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US expat in Korea
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#potd 206: quiet day of teaching and then taking a long nap once I got home. So here's the living room window at night
#potd 205: reading my students The Bad Guys in summer camp. Having them make up their own Bad Guys to use in a choose-your-own-adventure story later in the week. I drew an example Bad Guy on the board
#potd 224: started my summer camp today (we're reading The Bad Guys and writing a group choose-your-own-adventure story). The classroom was 34° when we started. It had dropped one degree by the time I got a picture. Toasty!
#potd 203: repotted some plants this weekend. They weren't thriving in the big planter with the others so maybe this will help
#potd 202: another stray getting treats
#potd 201: dusty gentlecat sheltering from the rain and partaking of one of several treats I tossed it
#potd 200: I used the bread machine to make a cake. Went brilliantly
#potd 199: Marley was dead: to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that. The register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk, the undertaker, and the chief mourner. Scrooge signed it. And Scrooge's name was good upon 'Change, for anything he chose to put his hand to.
New monthly playlist on the blog. Just a summery good time with no subtext or creeping sense of dread.
d.contextualized 2024/07 – Donald J.
#potd 198: Pixar's live-action remake of The Brave Little Toaster
#potd 197: tried to take a picture of a stray kitten, but it scampered into this hidey-hole when I crouched down. So I zoomed in a lot and let the camera auto-adjust the light. That's why it looks like a painting of a cat peeking out of a square hole in a white wall
#potd 196: low-key weekend wraps up with baking molasses cookies. And this time I didn't eat all of them as they came out of the oven!
#potd 195: quiet weekend in so I got happy about cleaning the apartment and putting fresh sheets on the bed
#potd 194: students spent the afternoon working on club activities so a lot of the teachers went home. Except me. I'm not allowed
#booksky Book 17: Trevor Henderson's Scarewaves. Mary has moved with her family into the small town of Beacon Point, a town with stories of many monsters and a history of children disappearing at night. Disappearances are happening again and it's up to Mary and her new friends to save the day.
Kendrick's team talking to him about Drake's reputation:
Baker: but it's already cooked, sir Inventor of toast: cook it.....AGAIN
Part d is the one I'm wondering about. If Biden isn't the nominee, willingly or not, what happens to all the funds donated to his campaign? Can those be transferred to another party or does the Biden campaign function as a single organization with limits on how much it can donate to other campaigns?
serious question: has anyone published a comprehensive explainer on the process steps required to a) replace biden on the ticket (with and against his will) b) hold a mini-primary at the convention c) get the winner of that primary on the ballot in all 50 states d) determine who takes the money pot
Reposted byAvatar Donald
What’s even worse is that because Trump is such a threat we can’t even talk about Biden’s policies, good bad or horrible. This is a politics lacking in substance and man, it is a shame. We deserve better.
#potd 193: I should have taken a picture of the black cat I gave treats to on the way home from work cause I went right to sleep after that. I started doing a photo a day in hopes of hunting down the photogenic things around me or going out to do more. Now I'm struggling to remember to take a pic
Imani Barbarian noted people don't think things will be better under Trump, but *Liberals* will be better under Trump--suddenly willing to oppose state violence and human rights abuses.
Pretty much. Like trans people are losing healthcare now, getting forced to leave homes now, facing de facto police states (often with enthusiastic Dem support) now. As one activist otg recently told me "at least fighting trump the liberals weren't trying to excuse this."
Reposted byAvatar Donald
Kaijune day 7 - Gwoemul
#potd 192: ambivalent chicken approves
#booksky Book16: Gretchn Felker-Martin's Cuckoo. Children sent to a conversion therapy camp in the middle of the desert begin to suspect there's more going on than the routine torture that goes on at those camps. Some monstrous force is replacing the children with duplicates.
Reposted byAvatar Donald
Reposted byAvatar Donald
All right #PortfolioDay, I got ch'er number! Hey, I'm Math, I'm a nonbinary traditional artist operating out of Philadelphia. I like to draw old forests and houses filled with monsters and such. And, I'm available to illustrate your next book! Links here:
Sexually Suggestive
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Do I have any advice? Yes. People often receive ice cream makers as gifts and then never use them so you can get them virtually new off Craigslist for surprisingly low prices. And what you can do with homemade ice cream is amazing. Oh, about writing? Eh, vowels I guess? Vowels are useful.
Do I have any advice? Yes. The advice “don’t split the party” is a joke, not top tier tabletop rpg strategy. You should split the party when it makes sense. Oh, about writing? Um
#potd 190: two businesses on a corner in my neighborhood, both now vacant and up for rent. They survived the pandemic, but whatever is going on now proved to be too much. Getting leery about seeing so many places shut down
Reposted byAvatar Donald