
Guys Macron isn't some kind of idiot savant. His party did better than expected because of Attal and his decisive choice to call for trailing second round candidates to resign. If you keep ascribing this to Macron I will actually slap you
This isn't proof of either the "liberals are all fascists in disguise" thesis or the idea that he is in fact some Jupiterian figure. Literally none of this is down to him.
Less Jupiter, more DJ Khaled getting lost on a jet ski and still somehow winning despite himself
Macron (maybe) and France (for now) got fuckin saved by Macron's deputy having some god damn sense
a banal case study in the superiority of parliamentary heads of government to presidential ones from a country that has both
Macron was ringing round his guys telling them not to drop out. He's not playing 5d chess here.
Macronistes de gauche coming in with a steel chair. I did not know the plan.
My apologies to Gabriel Attal. I was not familiar with his game,
What exactly did he do to save the day? I’ve seen a few people giving him the credit
Convinced most of the Macronist candidates who were in third place to drop out so that the leftist in their race would win instead of the fascist - while Macron was telling them to stay in.
Macron all-but-openly tried to undermine the strategic resignation plan, are people really trying to credit him with the win? That's wild.
Even fucking Centre-Right former PM Édouard Philippe was like vote for anything not FN , which mean he personally voted for a Communist party candidate in his regions runoff. Somehow Macron did not understand this.
My greatest shame is that I kind of like Attal now
Nothing to be ashamed about. I dont share his politics either but antifascism is a broad cause.
Even Édouard Philippe was better at this than Macron and that guy is way more rightwing than Macron. The guy publically announced he was going to vote for a communist party candidate in his region because thats who was up against the FN candidate in his regions runoff.
Macron is like the guy who decided to throw a party on short notice, everyone knew he was going to screw it up, and the only reason it didn't go bad was because the other guests coordinated behind his back to bring enough drinks and food.
It's certainly not down to him lol . But now that it didn't blow up in everybodies face you need to take a sober look at this. I think honestly the majority of France did not know or think that ~30% of voters would absolutely put a fascist in government and they need to be stopped .
Sure hope they don't forget that lesson the next election comes around.
How could they not know that when Le Pen got 40% of the vote in the 2022 presidential election?