Peter Montgomery

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Peter Montgomery

Researcher and writer focused on right-wing movements for Right Wing Watch, a project of People For the American Way. Lover of dogs, poetry, singing, husband.
Justice Jackson: the next time a President wants to fire his attorney general, he has options.
Somebody's happy with SCOTUS majority creating a law-free zone around the president:
Message from the former president:
"You know the guys whose wives supported the president's coup attempt but said they would remain impartial in his cases? Well, I know they're going to wade in and fix this for our side, so don't worry."
The Speaker of the House steps forward to bolster public confidence in the impartiality of the high court.
The Martyr Machine is cranked up to 11
Reposting because this story is so wild: A scientist for the company that created Scotch Tape & Post-its discovered its toxic chemicals in human blood in the ‘90s. Despite findings showing widespread contamination, her research was stopped by executives who kept the information secret
Toxic Gaslighting: How 3M Executives Convinced a Scientist the Forever Chemicals She Found in Human Blood Were Decades ago, Kris Hansen showed 3M that its PFAS chemicals were in people’s bodies. Her bosses halted her work. As the EPA now forces the removal of the chemicals from drinking water, she wrestles wit...
BREAKING: Sens. Durbin, Whitehouse request meeting with Chief Justice Roberts over Alito ethics scandal, call for Alito’s recusal in Jan. 6 cases.
I'm starting to think that I need to let Donald Trump know that I'm married -- not that it seems to make a difference to him.
Heritage promoted an obviously faked “flier” trying to implicate a Jewish refugee agency in some alleged plot getting new migrants to vote for Biden. Even a Fox News reporter dismissed it. It still didn’t stop House Republicans from waving it around as factual.
Fabricated Flier a New Low in Congressional Anti-Immigrant and Anti-Democratic Conspiracy Narrative - America's Even Fox News Doesn’t Buy the Anti-Semitic Bill of Goods that the Heritage Foundation and MTG are pushing Washington, DC — Last night, the Heritage Foundation, one of the leading anti-immigrant groups...
Trump called the day his trial started "the darkest day in American history." His narcissism is beyond parody.
In today's episode, breaks down Project 2025—the Right's plan to reshape the U.S. government—and discusses action steps the Left must and can take to stall the country’s descent into authoritarianism. Learn more at
"Hundreds of new books featuring characters of color and LGBTQ+ themes were found by the trash at a Staten Island elementary school." In boxes designated “not approved,” books bore Post-It notes: "teenage girls having a crush on another girl in class" and “negative slant on white people.”
Books on Black history, immigration found in trash by Staten Island school, sparking Sticky notes on the books discarded from the elementary school detailed apparent concerns about the contents.
The Guardian adds a story on the autocratic Society for American Civic Renewal:
If you still don't think American democracy is at risk, read about (another) group of wealthy, powerful men organizing to create a new "regime" aligned with their patriarchal, Christian nationalist worldview
If you still don't think American democracy is at risk, read about (another) group of wealthy, powerful men organizing to create a new "regime" aligned with their patriarchal, Christian nationalist worldview
Looks like the whole guitar-thief-comes-to-Jesus "miracle" that Sean Feucht and Matt Shea have played up was really exploitative, performative b.s. involving a coerced "baptism" - some solid reporting here
Must-read thread
I've been thinking, since yesterday, about how political reporters missed Johnson's ascent. I heard one yesterday talking about how he'd had scant fundraising, thus making him an odd choice for speaker. But in 2017 I'd pegged him as a rising star. Why? Because political reporters are looking at...
Well as I live and breathe. A university president speaks facts about the fascist incursion into our campuses.
Exemplary reporting on the mind-boggling scope and scale of the corruption of Leonard Leo and his network. Also appreciate that this report did not leave out the role of religion driving Leo.
It's here! The most detailed and hard-hitting investigation of conservative legal mastermind LEONARD LEO. We've got tons of new reporting on his power + his plans. Including how Leo arranged a mtg w/ GOP donors and Justice Thomas AT the Court. Pls read & share
We Don’t Talk About Leonard: The Man Behind the Right’s Supreme Court The inside story of how Leonard Leo built a machine that remade the American legal system — and what he plans to do next.
"Cults never limit their escalations to violence or hateful ideologies. "There's almost always a weird sexual component, as cult leaders come up with ever stranger rules and regulations to control the sexual expression of their followers."
The right is getting weirder about Cults always police their followers' sex lives, but the right wants to impose their bizarre beliefs on everyone
I am shocked — simply SHOCKED — to learn that one of the Twitter Files nonsense-peddlers spent his free time writing things like, "I want white identity politics to grow like wildfire," and, "Holy shit, Hitler actually had some decent points." Exceptional reporting by
This anti-censorship crusader appears to have buried something himself: A secret alt-right Frame Game, the pseudonym of an alt-right internet personality, hid his face while pushing racist conspiracy theories. Inadvertent slips revealed details about his identity.
The big hero in the Trump fraud case is Tish James. But let's take a moment to remember the role played in this. Because AOC used a hearing to ask real questions, instead of just grandstand like most politicians, she got the ball rolling.
The unsung hero of Trump’s fraud case: Rep. Alexandria The New York rep's first big in Congress? Exposing Trump's fraud so Attorney Tish James could investigate him
Texas Anti-Abortion Crusader Demands Abortion Patient Information In Court The lawyer behind Texas's bounty hunter abortion ban is retaliating against people who get abortions and those who help them
Texas Anti-Abortion Crusader Demands Abortion Patient Information In The lawyer behind Texas's bounty hunter abortion ban is retaliating against people who get abortions and those who help them.