
one of the pleasures of the 1990s was for your parents to get a computer and brag to everyone how good their kid is at the computer, and then ask you why you like the computer so much, and tell you to get off the fucking computer every day until you moved out
"Stop playing video games so much, it'll rot your brain" 20 years later, my job is installing video games on computers for trade shows and events. And the people who told me my brain would rot watch faux news all day long with drool coming out of their mouths.
they had one too many lead chips from the popcorn ceiling
"don't use the computer to draw things, the computer is not a toy"
You got it for our education and I'm educating myself in art, binch, at least pick a consistent message
You typed and my long-dead father came out holy shit - I had to convince him that no, I wouldn't use the scanner to scan all my artwork and yes it would be a great investment for his home drafting business back in 1995.
My mother was like this even when I moved out! "You're on the computer all the time!" suddenly became "Can you just type this up for me?" Lady, I have a toddler and a full-time degree and you're sat on your arse all day. Go to the library and type it yourself
"you spend too much time on that thing. Go out and play with the other kids" (the ones that bully me at school? No thanks) ... "How do I work this scanner/printer?" "The computer's running slow, can you look at it?" "I can't find that file I saved" "Facebook's doing something weird"
I got grounded for playing Neopets too much
First reply in the thread where the parents were probably right. (I kid)
or refuse to get a second phone line; only to yell at you to get off the computer and interrupt your downloading (RIP dialup isp minute allotment) or head-to-head matches by leaving the handset off the hook
2 line shitlord checking in
Our 11 year old son in the 90's (pre wireless) made a very reasoned presentation to us and convinced us to wire our whole house with Cat-5.
amazing! father did that on his own volition, except for the basement which was 10base2
My mother didn’t mind if we were online all weekend as long as we logged off every few hours so she could check voicemail: thank god for download managers like GetRight.
My parents were not thrilled when they discovered how much my pirated Adobe premiere 6.0 was supposed to cost lmao
Oh god. It’s amazing to me seeing the differences in what’s available now vs then. 3D modeling and animation? Free options. Professional editing and color grading? Free options.
And then you get a job in computers and your parents call you for computer advice until your dying day.
Also "Wow, you're so good with computers! Can you get the viruses off of mine?" Grandma, I'm not "good with computers." I just know how to install games and play them.
I was constantly hunting down AOL disks for more hours online. I needed the hours man!
Same here. Cheaper than dialling UK to Australia on a modem, that’s for sure. Decent company. Ended up writing for one of their online magazines.
Then you learn how to fix shit, and you fix the family PC, only for them to turn against you, that "the PC is running slow bc of all the games" and 5 minutes after a fresh install you'd find toolbar shit, shortcuts and screensavers everywhere. Never again
My parents were heroes for buying that first computer and then gracefully resigning themselves to not quite understanding what I do forever after.
I was that parent! Now I spend too much time on the computer.
"Stop rotting your brain with that thing" *Continue to watch 8 consecutive hours of Troop Cop TV shows*
Hilariously, my parents were extremely like this, but my career is in computers and the internet. I love being right about this. 😄
We need to return to an era where there were dedicated "computer rooms"
Max. Bubby. Have you seen the cost of real estate? We can barely afford dedicated "people rooms".
I’m in this post and wow now the resentment towards one of my parents is a bit pore explainable now
alternate path here is they encourage you to be on the computer which leads you down a path of compsci and now you're stuck ever helping the enfeeble minds to operate apps and fix their printers.
Yeah but I never did get that Dell
My grandma was ahead of the curve, she told me "get in someplace with just a few people and 'do computers'" and by God I did it
"You should do computers" may be the refrain of every Greatest Generation family member that ever watched you get a 5¼" floppy drive to read the disk. (Connecting devices was another impressor.)
Grandparents are the most wise.
I miss dialing into my friends BBS only to have his mom answer the phone and the scream at someone off in another room "it's that computer noise again!"
my grandpa was so worried that my hobby meant i was definitely a Hacker
Hah. The joke's on them, because I'd already moved out long before then.
Dude, I got yelled at to get off the one I bought myself.god my brother was a spoiled brat.
My mother was the computer teacher for my school so the "who are so you good at this" was real followed by the betrayal of "why you on this so much?"