e.w. niedermeyer

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e.w. niedermeyer


this gentle soul, cyberbullying elon musk since 2015, author of "ludicrous:the unvarnished story of tesla motors" (2019), and cohost of the autonocast
Justice is mostly very complicated, but bait like "the tallest mountain in the world" helps bring certain problems into focus
I been hacked. all my cybertrucks gone. this just sold please help me.
now this is a research team
I only picked salad greens (not pictured) until the sun became oppressive, and then I helped by processing (tearing the petals off) the cornflowers and marigolds. Weirdly, I didn't try either! The nasturtiums have a nice spicy flavor, and are super easy to grow, a good intro to edible flowers
Isn't it so weird and random how certain areas of science and technology seem to have been colonized by grifters? Like, just off the top of my head: electric cars, space (with a mars focus), self-driving, robotics and AI. Why are so many grifters targeting these topics, I wonder?
never beating the "you spent a material amount of this weekend pulling the petals off flowers" charges
In my defense they were all edible flowers, and they will make salads fancier for some hardworking folks
OK but at least the guy who posted it has fascinating insights into a very specific mobile game, surely that counts for something
the idea that anyone is going to force anyone else to use autonomous vehicles seems to be oddly popular on both sides of the political spectrum, given how vastly distant the technology still is from any scenario remotely like that
a dead giveaway that project 2025 was written specifically for—and with input from—trump:
Saying the libs are gonna make you use a robot chauffeur is like saying the libs are going to make you live in the glorious automated luxury communism city on Mars or something, just a blatant appeal to mental illness... which, to be fair, seems to be working extremely well for Elon Musk so far
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to my right
I do not recall making any such claim, your honor! It was fine until dusk, at which point I was ready to lie down in the tent with a book and listen to the owls anyway. Even then it wasn't as bad as a high altitude spot would have been at this time.
I've camped twice in this spot now and you can always hear owls there. Last time we even saw one flying around. The place is out of the way, but the owls make it worth the while
No, watched some very small fish jumping for bugs though
found a cool spot to beat the heat, and fell asleep to the soft hooting of owls
I for one am glad the Cybertruck exists bc what other vehicle is out there providing nonstop hits like this
If you've bought into a cordless power tool ecosystem, which one did you pick? Any recommendations?
compact earth, pretty smooth mostly, wagons are extremely common. You even see couples partying at night with their tiny ones somehow snoozing in little covered wagons lmao
retired racing dogs really are the sweetest and best dogs, jump on this if you're looking for a four legged companion
I just got an email from my local greyhound rescue that Caliente, the dog track at Tijuana, is closing. If you're in southern California and thought about a retired racer this might be a great time to reach out to an adoption group. Retired track dogs make awesome pets.
oh good plan! I assume security won't be dicks about infants without wristbands. Also, the big new meadow area (Xavanadu) usually has some quiet shady spots to chill at in a pinch.
That would be the play, IMO. The good news is that even just a few hours goes a long way, so you could go early and duck out before it gets hot and dusty. Then again, I've been camping out there for something like 15 years so I'm a pusher lol.
I'll put a vote in for "delighted," kids love a magical landscape and OCF delivers on that, but it's a big day trip from the Portland area even without kids. At least the weather is cooling off just in time.
wild, bsky getting frisky with it... one minute it said "blocked post" and the next it was full Extremo The Clown lol thank you for sharing this incredible find!
finally a chariot worthy of my vibes
it appears I am blocked
ah, no longer... wow! I have yet to see this bad boy around town!