
question for Pen People: do you have nice handwriting? just wondering if having nice handwriting inclines people toward pen usage
I find people with passionate opinions about pens very charming. I think because I wish I was among them? But the truth is that 97% of my writing happens on my laptop, 2% in the notes app on my phone, and 1% on paper. So for that 1% I just grab whatever's near and hope it has ink.
probably slightly better than average, but degrades with speed? my main thing is that i enjoy writing/drawing by hand and enjoy it even more when it’s colorful and sparkly
I think the thing about practice comes into play here. If you enjoy pens, you enjoy handwriting, and thus you practice it more.
You know, I think it works in reverse, too? My handwriting used to be decent, and then I took up a profession where you have to write notes as fast as humanly possible and ideally people can read them after. Handwriting might just be a Speed, Beauty, Legibility: Choose 2 situation.
I can now write unspeakably fast, and you'll be able to read it, but it looks like this.
not a speed test but it’s more legible than not. my biggest writing vice is that i usually make terrible lowercase ts when they start a word
That's leagues better than a lot/most of handwriting in a hurry I've seen. A lot of those look like a serial killers'.
Thank you! I'm an artist and might be being too hard on it. IMO it gets the job done.
I have the same kind of page for pencil leads
Would you be able to show a more extensive sample of Salon de Violette?
I didn't forget I just am having fun with Long Covid this week.
Sure. Losing the light today but I can take it to a few different papers tomorrow.
That's so kind, I've not seen this color.
It's like the darkest blurple I've ever seen. Getting serious mileage out of it. (writing "take pictures" in my calendar now so I don't forget, the way things are going lately.)
I had to retool my handwriting when I worked at an answering service and had complaints from co-workers. More work, always more work.
I now prefer a light, minimalist manuscript hand, as it doesn't get so dark and junk-looking when I go back and fix the Os and Us and small As and whatever else I half-assed the first time through.
•looks at my handwriting• Choose one, and can't be Beauty. >_>
Tried it. Didn't work. I know, you're thinking "oh, but you're doing so well!" Then why do I hate them and hate making them?