David Austin Walsh

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David Austin Walsh


Historian. Postdoc @Yale Center for Study of Antisemitism. Book: TAKING AMERICA BACK: THE CONSERVATIVE MOVEMENT AND THE FAR RIGHT // Yale Press // Spring 2024
Happy to see my book on display at #oah24!
I'm having a book launch event! April 9 at Yale (4:00pm), featuring Hasia Diner, Lila Corwin Berman, and Joe Fronczak. It's free and open to the public, so if you're in the area please come! (There will also be free booze after.)
Look what came in the mail yesterday!
What's the over/under on Haley eventually endorsing Trump?
Seems like there’s a pretty strong consensus among right-wing studies folks that Donald Trump will win the 2024 election, possibly with an outright win.
I haven't seen the Shane Gillis SNL yet, but I do think it's another sign that -- post-Bud Light -- corporate liberalism is beginning to trend rightward again in order to cater to an increasingly influential market of right-wing Gen. Z men.
I had the pleasure of serving on David's dissertation committee. It's a terrific project that debunks the old conventional wisdom that "responsible" conservatism rejected the far-right fringe in the 1960s. A must-read on modern conservatism, especially with the far right resurgent now.
My book, TAKING AMERICA BACK: THE CONSERVATIVE MOVEMENT AND THE FAR RIGHT, is now available for pre-order. Pub. date is April 16! www.amazon.com/Taking-Ameri...
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My book, TAKING AMERICA BACK: THE CONSERVATIVE MOVEMENT AND THE FAR RIGHT, is now available for pre-order. Pub. date is April 16! www.amazon.com/Taking-Ameri...
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Liberal Zionism in America is in *deep* denial about what Zionism is. This is not a new insight, but it has been exponentially amplified in light of the Gaza war.
The problem with Bluesky is that it doesn’t provoke the same existential crises by engaging with the platform as Twitter.
This week I moved back up to Connecticut, started my new class for the semester, finished scheduling a workshop, and did two job interviews. It's 11:00am on a Friday, it's snowing, and I'd say it's time to crack open a cold beer
The reason why the ICJ case was so powerful—and why it was very important that South Africa filed it—is because insofar as there is a solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict that does not involve ethnic cleansing or genocide, it will have to look like the South African model.
Plagiarism *is* bad but if you are so hot and charismatic that you can marry a billionaire and (allegedly) have an affair with Brad Pitt it's probably not the thing that has made you successful.
Credit to this Flynn Cratty guy—he has a better understanding of how the politics of higher education work than the vast majority of either faculty or administrators.
One detail in the NYT piece about how Gay lost the support of the board. The "prominent academic" is a lecturer who also runs the Harvard group for "academic freedom" which has criticized DEI. But over chats at the Harvard club he was able to persuade board members to oppose Gay's leadership.
One detail in the NYT piece about how Gay lost the support of the board. The "prominent academic" is a lecturer who also runs the Harvard group for "academic freedom" which has criticized DEI. But over chats at the Harvard club he was able to persuade board members to oppose Gay's leadership.
That sound you hear right now is every conservative political activist in America jacking off to GOD AND MAN AT YALE.
I have no particular love for Claudine Gay, but this is a *major* victory for reactionary donors and the far right's campaign to dismantle American higher education.
I reject the analysis that Biden is a fascist as borderline delusional, but I do think that Biden’s inability to “return to normal,” the failure to enact any meaningful structural political reform, and the underwriting of ethnic cleansing abroad has cast the die. Happy New Year!
I am genuinely confused why American lefties are attacking the kid facing 30 days in jail and widespread social ostracism for refusing to serve in the IDF? Can someone explain this to me?
make a movie title better by prefacing it with “Jackie Chan’s”
Grandpa wore his suit to dinner nearly every day No particular reason he just dressed that way
Please allow me to introduce myself I'm a man of wealth and taste.
The Israeli government is now unambiguously pursuing a policy of ethnic cleansing in Gaza.
Well, it's basically the end of the year and I suppose it's time to reflect on some highlights. I submitted the final draft of my book; got an article accepted for publication, moved to a new town and started a new job, and got an op-ed published in the @nytimes.com.