Wonka Struggle Session

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Wonka Struggle Session


In my 3rd Period McDavid Era
I think this article nails what is wrong with the press (starting with the NYT specifically) and why it won’t matter. presswatchers.org/2024/03/why-...
Sweet Jesus tap dancing Christ.
What the actual fuck, NYT?
the sotomayor dissent is not very inspiring to me. i’d rather she said “biden you can kill the guy and it would be fine. go now go go go do it now he isn’t gonna read this”
The Supreme Court just overthrew the country and I’m still seeing headlines that are like “did you know Joe Biden is like, months older than his opponent?”
It's hard to even imagine the limits of the power that SCOTUS has just handed the president. If you can keep 34 senators and the military on your side, you can do anything.
The really bitter irony here is that SCOTUS is making the president a king while a Democrat is president. They aren't worried about it because they know Democrats won't accept Biden actually acting the way they are saying he can.
I've seen tomorrow's NYT front page (international edition), and it's time to update the kitten meme again.
With new reporting out today saying that New York Times publisher AG Sulzberger is encouraging his writers to attack Biden over his age until Biden gives a long interview to his newspaper, it's time to update the kitten meme.
Meanwhile, NYT has NEVER reported on the suspected Egyptian payment to Trump in 2016, much less the new news that there's a Chinese link.
Full court press - the Times can make a story last when they want it too, similar to how every conservative - even the "moderates" start rowing in the same direction when theres a supreme court confirmation fight.
One of my favorite memes is the “woman yelling at cat” one, so when I saw this I almost choked on my drink
A lot of white progressives think there's a control panel for black voters hidden in the DNC HQ somewhere & if they could just crash through the doors they'd definitely find the button that makes black people like them.
I’m particularly unfond of hearing the phrase “they’re forcing biden on us”. like, who’s the they here pal
i have to admit that the every four year tradition of white progressives explaining to black progressives that no one actually likes the politicians black progressives have voted for is wearing thinner and thinner with me every time
anyway I can’t think of any way that unceremoniously ejecting the incumbent Dem president from the ticket, four months before the election, with no agreement on a successor, no process to pick one, and most people pushing the idea assuming it WON’T be the vice presidents, could possibly backfire
Wouldst thou like to live hydratedly
The thing about gerontocracy is that to be quite blunt people only think it is bad when their geriatric is not the one crat-ing.
Holy American Empire territory does strike me as a likely outcome
I think we’re going to see true chaos. The states will now diverge even more wildly on a host of matters. The supremes will start invoking the interstate commerce clause with wild abandon. That will encourage yet more balkanization. Someone said we’re heading towards Holy Roman Empire territory. Yup
Voters: they’re mysterious!
1.5%? We’re doing all this over 1.5%?
perfect analogy. NYT can't watch a single day before pumping out a histrionic take. Bonus: it is sure to be ignored by the ostensible target and paraded around by the existential threat we are theoretically facing. For good measure, it might alter the dynamic it purports to be describing.
The courts and the republicans are teeing up a case to hit obergfell at the Supreme Court.
Texas Supreme Court Justices Friday ruled that a Waco judge who had refused to officiate same-sex marriages had a right to sue the State Commission on Judicial Conduct for reprimanding her. www.chron.com/politics/art...
Texas justices back Waco judge who refused same-sex marriageswww.chron.com In a slew of rapid-fire decisions Friday, the Texas Supreme Court sided with a Waco judge who had been reprimanded for refusing to officiate same-sex marriages.
The people getting most excited about the debate are those that already wanted him to lose
I try to opine more about the Mets than about politics because I like social media to be fun but my god anyone who thinks last night’s debate is going to matter needs to remember Killary won all 3 debates, and worst 2 of the 3, and she still lost. Touch grass and realize you are too online
"Why does Biden look and sound fine when his campaign is shooting him on film the day after and didn't when it was the news hand of David Zaslav's company?" has its own answer if you just think about it a little bit
this illustrates why I think they actually need to just get Biden on TV all the time right now this version of him isn't as smooth as he used to be but it's totally fine - he's there, he's engaged, he can do the job "I had a cold, lemme tell some self deprecating jokes and shit on Trump"
Biden in NC today: "I know I'm not a young man. I don't walk as easy as I used to. I don't speak as smoothly as I used to ... [but] I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong. I know how to do this job ... I know like millions of Americans know, when you get knocked down you get back up!"
"When you get knocked down you get back up!"www.youtube.com YouTube video by C-SPAN
as much as i think that debate was bad for biden i also find myself contemptuous of the assorted libs having a full blown panic attack
To the extent that this matters at all, I suspect it will be biden's enormous advertising budget taking choice clips of trump sounding insane and putting them on every swing state TV for the next five months
This Is What Our Political Press Sounds Like
all the "if trump remains disciplined and on-message and coherent at the debate it will be bad news for joe biden" Takes are on the same intellectual level of Nazis Win WW2 alt-history that requires Hitler to, fundamentally, Not Be Hitler
the reason this matters to me is because reactionary anti-AI chatter is devolving into a kind of “well, the fact that it *could* be true says something about society”, when it’s like, no, man, i don’t think some crank making a YT video about brain prisons floating in space says anything at all
idk, man, if i were an editor at, say, the daily mail or any of the other quasi-reputable outlets that ran this horseshit, i might do a double take and have some questions about the prison of the future floating in fucking space
idk, man, if i were an editor at, say, the daily mail or any of the other quasi-reputable outlets that ran this horseshit, i might do a double take and have some questions about the prison of the future floating in fucking space
it’s an interesting example of how the sludge sausage gets made, though, every article is linking back to a different article which does not link to a company webpage or a PR statement or an interview, it’s just a ouroborous of regurgitated horseshit
"The American dictatorship will let me post hammer-and-sickle content as a Resistance Fighter" My sweet, sweet summer child, you will be ground to dust---metaphorically, if you are lucky
Also, and this is a bit Pascal's Wager-y so forgive me, if you think voting doesn't work, you are arguing for authoritarianism and you need to start acting like an authoritarian will be reading your posts soon. Log off and let us fools hang ourselves making the case for doomed liberalism
I just read the line "I am not against multiethnic families in principle" from a nominally leftist account before they went on to expound on how only a few people are qualified to form one and you know what, fuck Americans and all their works. Full offence.