
among other things this is what the Supreme Court thinks of the hilarious notion of DOJ indepdence! The President can just do whatever he wants to in ordering prosecutions and investigations! This principle is so important it extends into conferring immunity onto the President!
"The President has exclusive authority over the investigative and prosecutorial functions of the Justice Department and its officials" wow so it turns out that waiting out Biden's entire term instead of arresting Trump on January 20th *wasn't* an ironclad requirement of law and procedure?!
Also, huh, wonder if any of the six members of SCOTUS doing this has done anything remotely illegal. Could Biden send the FBI to their houses and offices to check it out? Seems so!
Violating Separation of Powers as an official act? Absolute Immunity. Unclear if it is official? Presumptive.
They seem to have put themselves in the official box that can’t even be investigated. Like gerrymandering, anything political is now ok.
Demanding he arrest Alito tomorrow
Biden should send Jack Smith to Bedminster today to look for more classified files
No wait, better idea, start investigating supreme Court justices
The USAF should start enforcing a very specific do not fly list.
Does this mean that if Biden had any spirit at all he'd have the opportunity to do the best possible thing now?
drone strike, or just jail for 1,000 years?
A core belief of conservatives is that Democrats shouldn't be allowed to govern, and so nothing Biden does counts as an official act.
yeah but if the DOJ one time writes a note about the President being untouchable, literally no one has the authority to challenge it
Biden should announce he's directing the Justice Department to investigate bribery of Supreme Court justices and other federal judges. Think he'd get a hefty bump in the polls.
Of course, had the Biden DoJ done this, they'd have found a reason to consider it out of bounds.
Thomas - I concur that the president can arbitrarily direct prosecutions, also appointing Jack Smith to conduct an independent investigation of Trump was unconstitutional.
Dear GOP presidents: Go right ahead with your unitary executive theory. Enjoy. Love, the Supreme Court.
Trump has repeatedly threatened to arrest and jail anyone who challenges him. He just threatened to have Liz Cheney brought before a televised military tribunal. The Supreme Court is helping him follow through on these threats should he be reelected. They know what they're doing.
The funny thing to me about this part is that it means if Biden WAS targeting him with the DOJ like Trump says, it would be completely within Biden's power and legal.