Dr. Jen Gunter

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Dr. Jen Gunter


Doctor, writer, Canadian Spice, lasso of truth, I speak for no one but me. 2X NYT bestsellers, new book Blood 2024. More thoughts at TheVajenda.com
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A new survey shows that 74% of men regularly pee while standing in the shower, consistent with results from 20 years ago. However, the number of women who pee in the shower is up from 17% to 37%. Be sure to tune in tomorrow to find out why this is bad news for Biden.
Here is why you shouldn’t panic about lead in tampons vajenda.substack.com/p/dont-panic...
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it's pretty cool stuff. an excellent dye, a great natural pH indicator, and a key ingredient in cuisines around the world. also easy to grow and extremely cheap. utterly useless as a medicine though.
I wrote about the dismal data behind turmeric and how it’s not recommended for menopause. Oh, and the money you can make selling it. vajenda.substack.com/p/the-troubl...
The WHI is probably one of the most misunderstood and misinterpreted study of all time. I took a deep dive explain what it found and didn’t vajenda.substack.com/p/getting-on...
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This has been thing for years in library science. People won the information lottery with the Internet, but without information literacy skills, the windfall is squandered. Too many believe that access is the same thing as knowing how to effectively use it.
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The abortion ban going into effect tomorrow in Florida "is the biggest change to the abortion access landscape since Roe was overturned,” Stephanie Loraine Piñeiro, executive director of Florida Access Network, told me.
Florida’s Six-Week Abortion Ban Will Ruin Some People Financiallynewrepublic.com Abortion funds are struggling to prepare for much more expensive travel and procedures.
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The death of expertise is painfully slow and drawn out. Hopefully there'll be a rally and we can shake off the growing pains of misinformation spread by media.
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My experience w bears v men outdoors: -Bears never ask me to smile. -When I make noise or say “no bear”, the bear leaves -The bear&I mutually agree to just silently go our separate ways -Bears don’t performatively carry sidearms on trails -Bears understand the meaning of avoiding eye contact
The explosion of pseudoscience and crap sconce on other social media platforms feels like it is getting worse, especially on Instagram and threads. Wondering is this is particular to my niche, or if others are seeing it?
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lawful protesting isn't even possible in authoritarian societies like the one Trump wants to transform America into. Just saying.
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In @vox.com, I explained how federal policy encourages car bloat, making American vehicles more enormous, polluting, and dangerous than they'd otherwise be. That's the exact opposite of what we should be doing. www.vox.com/future-perfe...
I did a lot of baking yesterday! I haven’t had time for a while and it was a lot of fun. We had homemade bagels for breakfast and cheesecake for dessert.
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(Seriously, I’ve stopped ordering anything with wild mushrooms in it. Some idiot forager is gonna use AI to ID a batch, sell them to a restaurant, and a bunch of people are gonna die in agony.)
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Obviously these companies are structured very differently. Toyota's value is found in the products it makes and brings to market, which people can buy and use. Tesla's value is from Elon Musk sometimes saying things like "I will invent magical taxis by November" and shareholders pissing themselves
Just for comparison. Tesla has delivered a total of 3,878 Cybertrucks. In 2023, Toyota produced an average of about 24,000 vehicles per day.
Yes, Wiley Protocol is super scammy
Dr. Jen Gunter rocks & she said, “The Wiley Protocol®, which sounds medical but is a hormone regimen designed by T.S. Wiley, a woman without medical training. The Wiley Protocol® is apparently “bio-mimetic HRT” (a nonsensical term) that was a thought experiment.” vajenda.substack.com/p/misinforma...
Misinformation about Bioidentical and Compounded Hormonesvajenda.substack.com The Dangerous Legacy of Suzanne Somers
It is very hypocritical of Crooked Media to call out sportswashing all the while engaging in podwashing of supplements. A supplement that seems to promote binge drinking, no less. vajenda.substack.com/p/how-supple...
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Most senior faculty at top institutions are traveling all the time and are running their labs through email/zoom. So it's not unusual but the students greatly suffer.
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"MSNBC hosts & guests spend many minutes—if not hours—talking about the innumerable dangers of a potential 2nd Trump presidency. The way to stop a wannabe despot is by neutralizing his levers of power; it is not by promoting one of his henchwomen to a prestigious platform for spouting propaganda." 👍
New: I wrote about my widely-read Ronna McDaniel email to MSNBC, the power, freedom and pitfalls of being a freelance journalist, and the inability to shut my mouth. Read/subscribe:
Ronna McDaniel vs. mewww.thehandbasket.co On being a freelance columnist (and that viral email)
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As a neuroscientist, I wish more people understood that "I'm a neuroscientist" means "I know a lot about one type of cell in the eye of a mouse" (in the case of Huberman) and not "I am an expert on all topics in the fields of medicine and psychology"
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this guy but he only speaks in Simpsons lines
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The easiest strategic PR move now would be for NBC News to say, "We made a mistake and we're proud of our journalists for being fearless and honest in calling us out for it," pay McDaniel off and send her packing. If that happens, this goes away much faster than if they try to tough it out.
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I don’t know who wrote this, but it’s absolutely perfect
Can you run a functioning neurobiology lab and live 350 miles away? nymag.com/intelligence...
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