millennium falco

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millennium falco


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high contrast image of human eye, lined in green eyeliner and orange and pink eyeshadow

screenshot of falco's 3rd record, titled falco 3, in monochrome bright red, with falco's signature scrawled across it
btw is there a new covid variant? i put on a mask on the tram and then coughed (NOT INTENTIONALLY) and someone who was about to sit down beside me moved to another seat? that hasn't happened recently
bin tbh fest davon überzeugt, dass wenn leute wenigstens nur in den öffis, aber dort konsequent, maske tragen würden, die welt schon mal sicherer für viele wäre.
good morning song! maximum the hormone by yoshu fukushu 🙌
#Compact und seine Freunde waren doch diejenigen, die man angeblich bei der Buchmesse aushalten sollte weil Demokratie und Meinungsfreiheit und wo man leider nichts gegen sagen kann, außer das "die Kuhnke" sich nicht so anstellen soll oder?
rn a bit too hot to think clearly, sorry, there are buses without ac in vienna on this day (30° 🤪)
The fucked thing about this country is that almost half of it probably sees that and feels satisfaction.
The latest cover of the New Yorker:
White people: Not a single person of color wants to hear about how [much more] racist you used to be. What do you think you're accomplishing with these confessions? Who is supposed to feel better after hearing that? Do that in group chats with other white people or something.
btw people need to make a concentrated effort to follow less wp, more people of colour. people instinctively tend to follow wp. but don't insinuate yourself into convos between poc, don't demand education, knowledge or interaction just bolster their numbers in their favour.
Auch nicht im Diskurs mit Kolleg*innen. Für so etwas gibt es Superversion oder Psychotherapie. Professionelle mit Arbeitsstress sind keine marginalisierte Gruppe, die sich hier Luft machen dürfen. Wenn ihr meint das machen zu müssen, seid ihr nur scheiße und habt jede Kritik daran verdient. 2/2
Habe meinen Skeet von vorhin gelöscht, weil die Wortwahl nicht gut war. Der Inhalt ist mir aber ein Anliegen: Ärzt*innen sowie andere Professionen in Machtposition mögen bitte aufhören soziale Netzwerke zu nutzen, um ihre berufliche Überforderung aufzuarbeiten. 1/
If you start building out cells and mutual aid networks, please consider also doing political education to heighten the revolutionary potential of your groups. One good place to start is this article on security culture from
What Is Security Culture? A security culture is a set of customs shared by a community whose members may be targeted by the government, designed to minimize risk. Having a security culture in place saves everyone the troubl...
Ihr müsst bedenken, Gewalt gegen Menschen, die sich auf die Straßen setzten, war für Deutsche halt auch deshalb gerechtfertigt, weil sie pünktlich bei der Arbeit sein mussten.
war mal wieder auf x, hatte die wahl zwischen elhotzo liberalo drama und deichmann schmunzeltwitter kalauern auch iwie etwas depremierend dort
Es sind noch viel zu wenig Faschist*innen gestorben.
#ritawatch #iwtv took me long enough but i really liked sam reid's lestat in episode 7.
Disability Reading Thread for Disability Pride Month. Drop your favorite books. ♿️ 📚
holy shit apparently the ny post initially reported that the trump shooter was a chinese man based on not much more than vibes and then left that story up for HOURS
great, my expensive skullcandy push active earbuds that claim they're being designed for workouts, won't recharge since i used them for a few walks. reason: apparently the sweat damaged/blocked the magnetic charging pins 🤡
if she could experience joy and grief and horniness and be a hot mess during an apocalypse all while mostly keeping it together, so can u
If your version of revolution doesn’t look like people trying to care for each other in some fashion, you’re probably not ending capitalism.
when i dress very sexily, like micro mini shorts and high heels sexy, i always get the one or other white woman giving me this hateful look, but i think this never happens when i'm with other white people, why?
people manufacture, update and adjust their intent after their words and actions have been received to justify them. sometimes this may happen even without awareness. examining intent for your own sake isn't worthless but offering it as a justification is.
Remember when they said death panels were bad ?
it's important for outlets to explain that when we talk about AI "posing a threat to humanity," we're talking about the rushed implementation of half-cooked automation killing your grandma with an auto-rejection of her medicare claims, not sentient industrialized planet-scouring murderbots (for now)
UnitedHealth uses AI model with 90% error rate to deny care, lawsuit For the largest health insurer in the US, AI's error rate is like a feature, not a bug.
#ritawatch #iwtv s2ep5 i have read the book and seen the movie but am still hoping that this particular arc doesn't happen 💔
Wear a mask. Even if you just start popping one on at the store, on the metro, in meetings at work, at your job when someone else is in a mask. Any additional masking slows the spread and makes it more possible for people like me to be in public places. You don't have to be perfect, every bit helps.
New today: CDC now estimates that SARS-CoV-2 levels in wastewater have reached "high" levels nationwide, for first time since past winter wave At state level, 26 now have COVID-19 levels that are "high" or "very high" in wastewater
people manufacture, update and adjust their intent after their words and actions have been received to justify them. sometimes this may happen even without awareness. examining intent for your own sake isn't worthless but offering it as a justification is.