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Practice random acts of kindness if that's your thing. It's not mine, yet, but it's probably something to aim for.

Physically disabled due to Multiple Myeloma lesions in 15 vertebrae + multiple compression fractures. Cancer treatment keeps the MM at bay
Some random person called me a "sanctimonious twat" on this platform and blocked me yesterday after I'd thanked her (I believe the pronoun is correct) So I can check that off my bucket list
A tired dog is a happy dog. (Part infinity, the song remains the same, et cetera)
No need to post emojis, period. Christ on a crutch, I hate them even more today than I did when they began infesting online discourse. Write. And stop being QUITE so bloody lazy.
Meanwhile, 6 billion light years away
ESA's (updated) Picture Of The Month (POTM) for June: quasar RX J1131-1231, located ~6 billion light years away and one of the best lensed quasars discovered to date. A foreground galaxy smears the image of the background quasar into a bright arc. esawebb.org/images/potm2... 🔭 🧪
I finally saw a cybertruck this week in real life and the very first thing that occurred to me was how much it resembles a taco bell quesadilla press. Add wheels to this grill and you would not be able to distinguish between them
any excuse to post this one, happy 4th!!
Also tomorrow in the New York Times, Bill Cosby on “Why It’s Paranoid To Watch Your Drink Carefully In Bars”
Happy Birthday to rock ‘n’ roll legend Chubby Checker. 82 and still going strong!
When your friends arrange an intervention and they are all cats. @darthbluesky.bsky.social
There is nothing to remind you about aging like renewing your passport. Like, I still think I'm the photo from ten years ago. But as it turns out, I am NOT the photo from ten years ago.
couldn’t really sleep on the flight because a 9 year old kept opening, then closing the window every ten minutes, but in her defense, flying must be really fucking cool when you’re a 9 year old, what am i gonna do
About flipping time. Hey, rest of Southeast Asia? Yeah, all y'all. Stop sucking so bad. The world is watching.
"We could truly put the robocall problem to bed if we addressed the fact that major corporations and corporate-friendly, rightward-lurching courts have turned our robocall regulatory enforcement into swiss cheese."
I'm pretty sure that there will never be anything posted to Xitter that I will need to see ever again.
That's that. I don't want to chitter-chat.
I'm a shallow person for laughing at this.
my mom got an intramuscular injection and I wasn't expecting how deep the needle goes, so I gasped "I thought it was just the tip!" and my mom, whose morals are corroded, laughed and laughed
Weird how Yahoo News went from a pretty decent down-the-middle no-ax-to-grind news feed app to a complete mess in the last week. Had to uninstall.
Jim Cramer combines the wit of a circus carney with the trenchant financial analysis you’d get in a bus station bathroom
Rule one: never ever believe the corporate media spin. Rule two: no, seriously, stop being a sucker, you dumb consumer, don't make me hate you
ICYDK: Red Lobster has joined the list of private equity casualties. Stripped for parts, saddled with debt, wrung dry, left for dead. www.eater.com/24160929/red...
Red Lobster’s Demise Was Never About the Endless Shrimpwww.eater.com Blame private equity and a decade of mismanagement instead
Hence the aphorism about truth being stranger than fiction.
The truth is enough! The first guy, the suicide, was absolutely at least partly due to stress of that whole situation. That's damning enough! Crediting that to secret assassins is actually taking the spotlight away of what actually went on! This is why we hate conspiracy shit!
as someone who spent half a life in bars & restaurants i am here to tell you that you, in fact, *cannot* tell a lot about a person by these categories. eggs: steak: milk: alcohol: warm drink: though it’s certainly fun to share!
So true and yes, at best, this is a reminder that the road to hell is paved with good intentions
Driving PSA xkcd.com/2932
Well when you put it THAT way...
The idea that countries at all have a right to exist is so silly. People have a right to exist, countries are fake things we made up theoretically to serve the needs of the people within their borders.
I feel like no edge on a car should be able to filet you, but I'm not a disruptor or whatever ➡️ Sharp Edge Slashes Cybertruck Owners Leg Open, But He Still Loves The Truck www.theautopian.com/sharp-edge-s...