
the unexpected thing about Talking To Your Representatives is that it can actually work, if enough people are similarly mad about the same thing. you won’t get the elected on the phone. but they will hear about it from their annoyed staff, who might not have time to do anything else
thinking of all the underpaid capitol hill staffers who will get yelled at by constituents who want to Talk To Their Representatives
in a somewhat similar vein, i am reminded of the large number of book bans that passed because a small number of people called the right numbers often enough to complain. playing the game can in fact pay dividends
IIRC wasn't it something like, between 15-20 people doing all the legwork to get that shit done in every state in the country? what could a small group of, say, 50 actual progressive leftists accomplish, I wonder?
I recognize what you’re suggesting but the actual answer is an extremely efficient circular firing squad
Nah I refuse to accept that, everyone isn't this website
I’m working off having been watching the “progressive left” since the 90s and in person, but sure
I keep calling my representative Adam Smith about Gaza and he keeps sending me follow-up, pre-written emails assuring me not to worry, he's got Israel’s back no matter what.
yeah. it’s not guaranteed to work. especially on the permanent churn of the war machine and double-especially on all things israel. but it’s good of you to try. they at least know some constituents are continually mad about it
I tell the staff that they are bad people, themselves
I can confirm that when I did have the chance to meet with Tim Caine and told him who I was and for the umpteenth time I asked him about auditing the military budget, better spending on VA aid, and improving protection of our domestic utilities he remembered me and said to not let up reminding him.
And from what I understand, staffers are generally required to keep a record of every call, email, and piece of physical mail, and what it’s about. So at least there’s a running record of what constituents are concerned about. Yeah, some reps might ignore it all anyway, but it’s there, nagging ‘em.
Fun story: I was a senate intern during the Thomas hearings circa 91 and we did actually read all the letters, assigned them codes and they'd get a response. I opened a letter containing a large amount of pubes, (Thomas, coke can, pube) that fell all over my lap. Truly a wonderful experience.
I've literally called, not my rep but she's running for us senate, and both times I've called I immediately had someone on the phone. I voiced my complaints and that I literally have my absentee ballot and basically am like "tell me why I should not vote for the primary challenger"
I am upset with a few votes from her and I need to know her position on KOSA or similar bills and if she will work against it and prevent others from voting for it. So far she has had no stated opinion apparently. I might have to call back and ask about other things.
My representative and senators are both Dark Red Republicans because I live in Texas. I promise you they could not care less what I have to think nor what the masses think because they are protected by the massive rural vote and gerrymandered to hell districts.
yeah, texas is a tough one. the republicans are working hard to make it a one-party state and it seems like they have broadly succeeded. and then there’s that fucking state electoral college they’re trying to do for statewide races which would make it all but literally a one-party state
i try to reach back to one of the inexorable lessons about being black in america, and that is you really can’t ever give up hope that things will be better. even if it looks impossible
I know this feeling. My blue Florida county is surrounded by red counties and all I’ve ever gotten from Kat Cammack or Rick Scott are form letters about how they try their best to “represent our constituents.”
Cammack, anointed heir to Yoho.
Yeah. That one. At least it was fun saying that guy’s name.
I called both my senators today. Bennets staffer said their phones have not stopped ringing since yesterday. Hick’s agreed the senator should support AOC’s articles of impeachment against Thomas and Alito!
The entire goal of politicians is to skim money without having to actually talk to anyone. So when everyone “annoys” them, they tend to respond.
Mine just has a fuckin answering machine and never returns calls.
that’s terrible and fuck them. but i bet they have a physical mailbox, or even a fax machine if you wanna get 1980s with it
There is free fax software that lets you send a limited number of faxes for free, I have done this to send stuff to congress (especially outside of my rep or senators since they tend to filter those out otherwise). Immediate and in writing.