millennium falco

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millennium falco


woc | cis

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high contrast image of human eye, lined in green eyeliner and orange and pink eyeshadow

screenshot of falco's 3rd record, titled falco 3, in monochrome bright red, with falco's signature scrawled across it
Learning about another Black woman murdered by cops and I just continue to double down on the fact that "ACAB includes fandom cops/antis" is only a coherent statement if you think a weenie being mad over ships is the exact same as being shot by the cops you call to protect you. 🤢
people don't get "tricked" into voting for fascism. people vote for fascism because they're fascists, maybe sometimes unbeknownst to themselves.
90% of "leftist infighting" is just people refusing to understand intersectionality and confront their privilege
you are the sunshine of my life diana ross and steven wonder 🙌
Over half-way through the month and I still need 78 sign-ups to make rent and cover bills this month. You get literally 1000s of posts, over 700 recipes for £5 and more added every day. 16% off if you sign up annually! Please just give it a try. You improve my life and can cancel anytime.
I'm a black trans woman fighting poverty and homelessness. To support myself, I set up a patreon where you can get access to all my recipes, poetry, artwork and photography for just £5. Something new EVERY SINGLE DAY. You won't regret it.
Avatar Endometriose kann nun über einen Speicheltest diagnostiziert werden. Ursprünglich nur mittels OP (was bei jungen menstruierenden Personen versucht wird, zu vermeiden). Dieser Test kostet jedoch 800€ und wird nicht von den deutschen Krankenkassen bezahlt. Dafür gibt es eine Petition
feed full of american politics, mostly consisting of attempts to convince the imaginary republicans (who are simply "patriotic", just "worried") and solely exist in liberal minds how voting for trump will be terrible for them too, this is depressing on so many levels
Twitter Usende könnte sich genauso gut einen Account bei Truth Social machen imho
In addition, you can't mute either the Trump2024 or MAGA hashtags (you can put them in your muted words, but nothing will be muted), and if you click one of them, THIS shit happens.
"Es bleibt uns nichts,wenn unsere Ohnmacht nicht in die Wut umschlägt,die alles will. Es ist geradezu absurd, wie unser Leben in einem absolut leeren System verrinnt. Ich gebe hier keine Widerstandsform vor. Aber wir müssen die Gesellschaft besetzen mit ihrer vollständigen Negation. Nichts weniger."
Über was reden? –
Be it BlueSky, Threads, or Mastodon/the fediverse, white people have been *desperately* trying to recreate their offline segregated lives. They're still so DEEPLY resentful that Twitter gave Black voices a weight that didn't quite exist before & they'll be damned if they let it happen again
The reason why white folks got so hype about Twitter "alternatives" is because they thought they finally wouldn't have to share digital space with Black people anymore. And they're so mad it didn't work out that way.
On the one hand, it's a great opportunity. On the other hand, it means confronting anti-Blackness, so it's an opportunity that Bluesky has chosen to ignore so far. So ... we shall see.
Bluesky's lot younger than Mastodon, so potentially more malleable. And Bluesky's got a lot more money than Mastodon. So one path forward is to PAY some of the many Black experts here - the people I've tagged, folks like and, etc - and LISTEN to their advice
And sure enough, many of the patterns describes in Whiteness of Mastodon (which by the way still haven't been addressed in the 18 months since he wrote it, what a surprise) apply just has much here as on Mastodon.
The Whiteness of Mastodon | A conversation with Dr. Johnathan Flowers about Elon Musk's changes at Twitter and the dynamics on Mastodon, the decentralized alternative.
Avatar highlights the underlying commonality.
Be it BlueSky, Threads, or Mastodon/the fediverse, white people have been *desperately* trying to recreate their offline segregated lives. They're still so DEEPLY resentful that Twitter gave Black voices a weight that didn't quite exist before & they'll be damned if they let it happen again
And then, when Mastodon got another chance in 2022/3 ... anti-Blackness once again meant that the platform migration didn't happen. Hey wait a second, I'm noticing a pattern here. And hmm, I'm noticing the same pattern on Bluesky as well. (2/N)
An excellent thread by Mastsodon is a great cautionary experience. Anti-Blackness kept it from catching on in 2017 -- see the section on "Dogpiling, weaponized content warning discourse, and a fig leaf for mundane white supremacy" (1/N)
Saw someone’s take is “Bouie not being here won’t make or break” this site. I am happy to say some things about how platform migration works. It’s true, one user never makes or breaks anything, but for U.S. users the presence of young Black folks has driven the popularity of new tech for decades 1/?
Mastodon: a partial I'm flashing!
#ritaaudio tagging my music of the day so you can mute if annoying. anyway al green on hot summer days is so magic!!!!!! listening to take me to the river 💃
Oh I’m SO MAD - anti-homeless bench disguised as disability access when wheelchair users already have a place to sit (‼️)
the iwtv fandom got me after all with daniel/armand. why am I never into main pairings or canon pairings???
I just discovered there is a feed that lets you see all of the posts that quote you.
it's not on Black twitter to dissolve their communities on x just so they can come over here and help diversify bsky, it's on bsky to create a platform that welcomes and supports Black Twitter in every aspect that matters.
the existing polo shirt choices for people with breasts seem to be either below nipples or below crotch and all of it is annoyingly tight and figure hugging :(
there is this type of insufferable, leftist, white cis guy whose main usp is demonstrating how much higher his politics are evolved mainly by constantly belittling others. it's an efficient strategy because this way he never has to explain his vision, only force others to justify theirs
Rules for me, not for thee is like the basic premise of fascists, they want a white straight able ruling class that has all the privileges and see leftists as the dirty underclass, of course they think that there is no problem in what they are doing.
You can’t make this shit up.
Look me dead in my eyes and tell me this is real America is punking us, there is no way
hurt my back today, by picking up 7-10 kg archive boxes and carrying them downstairs, now I'm trapped lying on my back like a turtle 😒