Zach Rabiroff

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Zach Rabiroff

I used to do some journalism that no one read.
To the long list of petty moments in the comics business, add Stan Lee's comments about Jack Kirby at the 1978 Creation Con, where he called Kirby "imaginative but undisciplined," and described his latest work for Marvel as "not his best."
This has been a difficult week. Trying to do freelance writing is always frustrating and wearying by its nature, I know. But even by those standards this has been a particularly brutal few days of rejections and humiliations, large and small.
Fuck this. This comedy show of a website isn’t ready for prime time.
I’m sure the last self-satisfied white dude inhabiting Bluesky will feel awesome about his praxis when he’s finished devouring every good person on his side.
Reposted byAvatar Zach Rabiroff
Before it was Jamelle, it was Tressie, before it was Tressie, it was all those black folks y’all chased away before this app was even fully open to the public. I can’t PAY a lot of my friends to try BlueSky because of what they’ve heard about y’all. It’s not a person; it’s a proven pattern.
Everything about American politics is operated with the same level of adrenaline-fueled panic and last-minute bad decision making with which I approached every school assignment in high school, and the state of my life today should be a real word of warning to everyone.
Is it bad that my weather app is inventing new ways to panic
Very rude to have my depressive spiral interrupted by someone saying something nice about me, frankly. Please respect my hobbies.
What we should do is, everyone on bluesky should cancel their New York Times subscription, except for one designated Republican who agrees to give us their password, like our whole website's boomer dad.
What's more: when you feel like you've known an artist through their art, it's because you heard in an echo of their voice something that sounded like the most essential part of yours. If an artist disappoints you, or proves themselves unworthy, that part of you doesn't go away. It's always yours.
But also: Artists are often their best selves when they’re creating art. The person you communed with through a work of art never existed, but is still real: the best nature, the most generous, fearless and humble par, of that artist’s soul. >
Reposted byAvatar Zach Rabiroff
But also: Artists are often their best selves when they’re creating art. The person you communed with through a work of art never existed, but is still real: the best nature, the most generous, fearless and humble par, of that artist’s soul. >
I was lucky enough to grow up surrounded by artists of various kinds so I knew from early that good artists weren’t always good people >
Reposted byAvatar Zach Rabiroff
Big fan of the 20/20 "Batman's Back" segment where Barbara Walters questions the idea of "yet another" comic book character getting a movie adaptations, but because it's 1989, the only two examples are Superman and Popeye.
Inspiring words for our time from Stan Lee.
Personally, I think what we should do is vote down the fascists so we get to still have elections, and then in the next one vote down the shitty moderates so we get better candidates, and then do the same thing repeatedly until things don't suck. Just my wild idea, though.
Look how fun shutting down fascists is. I want this for us, too
Dem pundits have now entered the fantasy sequence at the end of 25th Hour, and Taylor Swift asking Gavin Newsom about Ukraine policy is their imaginary kids with Rosario Dawson
Hey you guys wanna see the dumbest plan to replace Biden possible?
Reposted byAvatar Zach Rabiroff
The "let's go with the fascist so the revolution can happen" crowd is especially wild because, like, they had this literal exact fascist four years ago, and did not have a revolution? Didn't even come close to one? Actually ended with the moderate in question just barely sneaking into office?
Okay, I am clearly too old and cognitively fading to pull off writing a book or even another very long article. Maybe the unrhymed poetry market is my thing.
Nothing says “party founded for and committed to the cause of the working class” like a pedantic insistence on proper nomenclature for make-believe knights.
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It's time for the 2024 Comics Worker Survey for US workers! Pay transparency is crucial to uncovering patterns in pay inequity & learning what publishers and clients can ACTUALLY pay us. Submit your info and encourage your peers to do the same! (art by Phil McAndrew)
4th of July holiday really needs to read the fucking room this year
Getting very close to the "fuck it, I might as well eat a great slice of pizza" stage of American history.
Completed my post-Supreme-Court speed run through the Kubler-Ross stages of grief, so I'm in rebellious acceptance now, and good to go. Fuck these guys, I'll outlive them all.
Jenette Kahn arrives at DC Comics, 1976 (from The Comics Journal #37).
I'm tired of trying to succeed. I should be old enough that I can fail in peace.
Mr. No Poster is my derogatory term for people with real lives
poster shop, venice, california, 1985
Yeah, that seems about right.
I've decided to go through the rest of my life in a state of aggressively comprehensive ignorance. I'm going to know nothing about anything, and if I'm unsure of something, I'll assume it's going great. My life will be really short, but I'm going to love it.