
Obviously these companies are structured very differently. Toyota's value is found in the products it makes and brings to market, which people can buy and use. Tesla's value is from Elon Musk sometimes saying things like "I will invent magical taxis by November" and shareholders pissing themselves
Just for comparison. Tesla has delivered a total of 3,878 Cybertrucks. In 2023, Toyota produced an average of about 24,000 vehicles per day.
Tesla stock price is 100% due to Musk continually repeating empty promises about full self driving and other vapourwear being just round the corner. If you listen to him he always couches it language like "I firmly believe that" or "I would be very surprised if we don't" etc., to avoid liability.
But yeah, Sam Bankman-Fried, Elizabeth Holmes and Bernie Madoff all went down for less
Without defending Musk, who is a liar with substantial legal liability, no. All of the people you listed went down for much worse things.
Given the death toll of "Autopilot" and "Full Self-Driving," I'd say that's debatable. The other three's fraud has killed far fewer people.
SBF, Holmes, and Madoff all had fine print claiming they actually COULD do all the things they were promising Elon, so far, has been smart enough to make sure the fine print is always the accurate part (see the new stuff about “supervised” “full self driving”)
I wonder what would happen to Tesla stock if Musk was booted. Or how much he would have to personally fuck up the company for it to be worth it vs. the cult of personality stock value boost he provides.
whoever said "Tesla is valued like a tech startup not a car company" stays winning
Robotaxi really does seem like a desperate attempt to pump stock value doesn't it
Everything he does is a desperate attempt to pump stock value.
My guess is he's going to make an electric quadracycle like the Citroën Ami, slap on the FSD parts, and limit it to 28 MPH so he can skimp out on stuff like airbags.
Yes, they will be confined to areas outside normal traffic as well so the fsd works without interference. It'll ferry VCs from rich person spot to rich person spot
I love my 2015 Toyota RAV4. Best car I have had.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - I will have to replace my 2005 Scion xB some day and I’ll probably be MISERABLE to be around for the entire following week. DriveBox has been SUCH a loyal beauty, I adore it. (I GENUINELY resent Toyota for changing this design and then getting rid of it.)
I cannot believe that humans still fall for a clown that slathers orange crust all over his face and an Apartheid brat that has been selling smoke and mirrors since he's 11. They truly deserve to lose all their money
I keep seeing people talking about Toyota's problems all of which may be true but they don't change the fact that Toyota sells cars and Tesla sells fantasy and only one of those business nodels is gonna work long term.
Sinclair C5 sales still exceed the number of CTs delivered.
Musk to his engineering dept: "I saw a thing in a sci-fi movie while tweaking on ketamine and I want to make it for real. I already announced it on X so make it happen or you're fired"
Ya know, if I worked in Advertising for a company that produced electric cars, I'd do a whole campaign around how our biggest advantage over our competition was that we didn't have to bow to the whims of a pathetic man child and could just focus on making quality cars.
It should've been a Matchbox toy only...
Musk in November: "You see, I actually said 'toy Yoda,' so I didn't mislead shareholders at all . . ."
i had a very small short on tesla that i held onto out of spite until i briefly made like $40 off of it & got out. that company is hot trash.
The Model S and Model 3 were very, very good EVs. The 3 still is. Since then it’s been a clusterfuck, and an example of what happens when the product manager takes charge of engineering.
If they’re very, very good, why do they kill so many people? Why do they trap people inside while they’re on fire, a problem other car manufacturers solved years ago? Why do they burst into flames so often? They have a very good electrical drive system, on paper. They are not good cars.
Heard one expert say that Tesla’s motor are so good they should just license that tech and stop making cars. They’d make much more money.
When I said very very good I wasn’t including self drive…
Still waiting on a Hyperloop that's not just a narrow tunnel you can drive a Tesla though.
That whole thing was a scam to kill a railway project.
Wow, you're getting some Real Normal People in these replies.
If he had just shut up people would still believe he knew something they don’t when he makes his outlandish claims. 😂
Elon = Enron You're welcome
Tesla's value is from how the California basin sucks for smog, leading to unique state emission laws. CA tried to force all car makers to make EVs. The big guys tried then went no, the law changed where they could buy EV credits in CA and Tesla were the ones they could buy credits from to comply.
Puts them in this weird magical bubble of not being competed with and propped up with cash from big car companies who saw it as bad to not be able to sell regular cars in CA, but also that making their own EVs was too fiddly and didn't work outside CA. Plant a tree carbon credits gone (more) wrong.
Seems like bad news for them that traditional car companies are making EVs now then.
Pretty much! They were banking big on being a part of China's anti-smog EV scheme. Only that's pretty much fallen through as China decided to just do it themselves with Chinese car companies. They were pioneers in the space for normalising EVs, but have failed at scaling build quality & production.
I dunno… At least w/r/t US automakers. Once demand softened they fled right back to ‘ICE trucks/SUV are how we make money’. Rather than develop EVs consumers want they are mostly just doing biz as usual. The Chinese are poised to absolute clobber Detroit.
We had the earliest Honda EV, only available as a lease. It was such a sweet car! They had hoped to prove EVs wouldn’t work and accidentally made fervent fans. Leased were ended &Honda dragged them back from unwilling drivers, leaving long parallel lines in the dirt where we dug in, hung on, & lost😫
And, if I recall correctly, Toyota had some trouble, caused by a cyberattack? Anyway, the result had been some production stoppages, of more than a day. But they got through all that, too.
I am told that some Japanese vehicles also have historically had an issue with accelerating right into stuff
more of an operator issue for them though
Bought a Toyota Corolla Cross Hybrid with all the bells & whistles. Approx $25k. 5 liter/100km. Speed control, lane assist, front radar. Not self driving but long trips you seldom touch the brakes or accelerator. I can live with that.
So I was wondering the cost of the cybertruck. Let's ask CoPilot... Yeah, right...
To think Elon at one point said a pressurized version of his truck would be used on Mars...
There has never been and will never be a more apt description
How’s that Mars thing going eh?
Consumer personal [and behavioral] data is the new Crack cocaine of big companies. Once they start collecting...and completion demands they do so. Unless a law is passed, it's inevitable.