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Reposted byAvatar Ada
Policy work isn’t about convincing people to do the right thing for the right reason; it’s about convincing people to do the right thing for *their* reasons. Even—especially!—when they’re annoying and wrong.
That's politics. You have to caucus with annoying and wrong people sometimes.
Has anyone written anything about London city airport being literally built on top of the former docks of London and their twinned role in empire?
Tony soprano is a dyke style icon change my mind.
Reposted byAvatar Ada
just invented the word “stroadman” and then giggled to myself for a full minute, have a good weekend everyone
Yeah yeah I can tell where this list is going.
"go piss girl" is a modern blessing.
Reposted byAvatar Ada
PSA Wikipedia is a REALLY good resource. Its editing, sourcing, and fact-checking are better than the average print encyclopedia, and even than many peer-reviewed publications. In many cases reading the basic Wikipedia article on a topic will greatly improve your understanding and basic knowledge.
Reposted byAvatar Ada
How AI is going: I googled “they pay me in woims” looking for this Nancy panel and the third result was a straightfaced SEO article called “They Pay Me In Woims: The Truth About This Bizarre Form Of Payment”
Reposted byAvatar Ada
This is actually a terrible move. Giving people the illusion of privacy when you can't give them actual privacy is extremely dangerous, because they always think there's more privacy than there is. Even if you set this flag on your account, anyone in the world will be able to see your posts.
We previously shared that we’re releasing a public web view soon so that you can view Bluesky posts without being logged in. The upcoming release will not have the public web view enabled yet, but it will have a tool to opt out of it. More details in this thread 🧵
Reposted byAvatar Ada
I’m grateful to Shado Mag for commissioning me to write on direct action, Palestine and international resistance beyond a ceasefire. I hope it is useful, in some way, to those interested in organising beyond marches. 🇵🇸
Beyond a ceasefire: how humanitarian can a “pause” be? In Amardeep's first piece for shado, they write about the limitations of a "humanitarian pause" in Palestine.
Reposted byAvatar Ada
hello it is very cold and I can't afford to top up my gas could anyone spare a fiver so that it can be above 10C in my flat please
Reposted byAvatar Ada
Reposted byAvatar Ada
asking DALLE to make an image of a Microsoft data center on fire to see if it's capable of suicidal ideation
Reposted byAvatar Ada
twitter users stone age in 2023 hunter-gatherers 🤝 mastodon attempt failed, turned to sky worship for sustenance
Reposted byAvatar Ada
hi i'm currently out of work while recovering from GRS, and benefits arent enough my bank is projecting a shortfall of £225 this month. even just a few quid my way helps cover the smaller bills like gas so i can have hot water. if you can help i would appreciate it.
Reposted byAvatar Ada
Kojima was working on a Bose-Einstein condensnake before Konami fired him
Reposted byAvatar Ada
That’s all it took, huh
Reposted byAvatar Ada
Hey everyone, I could really use 1 day / week of tech contracting to fund my aid work right now. We're kinda at a pivotal moment, but donations are still catching up. I'm good at: - web dev - domain modeling - project management - IRL ops - networking - startups Techies plz share <3
Reposted byAvatar Ada
We are sad to hear that Daniel Ellsberg has passed away. His work bringing the Pentagon Papers to light, advocating for government transparency, and co-founding the Freedom of the Press Foundation, has immeasurably improved the world. We are grateful to have known him.
Reposted byAvatar Ada
Hi there fellow recovering Twitter addicts.
Normally I organise in a very feminist space(cos I made it so) and with people who are primerily feminists(of various stripes, it'd come to mind like, first second or third when describing themselves) and I _really_ hate not doing that. Also organising with men fucking sucks
It's funny, men love to threaten to get out of their car and murder you, but if you give them a wave later when you're locking up your bike with the big heavy D lock, suddenly they wouldn't hit a faggot.
Working on something fun: Turning Point UK meme generator, matching their style exactly for arbitrary quotes.
Reposted byAvatar Ada
Does anyone want to make my morning by donating to us? Could really use a small boost. 🖤 You can choose your favorite initiative at or contribute to our general fund at
Me, explaining security to activists.
Reposted byAvatar Ada
PSA: It might feel like you're skeeting into a cosy walled garden right now, but at the protocol level it's more like this:
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