Giorgio Graffino

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Giorgio Graffino

Climate #SciComm wannabe expert. Blogger at Part-time research scientist. Born in the fair country 🇮🇹 Based in the UK 🇬🇧 Lover of music, dance, films, books, and the outdoors.
Meanwhile, from my colleague Zia Wadud, moving all flights <1,000 miles to rail, gives a 5.6% reduction in emissions affecting only 0.17% of journeys. Limiting current flyers to 1 return flight abroad a yr has v high emissions sensitivity as so few journeys would be affected
True scale of carbon impact from long-distance travel The reality of the climate impact of long-distance passenger travel has been revealed in new research from the University of Leeds.
Quick update on how hurricanes (tropical cyclones) are affected by climate change. Hurricanes that form will be: 1) more intense 2) bring more rain 3) bring higher storm surge
Hurricane #Beryl becomes the earliest #Category5 hurricane in the Atlantic basin on record, beating the previously held date in Hurricane Emily (2005) by over two weeks (July 17). #wx
Which countries have the highest share of wind and solar? I turned Ember's data into this graph for you to find out.
The world has warmed around 1.3C since the mid-1800s. Effectively all of this warming is due to emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. But we'd have experienced substantially more – ~0.6C (0.2C to 1.2C) – if planet-cooling aerosols were not masking part of that warming:
NPR's special series, “The Undercount: The invisible death toll from climate change,” aims to answer this question. "We're undercounting the damage by an enormous amount," Borunda says. #ClimteMatters
The Undercount: The invisible death toll from climate Climate change is deadly. Why do so many climate-related deaths go uncounted?
Climate adaptation for plants is needed to protect the most vulnerable of them from warmer, drier conditions. #ClimateSky #GreenSky
Frosty pockets in valleys across the world’s mountainous and hilly areas of the world could help protect some trees against climate change, functioning as “stepping stones” for vulnerable plants and trees, writes
A Buffer Zone for How frosty pockets in valleys could help protect some trees against climate change.
The discussion around climate disinformation is often limited to climate science denial, or arguments about the relative urgency of the climate crisis, but the fossil fuel industry is busily pushing a whole raft of new climate problems disguised as "solutions."
False Climate disinformation doesn’t begin and end with science denial. As the world moves towards climate action, the fossil fuel industry has begun using familiar tactics to advocate for solutions it know...
Amazing tool to #ShowYourStripes + visualise generational effects of #ClimateChange from NASA Even my great-grandmother experienced some warming, but much less compared to my own predicted experience! 🧪
For #ShowYourStripes day, here are the #WarmingStripes of my home country 🇮🇹 Thanks to The mean temperature anomaly for the last couple of years was around 2°C above average! Italian summers have become unbearable. This one won't be different 🥵
Thanks to a rogue move by Austria's climate minister, the European Union has passed a first-of-its-kind law aimed at protecting nature and restoring damaged ecosystems. Here's what it entails:
EU passes historic nature restoration law. Here's what it The law requires member states to put measures in place to restore at least 20% of the bloc’s land and sea areas by 2030.
Tips to beat the heat: 💧 Drink water 👕 Wear light and loose clothing 🏡 Stay indoors ✊ Dismantle the fossil fuel industry
Today is a great day to remind folks in large swaths of the country that climate change is real.
Our latest forum, led by, is now live. Drawing on world-systems theorist Immanuel Wallerstein’s analysis of a “two-step” strategy to state politics, Táíwò argues that the defeat of fossil fuel is the first step to social justice:
Climate, State, and Utopia - Boston The defeat of fossil fuel interests is the first step to social justice.
After a long political battle, EU Countries have just adopted the Nature Restoration Law (NRL) - thanks to Austria's last minute endorsement. 'Client Earth' explains that the adoption of this law is "a turning point for nature and society":
Historic win for EU's nature: EU Council seals the deal on Nature Restoration Law | After a nail-biting last discussion, the EU Council finally adopted the Nature Restoration Law, marking the last step for this long-awaited proposal to become law.
🌎🧪Why does #biodiversity matter? 🌱 Every day there are millions of interactions in #nature that are essential for a healthy, functioning planet. Losing even a small species can have massive impacts on ecosystems and on humans. 🦠 Find out more in this handy infographic.
Your chance to spread the word about how quickly our climate is changing. There’s no better way to communicate this than with Warming Stripes. #ShowYourStripes day is THIS Friday! Download: Choose the type of visual / region and post away!
N2O is responsible for 6% of human-caused warming. A new budget analysis finds that: * the EU has reduced its emissions 31 % * those of emerging economies have grown; China is #1 now * concentrations have exceeded all scenario projections, underscoring the importance of reducing N2O!
Global nitrous oxide budget (1980–2020) Abstract. Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a long-lived potent greenhouse gas and stratospheric ozone-depleting substance that has been accumulating in the atmosphere since the preindustrial period. The mole fr...
Unthinkable just a few years ago: For the first time renewables (wind, solar, hydro) produced more EU electricity than fossil fuels in 2023. 2/3 of EU electricity is from non-fossil fuel generation. Source Ember
Recently we've seen a vibrant debate on when the world will firmly pass 1.5C. Over at I weigh in with a new analysis, finding that it will most likely occur in the late 2020s or early 2030s in a world where emissions do not rapidly decrease.
Nitrous Oxide (N2O) is no laughing matter, atmospheric N2O has increased 25% due to human activities. Today the Global Carbon Project updates the Global Nitrous Oxide Budget, which helps us understand where the N2O comes from and where it goes. 1/
Data from NOAA shows that while Arctic ice coverage has rebounded somewhat from historic lows last decade, the overall trend is still highly dangerous, with ice coverage retreating an average of 13% from year to year 🧪
After another record month of global temperatures, are there signs that we are now over the 2023 hump? Possibly. 🧪 1. Temperatures are now much closer to prior expectations (based on ENSO and long term trends) than they have been.