
I also feel this is true, and I wonder why that is. I remember when Jonathan Franzen turned down Oprah's Book Club, an honor for which most authors would commit actual murder, because he was afraid it would scare away the already dwindling audience of men. Something weird happened in the late 90s.
Audiences have changed. For example, grown men basically don't read fiction anymore in any real numbers.
Here's an incisive writeup in Vox that explains the Franzen controversy and sheds some light on the 'why don't men read fiction anymore' question as well.
Male fragility is the fucking worst.
What I'm mainly taking from this is that men could calm down and open their minds about what they read.
Now that you mention it.. Growing up my dad bought books 📚 all the time from Amazon (like I do now) but hardly ever read them. He claimed he was too busy but I always suspected there was more to it.
I used to read fiction voraciously. In my 40s, dealing with a protracted and bitter divorce, I stopped being able to concentrate long enough to read ANYTHING. Now I'm reading more often again, but fiction keeps defeating me. I really don't know why and I hate it.
Weird, of course there are good reasons to avoid Oprah.
I think there is an earnestness and vulnerability in enjoying fiction that men are often punished for exhibiting in modern society
ooh that's an interesting theory...
You see it in extreme forms with the Andrew tates, ranting how it’s pathetic to like Star Wars, or sff in general They shame each other for even caring about fiction
Fellas, is it gay to read?
From what the internet tells me, everything makes you gay.
that's fascinating as a man who reads a lot of fiction i basically had no idea this was the case
Hard same. I'm honestly surprised.
Franzen's such a doof, I would have been jumping on that couch over Oprah like Tom Cruise
My first reaction to this is surprise, as most of my male friends read regularly. But then I think about those friends and they're all SFF fans, so it makes sense. Outside this, my male co-workers/acquaintances never mention books... while the girls/women I know who read talk about books often.
I worked at a bookstore many years ago, and it was remarkable how her recommendation would improve sales of a book. We'd go from stocking a few copies to filling a shelf with them.
Yeah, it was right around then. Here are some names: Louis L'Amour, John D. MacDonald, Donald E. Westlake (aka Richard Stark). These were more or less household names in the '80s because grown men were buying and reading their novels. It's kind of incredible how "men's fiction" has disappeared
We have to reanimate Tom Clancy to get the fellas to read again
I google the gap and the first thing coming up is articles saying this is happening from the mid-00s, ooof. And apparently a worldwide issue? (Sometimes I've seen "men aren't seeing the books they want" but there's books on _anything_)
Interesting. Almost everything I read for pleasure is fiction.
internet & infinite content + same # of hours in every day = less time for long-form stories
I also had no idea this was the case. (Of course my reading suffered when we lost our bookstore, but at least I have a backlog to work through)
It unfortunately does feel generally true for my millennials (I would probably bet the same for gen z). Meanwhile, historical bios and political punditry books seem to have absolute strangleholds on my dad’s generation.
The central argument strikes me as unlikely. Tater tots & co are a relative outlier compared to the majority, with the thrilled genre especially doing well and being massively masc in nature.
SFF & horror also has a big male readership, so does self-help and memoirs. I suspect social media is to blame for less reading in public, mainly because smartphones are so convenient and social media is so addictive. I think public shaming is going to be low down on the impact list
I'm not sure I'd be able to tell who is reading a (e-)book vs social media on their phone without looking over their shoulder.
when i was in school in the early 00s it was definitely gay to read anything that wasnt some dusty WWII or Civil War book
They live their lives in a fog of fiction about how the world is "supposed" to work - no need to read other people's fiction that contradicts their fiction