DJ Maryalee Scarlet

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DJ Maryalee Scarlet

Death Knight DJ/Twitch Affiliate! She/Her/It/Cow. Plays games badly & swears too much. Sometimes says funny things. Often goes insane from too much coffee. #BLM Formerly @MaryaleeScarlet on the bird site. Mixcloud:
I’ve got a uterus, I’m queer, and I draw porn, so while you can claim none of this would effect you (no wait, if you follow me, you consume porn, therefore you’re being imprisoned with me), you can’t ever tell me not to care. These ppl have done enough physically that I don’t write this off.
The things I am not quoting are horrifying to see, and nauseating. We are at a point where it's not history repeating; but people, who by all reason should know better, are choosing to wallow in the lowest depths. "Humanity" is breaking.
There are better sticker providers.
Reminder to not use Sticker Mule 💅
Something people are sleeping on: One of the 4 state justices who voted to make abortion illegal in Iowa in late June, David May, is up for retention this fall. This was a 4-3 decision. One of 3 states in which justices who upheld bans this year are up:
Your State-by-State Guide to the 2024 Supreme Court Voters this year are deciding the fate of 82 seats across 33 states’ high courts. Cases involving abortion, democracy, and other critical issues hang in the balance.
the biden old noise obscures the fact that the RNC and the trump campaign are not behaving as if they believe they have a very good chance to win. they are in a very large part relying on the media to do their jobs for them, and so far, haven't been wrong to do so. idk if that lasts four months, tho
Everything the GOP and Trump are doing screams to me, "We don't actually think we're going to win the election, we're not really going to try that hard, we're pinning all our hopes on another coup."
The idea that staff meetings in the private sector are not pre-planned, with agendas & topics developed beforehand, and presenters coming in with their presentations already rehearsed, is pretty revealing of ignorance.
It is extremely normal for upper management to receive briefings well in advance to review them and pre-submit questions to the briefers to be ready to address. This sounds like Nate confessing that he’s the shittiest boss in the world.
Remember when Trump got dragged for his "vermin" comment, only for it to seemingly disappear in the following "news cycle?" The fascists aren't even afraid to speak fascist anymore. They're taking it mainstream.
Declaring people to be vermin, enemies of the state, or un-human is the sort of language people adopt before they pursue a genocide.
Granted, as a straight white lady, I’d be extremely far down the list, but the notion that my not-terribly-steamy romances would be bannable and prosecutable as porn in a Project2025 world is one of those “laugh hysterically while they’re dragging you away” things.
I'm certain the P2025 position was not fully explained. They don't want to outlaw porn, they want to criminalize it. And they say anything LGBTQ+ related is porn. Gay? You're a criminal, go to prison. Trans? Prison. Dad's Playboy collection in the attic? Prison.
If you need ideas to flood your congresscritter's inbox....
Scholars often ask me what they can do, and this is a tangible thing. State and local media are, in particular, hungry for opinion pieces from experts. Lots of people targeting that media is more effective than lots of people trying to land that one NYT op-ed
Humanity's knowledge continues to evolve. Meanwhile:
This made me laugh (again) 🥬
Great article. “It is telling that bombing the debate instead of bombing the children of Gaza was the dealbreaker for Biden’s backers.”
New article! A road trip through the American heartland amid a nightmare presidential race
Last Chance, Biden, Trump, and the cope that kills.
*hetero people being gobshite to gaytrans people* gaytrans people: “The problem here is OTHER GAYS”
"We support out veterans!" Until they're disabled; or out of service; or gay; or transgender, or anything else we find personally disagreeable or inconvenient. Congress will pay contractors billions in cost overruns, but Earthmother forbid a military family needs help.
It is always correct to annoy, and disrupt fascists. Also, punch nazis.
My favorite tried-and-true resistance tactic: Being Extremely Fucking Annoying.
Here I sit...since 4am...solving the world's problems? No. Stressing over a setlist. . . . #DJLife
hey yall it's a new month and i have another payment of 450 coming up on the 25th. i'm at 600/30,000 and that's all already gone to utilities and last months payment of 450 shares are greatly greatly appreciated 💜
a visitor...
Help a trans person out of crushing debt, organized by Dogtail Hello, my name is Dogtail and to get straight to the point, I made some pretty … Dogtail North needs your support for Help a trans person out of crushing debt
There was lead in EVERY tampon they tested. There was less lead in organic tampons, but those had higher concentrations of arsenic. Also fun: It's 2024. This is the first ever study testing metals in tampons. Great. 🙃 Study:
Good, but imagine how many more students could have free tuition if billionaires just paid their fair share in taxes. 🤔
NEW YORK (AP) — Free tuition for majority of medical students at Johns Hopkins after $1 billion gift from Bloomberg Philanthropies.
I'm feeling a lot better about myself this morning, and it's all 's fault.