
Yeah, I think I'm going to repeat this a bunch of times: It is incoherent to call for Biden to remain in office but not run. What you're saying is that *you* know that he's fine, but foolish voters won't. And anyone saying that is a fool.
Oddly, the ed board says Biden is doing a good job as President, and doesn’t suggest he leave that office.
The real choices at this point are Biden run or Biden resigns. If he's really lost it, he should quit! And those who presumably know this should be making sure it happens. If he's just sometimes bad on TV...yeah, way too late to solve that problem, and Dems just have to hope it doesn't cost them.
I mean he's not gong anywhere but I don't see the same tension: 'I'm fit to govern but I'm getting too old for this campaigning shit' is a perfectly understandable message.
But..but...governing is harder. Now, if he just doesn't want to, that's different, but tough luck; he missed the deadline for that. Totally reasonable a year or eighteen months ago, but not now.
But I'm not thinking so much from his perspective, but from ours. If I think he's a good president now, then (at this point) it's too late for him to quit. The risks and costs of swapping in someone else are way too high. (And plus resigning lowers the risks & costs).
This is (sorry) really nonsensical. It’s standing on some principle that frankly doesn’t matter now. We’re already facing a world with very few options, why eliminate one for a reason that doesn’t seem to be a concern to really anyone right now?
Which is harder probably depends on your skill set. He can govern with a huge team. It’s not just him alone who governs. But it is him (largely) alone who runs and has to do a certain dance in a certain way. And those steps aren’t his wheelhouse.
"I'm too old to be cogent for an hour but you should trust me to run the country" is actually an insane argument that only someone very stupid would blindly accept without considering for two fucking seconds. It's good for you your daddy was able to get you your fake job or you'd be fucked.
The people who know this also stand to lose significant policy making power if they do.
To be fair, I think part of it is the intra-DNC politics aspect of it. If he resigns now, Kamala becomes President, and the presumptive nominee by default. If he continues but chooses not to run, then there's a better chance we might get a different candidate entirely.
I honestly don’t understand the argument. I happen to think he’s capable of being president now, but after last night, it’s pretty clear that the odds of him being capable in three years are very bad. The election is a forward-looking decision, resigning is about now. What am I missing?
Not necessarily incoherent. It is coherent to think Biden is fine to be president for the rest of this year, but not to be the president for another 4 years.
Yes, but the time for that decision was last year. There's no additional relevant information to "fine for now but old" than we had then.
Perhaps! But that was the time to make the decision, when the costs and risks were manageable.
Still technically possible for Biden to stand aside for a younger candidate that would energise voters, say, Kamala Harris.
Kamala one zero states when she ran. Nobody is excited about a coronation.
That's a pretty indefensible stance. He was bad back then, and is now, but now it's too late?
….why is anyone saying that a fool? Why is that a foolish thing to say lol
I don’t understand. Why is that foolish to say and not just pragmatic?
It is possible to be a good president and be bad at running for president when running against open fascists, it’s an important distinction!
I disagree with this. Real people retire at a variety of ages for a wide variety of reasons. Some people retire too soon, and others retire too late (Farve?). Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Antonin Scalia did not retire. We are still experiencing the aftermath. Biden doesn't have to retire, but he can.
Sorry, but I don’t get this in the slightest. You can think he can serve over a useless do nothing GOP House and with good staff around him for the rest of 2024, but you don’t want him serving until 2028.
Because it's too late to not run. They can't switch now, so either he resigns or he runs. There is no reasonable third option, and anyone telling you about a brokered convention and Kamala Harris is pure wishcasting with no basis in reality.
Some of this is unknowable, but it’s orthogonal to the original point I was responding to.
I think the take is: he’s capable today, but not through the next four years
? I guess I'm a fool but it seems pretty clearly true to me--Biden is most likely mentally fit but he is having communication deficits that make his ability to persuade as to his fitness very poor
Do you hear how tortured this argument is?
I mean. Obviously the editorial board doesn't think so, but he's doing a horrible job. I'm not saying he should resign because I know that no one ever gives up power, but if he resigned for Harris it would probably make me feel better for at least a week, until Harris announced her plan to
unconditionally support a genocide.
I mean, a lot of voters are foolish. The EC system is foolish. And “electability” is a common consideration in primaries. If for harm reduction you’d rather have any D than any R, it’s rational to say finish up but let’s run someone who can win. (Timing of any switch is another story. It’s late).
"electability" is a fig leaf for "white male conservative"
He can do governance but he can’t do a political campaign is coherent. That’s what most libs agree about Hillary in retrospect
Hes fit to do the job, sure hes got a stammer, sure he looks down a lot when not talking, sometimes he mixes up words and immediately corrects himself, big whoop who cares. My beef is that ultimately he's mediocre as fuck when we need exceptional.
Where's this exceptional candidate ready and set to step in and take his place for a campaign that will kick off in mid July?
Too late for that now. Were stuck with the average Joe. At least he won't royally fuck it up. That's very survivable. Much more so than the orange shite goblin alternative. We already saw how well that worked out, and for those who don't remember, it didn't work at all!
In my opinion Bernie was exceptional. Polled better against Trump than Hilldog, Was up to date on the problems of working class Americans, Had sensible solutions to our most immediate problems, & A track record of being ahead of the curve on social issues. Not bad for *adjusts glasses* Holy fuck 82
Biden wasn't in my top 5 in 2020 but we're past that point now!
In every go against trump they keep fucking up by not running Sanders as the P or VP. I mean seriously if you want the progressive left on board hard you gotta put that tiny old mitten man on the ticket somewhere.
At some level yes. But I also think it's possible that trying to do two stressful, public-facing jobs (president and candidate) at age 81 is just a bit too much, particularly if the effect of fatigue is to make clear communication difficult. 1/
And the reality of today's media is that most people don't see him being president. Fifty years ago we would all have seen his D-Day speech on the evening news. Now most people just see doctored video clips on Facebook and TikTok
This is nonsense
What? Rest of his term is six months. If he becomes president again it’s 4 years and six months. ALSO the call is because his state harms his chances of winning!(potentially)
It would be incoherent if he can stop aging. If he’s figured out how to do that, he deserves not just re-election but also the Nobel Prize.
There are people who are voting for Trump because Biden allowed Roe to be overturned. Yes, some voters are incredibly foolish.
This is a superb observation!
You are correct - I voted for Biden and have supported him all along, but after that debate I'm in the camp that they should go the 25th Amendment route in addition to finding a new candidate. Too much at stake internationally.
I’m not really sure those are completely correlated. The election is about the future, our expectations of what he’ll be like a year, two years from now. I might feel like he can push through six more months, but it feels morally wrong to enable any more than that. The debate was a shocking 1/2