Dr Ella Gilbert

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Dr Ella Gilbert


Head in the clouds, heart in the ice. Climate Scientist & presenter, and massive cloud nerd.

Represented for TV & books by Natalia Lucas at United Agents.
Is West Antarctica more sensitive to climate change than we thought? Three new studies suggest so... In my new video, Dr Alex Bradley joins me to talk Antarctic sea level rise and why it's never been more important to take action. ▶️ youtu.be/7THoXri-kdg
Antarctica might raise sea levels more than we thoughtyoutu.be The West Antarctic is currently chucking a load of ice into the ocean, adding rapidly to sea levels. And now, three new scientific studies have shown that t...
the first thing I learned about climate change is that when it really kicks in (it's already started, but it can get much much worse) is that it goes non linear and all our models and predictions fail because we've changed the environment so much they're no longer applicable
Wahoo! We love handshakes 🤝 Was great to be at the Royal Meteorological Society's annual meeting last month to accept my 2022 award for Emerging Communicator and to celebrate becoming FRMetS. Congrats to all the other winners and fellows from 2022 & 2023 🥳
Climate change is breaking us - as shown by the recent Guardian survey of climate scientists. But as said by many colleagues, the antidote to despair is action. Every tenth of a degree of warming matters, and every action helps. New video >> youtu.be/VLVN4F78O64 <<
Climate change is breaking us – here’s how to copeyoutu.be Everything feels pretty rough right now. Two horrific wars while the pace of climate change feels relentless, with devastating impacts across the world. And new results show that climate scientists - like me - are feeling very pessimistic about the future. So what can we all do to cope with the terrifying reality of the climate crisis? ################################################## Contents 00:00 – A confession 00:28 – The outlook seems bleak 02:00 – Scientists feel broken 03:04 – Barriers to action 03:34 – Take courage! 04:21 – Get involved 05:15 – Fight the fear 07:00 – Stronger together #ClimateChange #ClimateAction #MentalHealth ################################################## Thanks to my Patreon subscribers, including my Patreon Saints: Steven Cowling, Eliot Bryant, Baerbel Winkler, Patrick Hillberg, Michael Unterweger, James Harley Gorrell & Lucien Mansell. Join them here: https://www.patreon.com/dr_gilbz/ ################################################## Channels: @ClimateAdam @Zentouro @SimonClark @JustHaveaThink @ClimateTown @AllAboutClimate References and resources: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/08/world-scientists-climate-failure-survey-global-temperature https://www.theguardian.com/environment/ng-interactive/2024/may/08/hopeless-and-broken-why-the-worlds-top-climate-scientists-are-in-despair https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/09/what-are-the-most-powerful-climate-actions-you-can-take Tollefson (2021) https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02990-w Sanson & Bellemo (2021) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8499628/ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-43294221 https://www.carbonbrief.org/mapped-how-climate-change-disproportionately-affects-womens-health/ www.voteclimate.uk https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/how-to-cope-with-eco-anxiety.html https://mentalhealth-uk.org/blog/what-is-climate-anxiety-and-what-can-we-do-about-it/ https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/is-climate-change-keeping-you-up-at-night-you-may-have-climate-anxiety-202206132761
We need to do 3 things about climate change: 1) Mitigate - reduce emissions 2) Adapt - to changes that have already occurred, those we are committed to, and those we choose to occur because we don’t mitigate enough 3) Suffer - because we don’t do enough to mitigate or adapt
Atmospheric rivers can drive wild extremes in #Antarctica, delivering huge amounts of heat, snow, and even rain. Find out what they mean for the #climate in my new video: ▶️ youtu.be/FetkI1lkBG8 Featuring expert commentary from @jonathanwille.bsky.social
@drgilbz.bsky.social and I can confirm that @hannahritchie.bsky.social is alive and well even though she’s off social media.
