
I kinda wanna investigate this now
I grew up in a household that used small trashcans as standby barf repositories, and married someone with the same baseline. Barf bowls were never a thing for us and they’re such an alien concept. Is this the vomit version of a “Coke vs. Soda vs. Pop” kind of regional practice?
People, the bowl/bucket is for if you’re bedridden. Of course the fucking toilet everyone’s PREFERRED receptacle
yeah small trashcans here
one time at a party I was so drunk I dodged the open toilet to puke in the tub and the host was so mad at me and honestly I deserve the scorn
Did that once in my own apt well after the party died. Sometimes you just know it's gonna be projectile AF. Unless you puked on a shampoo bottle or something, I see no harm. Also a good argument for the wand showerhead on a cable vs a fixed one.
We use those blue disposable emesis bags they use at a hospital. Fully contained, easy to tie off, chuck in the trash after. Like $10 on Amazon for 100 of them.
The hard outer ring can hurt once you've pressed one against your face for a few hours, but this *is* a great option.
I knew you’d have to say it. 🤣
The barf bucket was a reused ice cream pail and it got thrown away once the sickness passed.
Oh, that’s good. It has a handle for easy transport and you won’t miss it even a little after it’s trashed.
This is how my family drove from Toronto to Florida during March breaks with three carsick prone boys when I was a kid. Vaguely vanilla scented good times.
Need the straight up and down back splash of a trash can not a friggin vomit half pike that a bowl provides
Our house growing up used the rubber tub mom would wash dishes in, which both makes total sense and zero sense depending how one looks at it
A lot easier to clean the tub than bedding or the carpet🤢.
A small trash can (probably from Target), lined with a Target plastic bag, is the way.
See I would simply choose to never need to vomit
Never heard of a bowl in my life. Vomit bag, a trash can, a bucket, sure. But a goddamn bowl? Oof.
Or if you’ve got vomiting and diarrhea at the same time.
Enormous difference between a bucket and a bowl as a vomit receptacle!
I would simply disconnect and drag the toilet into the bedroom
We used an old towel that could either be washed or tossed. Much easier.
What. How do you hold it? Don’t your hands get gross that way??
Plastic kitchen trash bag inside paper grocery bag. Plastic bag (water-tight and, once tied off, air tight), paper bag (gives structure, allows plastic to stand up right but also flexible to the pucker’s needs) then the whole thing goes straight in garbage. No second thoughts while cooking.
Drew, gotta assume you have very powerful vomit expulsion, like me, no way you should be using just a bowl. That vomit will go everywhere.
Or firing from both ends.
*or when it’s coming out both ends at the same time
hard pass on that one too
Mazel tov!
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Worst "built different" imaginable and I'm sure I'm jinxing myself but: I've never been that slow or that sick.
Never even as a small child? Never puked your bed or the carpet on the way? Kids are the worst at judging when they will vomit.
Not to my memory, no. Which (of course) isn't completely probative, and maybe my mom has unshared stories, but it's not a topic that has come up for discussion.
never heard of the concept of a dedicated puke receptacle until this discourse, just used the toilet
hunch is that this might be an only child thing, how often does a very small family have to be puking do ad hoc methods stop being sufficient
Eh, one of 5 siblings here and yeah it’s the toilet. However when you deal with kids and sleep time you get them a bowl or a bucket next to the bed just in case. It’s easier to wash that thing than to mop the floor in the middle of the nigh.
Or a bag or anything , like a trash can too if you have it. You just don’t wanna deal with cleaning beds and sofas and floors in case they misjudge the time it takes to go to the bathroom.
Only child here as well, same situation. Occasionally meant cleaning around the toilet if timing/aim was below par, but that was uncommon. Born in upstate NY, lived there until 7, family moved to Chicago, been there since.
How about when you’re simultaneously vomiting and having power diarrhea?
These receptacles were for instances when one can not make it to the toilet. Think a sick kid in bed with a stomach bug, how often do they wake up/leave for the bathroom in time?
Grew up in Ohio only ever heard using a bathroom/basement trash can. Moved to the west coast and a roommate used a mixing bowl. I wanted to throw the bowl out and he just washed it, I was flabbergasted and never used that bowl or ate anything from it again.
Appalachia, but strong influence of NJ: Always trashcan. The idea of using a bowl is revolting (for whatever reason).
When I was a kid we saved those sort of cheap plastic buckets the gallons of ice cream came in just for that
NY/NJ: never-used roasting pan and a big pot were my dad’s choices; big mixing bowl for my mom. Now with a kid, our house uses big mixing bowls. Waaay easier to clean.
Same: the bathroom wastepaper baskets get drafted to do it in emergencies. Or you could do like my aunt did when I was a kid and get fancy with it. Everyone could have their own! Emesis Basin, 500 cc, Rose : Health & Buy Emesis Basin, 500 cc, Rose: Shampoo Basins & Trays - ✓ FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases
NJ/DC - a kidney shaped barf bowl.
Missouri - small trash can or random plastic bag, never ever cookware.
we absolutely use little plastic trash cans. gotta be careful you don't select like a wire wastebasket but we've most past that issue
This happened once in my childhood and long story short one day the wire and wicker wastebaskets all vanished and were replaced by watertight designs.
Third option is mop bucket. It has a handle, which makes transport and emptying easier.