
they got basically the same share of the vote and doubled their seats, can't spin that as anything other than outrageously undemocratic
Without tactical voting i doubt it would be as bad but thats flat out baked into the electoral system.
If any conservative pundits mention this, please be sure to reply with "so you're saying you think we should have a more... proportional voting system?" 😇
The rules of the election were well known ahead of time. In general, it is more productive to win elections under the existing well-known rules, instead of belly-aching about how unfair the rules are.
thanks for the complete non sequitur
Not wrong when you take tactical voting into account. Voters know how to game the system too . The main objective of many was to minimize the Tories . The LibDem voting share is pretty bad but they won their most seats ever because voters knew where it made sense to vote for them and where not
I think folks are making a comment about the inherent distortions of FPTP instead of blaming Labour for playing by the rules of the game.
Exactly . Plenty of reporting about where Labour went out and spend time and effort to campaign and where they didn't put in effort . Labour under Corbyn IRC wanted to compete everywhere . It gained them a decent vote share but that doesn't help you win election in the UK system by ittself.
I know for example some people reacted angrily when Labour stopped puttin in effort into the seat Farage won but if you look at the result there was no world where putting in more money and effort would've helped them at all.
Right. It’s like the difference between shooting for a big popular vote win instead of focusing on the swing states in the Electoral College.
There has been an awful lot of comment about Labour's vote share from Corbyn sympathizers and I am not impressed. There is also a lot of focus from too many online pundits about admitting DC and Puerto Rico for US Senate elections instead of Democrats winning the states that already exist.
We should admit D.C. and Puerto Rico to afford them proper representation in our government. There is certainly no guarantee that Puerto Rico will elect Democrats post-statehood. It’s still the right thing to do if Puerto Ricans want it.
FPTP doing what it do 🤷‍♂️
It’s axiomatic that NO system of voting is perfect So rather than bitch about Labour consigning Tories et al to “also ran” curiosities… Why not look smart and suggest a theory of why candidates aligned with a 14% minority party, should take a seat from one the district’s constituents solidly favor
no system is perfect, but results here aside--which I heartily welcome--FPTP plainly sucks compared to proportional parliament or MMP
This is the wrong takeaway. What this really shows is that primaries are good things. Reform and Conservatives would get together. Labour, Green, and a good chunk of Lib Dems would get together.
We're 14 years removed from a hung parliament, and 7 from a minority Tory government. Each time, it was only after the elections that coalitions formed (once logically, once pretty strangely). Voters deserve to know in advance what the coalition will be.
If You Ran The Zoo, what fraction of our Congress would you budget to be individually chosen by party bosses to top up their proportion? And need I ask, this means you’d abolish the Electoral College and dramatically disempower the Senate?
well if I ran the zoo I'd set up a New Zealand style MMP system with explicit provision for parties as private institutions, and then I would radically clamp down on party campaign spending and especially outside spending. Senate and EC would gone entirely
"Districts" are part of the system being bitched about
Still bitching, tho—what’s YOUR plan? For 🇬🇧 to have 100 at-large seats and voters get to vote for 100 of the (>500?) candidates Unworkable; leading to no accountability Or “instant runoff” like we enjoy here for local Oakland offices, which might not change much Speak up!
Single Transferable Vote. Every time. You still vote for your own MP but you _actually_ get to rate your preferences rather than the current system. Why did Reform get so many votes Vs Lib Dem/Green? Because the never-Tory voters understand tactical voting, that's why.
Scottish Parliament's system seems fine. There's a bunch of ways to fix it. Oakland IRV doesn't solve the problem, it's just a better way of electing a single person.
Reform split the vote and screwed the Tories. Now Britain can unite in telling Nigel Farage to fuck off.
Their moderate centrist saviour getting lower turnout and no higher vote share compared to ""terrible toxic vote losing leftist" Corbyn is REALLY SOMETHING