
The latest drone footage from Tesla's Texas "Gigafactory" has all the old familiar hits: multiple uncontrolled fluid leaks (possibly environmental violations), piles of parts staged outdoors in the elements, and an End Of Line "hospital" for especially janky Cybertrucks
FLUID LEAKS and CAR PARTS STORED OUTSIDE i feel this should be on a tabloid
yeah, fascinatingly this kind of stuff has been widely witnessed for many years now, yet Tesla remains the worlds most valuable automaker by a wide margin. Hell, their Fremont factory has had at least eight fires, I think they cracked double digits on that. This stuff is all so not normal it's scary
We live in a time of economic fraud at a mass scale
And incompetence. Baffling incompetence
The idea that this junior varsity kit car operation is worth multiples of an actual manufacturing leviathan like Toyota or GM is just cuckoo bananapants. This is Simpsons Monorail episode levels of scammery and hucksterism.
i mean if you never actually get set on fire are you even learning how to avoid being set on fire? Fire v9 will be fire u just wait it uses ai
literally will be showing this to my son who wants to buy a tesla
A whole fleet of Incel Caminos and they are using ICE pickups onsite tragic
“Leaking fluid” He didn’t move to Texas by accident. You can get away with near-murder there as far as environmental concerns go.
I guess the one in the tent died and the others are all sitting there with open wounds waiting for their field surgeon. LOL
I keep waiting for people to wake up and realize the Cybertruck is garbage and Elon is an idiot…but considering the same people who love Elon want to elect a convicted felon and child rapist as President, that day may never come.
I build a “gigafactory” so I can do work outside in tents. Lonnie is a genius.
Can't help noticing that in sere Texas the liquid is flowing into an area of vegetation, surely providing much-needed moisture to the parched soil ... and in this otherwise grassy sward the ground near the outflow is utterly lifeless. That fluid is not HVAC condensate or anything similarly benign.
Is anyone trying to catalog how many Tesla vehicles, specifically the Cybertruck, are hoarded in various places around the country?
Short sellers used to do that back in the 2018 TSLAQ heyday, but it was always hard to tell how much was oversupply of saleable cars, how much was defective cars waiting to be repaired, and how much was just bad logistics. Either way, facts simply turned out not to matter when it comes to the stock.
Love to see just a bunch of tents and generators.
The diesel generator is what got me. Like, TSLA, you're swimming with money, run a fkn power line out there.
I have no joke here; I just like saying "cybertruck hospice".
So far as potential violations go, the company managed to get the land reclassified as County to avoid City of Austin environmental regulations.
This footage needs the theme from M*A*S*H over it
Fewer people died in M*A*S*H
Where is Marvin Zindler when you need him
I feel like he’d have a really punchy graphic for leaky go cart factories
I will usually be the last person to defend Tesla, but that really looks like condensation from an HVAC system
Yeah, that's what I'm hearing. Not sure why they they would be cooling a tent in a parking lot, but this is why I said "possibly"
I’m just happy to see the word janky, a favorite of my too distant daughter
Scary how Tesla was seen as such a leader and had so much potential just a few years ago. Now they are a sad joke counting on fools to keep investing in them. I bought a used Model S and after 2 years (and many expensive repairs) the battery died & I walked away from them. My next EV won't be Tesla
This is like the first 40 minutes of WALL·E before we meet the people who receive the cybertrucks.
All this to make Incel Caminos for fanboys.
There’s a reason he picked texas.
Reminds me a bit of the Flesh Fair scene from the movie AI.
Elon willl be requesting SAMs from his defense buddies.
Two of the funniest expense line items would be how much annual spend they have in diesel/gasoline. And how much spent on Ford pickup trucks/vans for service fleet.
The former Toyota employee that lives inside me is laughing its head off. Everything that man does is fraudulent and shonky but people are suckers for calming narratives. So many acolytes desperate to believe in the "genius" branding by the boy Musk. No evidence (like this) will ever deter them.
Why does it like some up-rendered base from C&C?
Put it in a complaint to the TCEQ and Travis County. It’s evidence of soil contamination and potential water contamination. Investigators can and will investigate. Send to TexasTribune and Texas Observer. Propublica. The muckrakers. Embarrass Elmo and force regulators to act.
They may nevervaell a single cybertruck pot-launch since all the ones on.the road.are the preorders and they suck to.bad the production may never catch up to the preorders
TSLA (and Elon) will crash gradually... then suddenly. There's no happy ending to that story.
It's very Tesla that they're willing to shell out for enormous plate glass windows on the side of the factory facing the highway, but not willing to buy some cargo containers to stick parts in.
Don’t you mean Cybertruck critical care unit??? Or is it a burial site?
Dude’s been misunderstanding his Cliff’s Notes version of Goldratt’s ‘The Goal’ for years.