
Would of course help further delineate the distinction between the two if the ruling party and its leader were more forceful in their condemnation of anti-Palestinian racism in this country and also had foreign policy which indicates that they believe Palestinians to be equal to Jews.
Trump tells his rally crowd Chuck Schumer has “become a Palestinian.” Second time this week he’s used “Palestinian” to describe non-Palestinians he dislikes as if the word is a slur. I remain skeptical of the claim that Trump becoming president next year would improve the lives of Palestinians.
At the moment however it seems like the selling point a lot of you are pushing is that racist indifference (if you can call it that) is better than racist animus. Not sure how to feel shout that!
In other words if your primary concern is convincing people that Biden and the ruling party are substantively better than their opponents for Palestinians you should probably be putting more time and effort into making sure they are actually substantively better for Palestinians.
whenever people pitch me "but dems will be better for queers!" to me my immediate thought is always "does that include palestinian queers. or immigrant queers. no? why might that be"
Yes? Neither Palestinians nor immigrants are likely to be better off under a second Trump term than a second Biden term.
The US Democratic Party has long been split between progressives (“the Squad”, Bernie Sanders) and the centrists/mainstreamers. The progressive wing has been gaining influence but too slowly. The Republicans have long been (and since Trump, explicitly) almost exclusively racist nationalists.
So yeah I get your point. But one side has good people fighting to bring about good change within a profoundly corrupt system. The other does not. They have the opposite.
The premise is Trump or Biden are going not going to deal with spillovers from the mass murder in Gaza seems a big assumption. If Saudi Arabia says jump about Israel, you think Trump won't jump? So far the dictators in the ME are riding this out. This could change.
Trump learned to say a new word this year: Palestinian. Too bad he doesn’t know what it means.
More forceful than dead silent? How?
I do wish Biden had been on the ball enough—and principled enough—to respond with “what the fuck did you just say, you mouth-breathing bigot?”