Evan Auerbach

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Evan Auerbach


Husband, father, “technology guy”, occasional guitarist, relapsed diver, rookie pilot
Reposted byAvatar Evan Auerbach
/8 At any rate, congratulations to the Federalist Society for an achievement beyond the reach of the British, outside the grasp of bloody civil war, impossible to Nazis and Soviets and terrorists: defeating the American idea.
Reposted byAvatar Evan Auerbach
Reposted byAvatar Evan Auerbach
The bone stupid shit you read on Substack about "free speech" is an elaborate cover for a right-wing, oligarchic chilling of anti-billionaire speech through weaponized lawsuits. They're all buddies, the guys writing those Substacks and those right-wing billionaires.
Reposted byAvatar Evan Auerbach
It’s important to note that this is NOT Ben Shapiro. Ben Shapiro is not a clitoral denier. Ben Shapiro’s relationship to the clitoris is more akin to Columbus’ relationship to the East Indies.
I don’t know what I expected
Reposted byAvatar Evan Auerbach
grow a third arm, got it
Reposted byAvatar Evan Auerbach
If voting never changed anything, they wouldn't spend so much time and money doing voter suppression
Reposted byAvatar Evan Auerbach
Reposted byAvatar Evan Auerbach
Petition to honor Michael Shannon every Jan. 6
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The Civil War started because white southern conservatives rebelled against the election of an anti-slavery president. And today, white southern conservatives like Tom Cotton would sooner tear it apart again than prosecute an insurrection by a Confederate flag waving mob at the Capitol.
Reposted byAvatar Evan Auerbach
Reposted byAvatar Evan Auerbach
its okay everyone, for the first time ever, my mom settled the debate
Reposted byAvatar Evan Auerbach
LLMs don't have morality, they are not moral actors. They know two things: a) reformat search results to look like human speech and b) don't use bad words. Asking them to solve trolley problems is like asking the Chuck E. Cheese band to play Freebird
Reposted byAvatar Evan Auerbach
Once again, it seems necessary to warn the American Left that when a completely fascist movement is about to seize control of their country, it’s probably not the best time to whine that that Democrats won’t buy them a fucking pony.
End of feed.