charlotte ($0/$1200)

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charlotte ($0/$1200)

hardcore soft butch | transsexual badass | perpetually lying about being 26 | prettier than your girlfriend | lesbian | im normal

roommate/fuck buddy/soulmate:

venmo: falsegrindmassacre
$0/$1200 with the exception of using up the last bit of goodwill i had available with any family, there has been zero movement since saturday this is becoming dire we're in danger of bills getting ignored for rent again soon please help peggy and me venmo: falsegrindmassacre mutual aid 💸💕
$0/$1200 managed to get internet and electric handled with a combination of the money already received and some family help still owe 2 months of car payment (past due), car insurance, renter's insurance, and cell phone please help us survive the job hunt venmo: falsegrindmassacre mutual aid 💸💕
do u even know what bussy is ur honor
my gender is and always will be massive dyke with a fat cock
my gender is kristen stewart in happiest season
my gender is bitch who fucks hard
i have absolutely no need for it, but i'd get this clock. my grandma had it and i was told it would be passed down to me when she passed, but that didn't happen
how i feel when someone calls me “they” or “this person” after they deem me the wrong kind of tranny
i mean, like i needed another reason
$0/$1200 with the exception of using up the last bit of goodwill i had available with any family, there has been zero movement since saturday this is becoming dire we're in danger of bills getting ignored for rent again soon please help peggy and me venmo: falsegrindmassacre mutual aid 💸💕
$0/$1200 managed to get internet and electric handled with a combination of the money already received and some family help still owe 2 months of car payment (past due), car insurance, renter's insurance, and cell phone please help us survive the job hunt venmo: falsegrindmassacre mutual aid 💸💕
please help
$0/$1200 managed to get internet and electric handled with a combination of the money already received and some family help still owe 2 months of car payment (past due), car insurance, renter's insurance, and cell phone please help us survive the job hunt venmo: falsegrindmassacre mutual aid 💸💕
they love to see a bitch (tranny) from portland oregon losing (unable to pay for her/her family's basic needs) simply because her "lot" (transsexual women) won't "be respectful" (not advocate for themselves and allow themselves to get walked all over for the right to be barely allowed to exist)
i love all women literally every single woman except for terfs they should be shot on sight
do any of you really fucking SEE your transphobia no, you don't.
please help
$0/$1200 managed to get internet and electric handled with a combination of the money already received and some family help still owe 2 months of car payment (past due), car insurance, renter's insurance, and cell phone please help us survive the job hunt venmo: falsegrindmassacre mutual aid 💸💕
$0/$1200 managed to get internet and electric handled with a combination of the money already received and some family help still owe 2 months of car payment (past due), car insurance, renter's insurance, and cell phone please help us survive the job hunt venmo: falsegrindmassacre mutual aid 💸💕
$114/$1500 no donations yesterday, 2 months past due on car today, 2 months past due on internet, other bills due urgently please help peggy and me survive until i get work lined up once my IT support program is over i'll be so much more employable venmo: falsegrindmassacre mutual aid 💸💕
eating that pussy (sucking a dick)
"i don't think smash mouth has ever missed"
eating that pussy (sucking a dick)
always remember: no matter how bad your life gets, you're better at life than skip bayless
finally, a position of his i can support
"in another universe, I'd have really loved to go golfing with you" 💔😿
this election is giving enemies to lovers slow burn
this election is giving enemies to lovers slow burn
my shit so tight it squeaks
$0/$1200 managed to get internet and electric handled with a combination of the money already received and some family help still owe 2 months of car payment (past due), car insurance, renter's insurance, and cell phone please help us survive the job hunt venmo: falsegrindmassacre mutual aid 💸💕
$114/$1500 no donations yesterday, 2 months past due on car today, 2 months past due on internet, other bills due urgently please help peggy and me survive until i get work lined up once my IT support program is over i'll be so much more employable venmo: falsegrindmassacre mutual aid 💸💕