
question for Pen People: do you have nice handwriting? just wondering if having nice handwriting inclines people toward pen usage
I find people with passionate opinions about pens very charming. I think because I wish I was among them? But the truth is that 97% of my writing happens on my laptop, 2% in the notes app on my phone, and 1% on paper. So for that 1% I just grab whatever's near and hope it has ink.
probably slightly better than average, but degrades with speed? my main thing is that i enjoy writing/drawing by hand and enjoy it even more when it’s colorful and sparkly
I think the thing about practice comes into play here. If you enjoy pens, you enjoy handwriting, and thus you practice it more.
You know, I think it works in reverse, too? My handwriting used to be decent, and then I took up a profession where you have to write notes as fast as humanly possible and ideally people can read them after. Handwriting might just be a Speed, Beauty, Legibility: Choose 2 situation.
I can now write unspeakably fast, and you'll be able to read it, but it looks like this.
not a speed test but it’s more legible than not. my biggest writing vice is that i usually make terrible lowercase ts when they start a word
That's leagues better than a lot/most of handwriting in a hurry I've seen. A lot of those look like a serial killers'.
Thank you! I'm an artist and might be being too hard on it. IMO it gets the job done.
I have the same kind of page for pencil leads
Would you be able to show a more extensive sample of Salon de Violette?
I didn't forget I just am having fun with Long Covid this week.
Sure. Losing the light today but I can take it to a few different papers tomorrow.
That's so kind, I've not seen this color.
I had to retool my handwriting when I worked at an answering service and had complaints from co-workers. More work, always more work.
I now prefer a light, minimalist manuscript hand, as it doesn't get so dark and junk-looking when I go back and fix the Os and Us and small As and whatever else I half-assed the first time through.
•looks at my handwriting• Choose one, and can't be Beauty. >_>
Tried it. Didn't work. I know, you're thinking "oh, but you're doing so well!" Then why do I hate them and hate making them?