Edith Charles 🏳️‍⚧️

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Edith Charles 🏳️‍⚧️


Known on Twitter as @thestuffofmemes | Recovering journalist | Bylines: Huck, Dazed, ThinkProgress, Guardian (US) | homelessness survivor |♿|🏳‍⚧|🏳‍🌈|⛓|🎲| polyamorous | Trekkie | marooned (normal island) | she/her | abolish golf
Someone should invent a chode lightsaber
In Amazon's LotR the main antagonist uses the evil "Palantir" technology to spy on people and sell them “Rings” which are designed to ultimately give him more power
pretty funny 2 of amazon’s breakout series concern the evils of wealthy monopolies that exploit workers and sway governments to increase their profits to everyone’s doom
Thinking of rebranding as cute and adorable
[first date] ME: so what’s your major DATE: physics ME: ooh can you tell my future DATE: wha- ME: what am i thinking right now
i am really, REALLY not okay with the idea that someone writing about sexual assault means they must be an abuser. for one thing, the vast majority of art about sexual abuse is created BY THE VICTIMS. the idea that depicting abuse makes you an abuser really fucking pisses me off actually.
something that i saw in regard to the latest abusive celebrity man that has been bothering me a lot is someone asserting that because the man in question had written sexual abuse into his work, that should’ve been a red flag to let us know that he was a sexual abuser. no. that is not how that works.
Fellas is it gay to play an MMORPG? You're literally grinding with your friends.
My top shortage ended when I stopped being lazy and this says a lot about society
This morning Effie and I are listening to a choice selection of my favourite dad rock (1969-76) while we put up the new bookshelves 🌧️
There is no "top shortage"
submissives, take some fucking notes. if you're not WORTH dominating, you're just a bug and no one thinks twice about you. make yourself into someone worth that kind of devotion, and you'll find someone who sees your holiness (and holeyness)
I mean, I hate to sound trite and talk about kayfabe but...there's a coherent reason these people are always projecting about left wingers' "faux outrage"
When the priorities of an electorate aren't borne out by the priorities of a "strong government" they elect, it's not because their wildly skewed electoral systems are failing, but rather because they're working exactly as designed. Why give voters actual democracy when the mere feel of one will do?
seeing a handful of folks respond to the neil gaiman allegations with some version of “i knew it bc he married amanda palmer” and while i’m all for dunking on amanda palmer (who SUCKS) i just wanna mention abusers can surround themselves with kind and lovely people and still do abuse too ✌️
When I want people to know how extremely not mad I am I also invent laws
These people have studied economics, they aren't mistaken, just lying. All this "an economy is like a household" dogshit is how we let austerity create this mess and they are signalling their full intent not to fix any of it.
Not even one day and she’s at it already
Now that Penny Mordaunt has lost her seat am I allowed to say something without you guys getting mad
Yep. Historically they're both middling performances for Labour in terms of votes and vote share bsky.app/profile/nava...
The interesting thing about that one for me is that the historic Labour defeat of 2019 happened on a vote share that was 8th best out of the last 12 elections, and the historic Labour victory of 2024 was achieved on a vote share 7th best of 12 FPTP is a crazy system...
The funny thing about Starmer's supposedly historic mandate to sit on his hands and entrench our managed decline is that going by ballot count Jeremy Corbyn won more votes in 2019
Oh mate it was so funny, the doc was trying so hard to break bad news to me gently and manage my expectations before telling me "we can probably only manage 20-30 sessions focusing on laying to rest the 6 worst things to ever happen to you and defying all of your low, low expectations of our system"
Still floored by how amazing this is
Intake part 2: they've just referred me for both an autism assessment and, at long fucking last, EMDR! It's taken me YEARS to fight for this outcome, I'm literally shaking with surprise and relief. This is EXACTLY what I wanted. I made it here alive? I WASN'T wrong to spit in death's eye after all??
Pretty sure the guy who sued for the Buckethead name was the American guitarist
I speak in RP and I sound fine, he's just a clown
Yes but he was forced to rebrand as Count Binface after a lawsuit a few years ago