February 2024 was the warmest February on record globally, 1.77°C warmer than pre-industrial 9th month in a row that was warmest on record for the respective month of the year Global temperatures for the past 12 months are the highest on record, at 1.56°C above pre-industrial #climate ⚒️🧪
If you don't think we're changing our climate at breakneck speed, you're really not paying attention. From @copernicusecmwf.bsky.social's latest analysis showing record air & ocean temperatures for February.
Until a few years ago, the Antarctic #SeaIce looked healthy, unlike its ailing brother the #Arctic. Then something happened (increased heating in #ocean and atmosphere kicking in) and now sea ice extent around #Antarctica has been reaching new lows year after year. Check this out for more 👇
#Antarctic sea ice just reached its joint second-lowest minimum, according to NSIDC. It's clear that urgent action is required to curb rapid heating at the poles, but is this evidence of a 'regime shift'? Watch here: youtu.be/yNpdMVf5CY8
#Antarctic sea ice just reached its joint second-lowest minimum, according to NSIDC. It's clear that urgent action is required to curb rapid heating at the poles, but is this evidence of a 'regime shift'? Watch here: youtu.be/yNpdMVf5CY8
We love modelling at PolarRES. They're essential for predicting the future of climate change at the poles, and a critical way to understand processes past and present.
The Arktik folks in the PolarRES project have done it again - super nice video of @drgilbz.bsky.social, Ruth Price and a bit of me explaining global climate models, regional climate models and some of the challenges and advances we're hoping to make in the project... polarres.eu/polarresnews...
PolarRES in the Spotlight: Climate models - PolarRESpolarres.eu Exploring future polar climates
New videooo. Have we just blown past our climate target? Find out here: youtu.be/bzVIkCXP-Nk
Analysis of why we saw a big drop in Antarctic sea ice from @drgilbz.bsky.social
Guest post: Why 2023 was an exceptional year for Antarctic sea ice | Dr Ella Gilbert Read here: bit.ly/48O0lwU
In a new @carbonbrief.org guest post, @drgilbz.bsky.social unpacks the extraordinary year of 2023 for Antarctic sea ice. E.g. In July (in mid-winter), sea ice extent was almost 2.5m km2 smaller than the 1981-2010 average. That's an area larger than Algeria. www.carbonbrief.org/guest-post-w...
"So where do we find our hope and our courage to continue? And how can we manage our feelings so that working on global warming is not only bearable, but brilliant!" Eco-Emotions: How we deal with climate fears ft. @drgilbz.bsky.social 26 Jan 2024 www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_ju... climate change
This is an honest discussion about knowing big things about the climate, politics, and emissions trends. For me, sufficiency has been mega-transformative. I have no climate anxiety, more feelings about biodiversity loss but now that is being dealt with where I live. 🤠 youtu.be/N_ju_lDz82w?...
Eco-Emotions: How we deal with climate fears | ft. @DrGilbzyoutu.be Understanding climate change and how we're unravelling our world is gruelling. And to work as a climate scientist and communicator means you're constantly ju...
Eco-Emotions: How we deal with climate fears | ft. @DrGilbzwww.youtube.com Understanding climate change and how we're unravelling our world is gruelling. And to work as a climate scientist and communicator means you're constantly ju...
Fossil fuels won at #COP28. New video, feat the excellent Dr James Kirkham summit-arising here: youtu.be/-DUwmr9wcME
New video! Ahead of #COP28, I spoke to the ICCI's Dr James Kirkham about what's at stake in the negotiations for the cryosphere. And the message is stark: 2°C is simply too high for the world's ice. Watch it here: youtu.be/yJKdQZJ30Hw
COP28 is about to start, and the hosts are trying to use it as a means to expand fossil fuel output. Which is very much *not* compatible with climate targets. So what's the point of climate summits anyway?
What's the point of climate summits anyway?www.youtube.com I hate COP climate summits. And this year’s is especially contentious (I’m lookin’ at you, UAE). But we still need them, because international problems need ...
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