obviously untrue claim that is so galling.
I started a reply but she's so far up her own troll ass in the comments that I feel like I should watch my blood pressure and not
She is a deeply unserious person not worth your time.
When I thought about it, the fact that she said "cope" seriously was a big sign of that
Last week, she accused people of sounding like Trump supporters—which made her sound an awful lot like one. She outdid herself with that one word today.
Yeah. That was…disappointing.
Meanwhile, the whole conversation allows Trump to continue to get away with being completely unhinged and Project 2025 to fly under the radar.